
As Edwin turned around , he came face-to-face with his father, Herbert Blackwood. Herbert stood with an imposing presence, his well-tailored suit and stern demeanor embodying the gravitas of the Blackwood patriarch. The aging man’s dark eyes surveyed Edwin with a mixture of concern and disapproval.

 “Edwin,” Herbert said, his voice deep and commanding. “Why are you so late?”

 Edwin felt a knot tighten in his stomach. He had hoped to avoid a confrontation with his father, but it seemed that fate had other plans. He took a moment to steady himself before responding. “I’m sorry, Father. I was delayed. The youngest daughter of the Moretti family decided to give me a tour of their mansion.”

 Herbert raised an eyebrow, a flicker of interest momentarily crossing his face. “A tour? I wasn’t aware that you were there to make social calls. I assume it was a worthwhile visit?”

 Edwin nodded, trying to keep his voice steady. “Yes, it was. The Moretti mansion is quite impressive. But I understand that time was an issue.”

 Herbert’s expression softened slightly, though the underlying concern remained. “Very well. I’d like to speak with you about something important. Please come to my office.”

 With that, Herbert turned and began walking towards his study. Edwin followed, his mind racing as he tried to anticipate what business might require his immediate attention. The two men walked in silence through the opulent halls of the Blackwood estate, the grandeur of their surroundings a stark reminder of the responsibilities that came with their status.

 Upon reaching Herbert’s office, a room lined with rich mahogany and adorned with an array of impressive artifacts, Herbertmotioned for Edwin to sit. Edwin took his place across from his father’s imposing desk, feeling the weight of the conversation that was about to unfold.

 Herbert settled into his leather chair, the seriousness of his demeanor evident as he clasped his hands together. “Edwin, there’s an upcoming business opportunity I want to discuss with you. We’re considering a partnership with the Sturridge family.”

 The mention of the Sturridge family sent a jolt through Edwin. The name resonated with a painful familiarity that he had hoped to avoid. His mind flashed back to the face of Noah Sturridge—the man who had been involved with his wife, Katherine, and who had ultimately taken his life. The anger surged within him, but Edwin fought to maintain his composure. He could not let his emotions betray him, not now.

 Herbert continued, oblivious to the turmoil brewing in Edwin’s mind. “The Sturridge family is a significant player in the business world. Noah Sturridge, the head of their family, is known for his acumen and influence. This potential deal could be quite lucrative for us, and I want to ensure that we handle it correctly.”

 As Herbert spoke, Edwin’s thoughts were consumed by a mix of anger and disbelief. The man who had caused him so much pain was now a potential business partner. It was almost too much to bear, but he forced himself to listen, focusing on Hector’s words.

 “The Sturridges have a strong portfolio, and this venture could open up new markets for us,” Herbert elaborated. “I need your input on how we should proceed and whether you think the partnership will be beneficial.”

 Edwin’s blood was boiling, but he kept his voice steady. “I understand, Father. I’ll need to consider the details before giving a final opinion.”

 Herbert nodded, seemingly satisfied with Edwin’s response. “Take the time you need. I trust you to evaluate the potential and provide me with your thoughts. This is a critical opportunity for the family.”

 As the minutes ticked by, Herbertoutlined the specifics of the proposed partnership, detailing the expected benefits and the strategic advantages of aligning with the Sturridges. Edwin’s mind, however, was clouded by the knowledge of Noah Sturridge’s past actions. The rage and sense of betrayal he felt were palpable, but he knew he had to mask these emotions carefully.

 Finally, after Herberthad finished his lengthy briefing, Edwin took a deep breath, gathering the courage to speak up. “Father, I’ve been thinking about this proposal, and I have some concerns.”

 Herbert looked up, his expression attentive. “What concerns do you have?”

 “It’s about the Sturridges,” Edwin began, choosing his words with care. “While they may seem like a promising partner on paper, I believe that their family may not be as worthy of our association as it appears.”

 Herbert’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Not worthy? Why do you say that? They have a strong reputation and a significant influence in the market.”

 Edwin forced himself to remain calm, masking the fury that simmered beneath the surface. “It’s just a gut feeling, Father. I’ve looked into their business practices, and there are some aspects that seem questionable. I think we should proceed with caution.”

 Herbert studied Edwin closely, his eyes narrowing as he tried to gauge the sincerity of his son’s concerns. “What kind of questionable aspects are you referring to?”

 Edwin took a moment to compose himself before responding. “There have been reports of inconsistencies in their financial dealings and some troubling rumors about their management practices. It’s nothing concrete, but it raises red flags.”

 Hector’s expression remained skeptical, but he nodded slowly. “I appreciate your honesty, Edwin. If you have reservations, it’s important to address them. I’ll have our team conduct a more thorough investigation before we make any final decisions.”

 Edwin breathed a sigh of relief, though the anger within him had not entirely dissipated. He knew that revealing the full extent of his feelings was not an option. The truth about Noah Sturridge—the man who had orchestrated his demise—was a secret he had to keep buried for now.

 “Thank you, Father,” Edwin said, standing up from his chair. “I’ll be sure to provide any additional information if needed.”

 Herbert gave him a nod. “Very well. I expect a detailed report once you’ve completed your review. And Edwin, remember, the reputation of the Blackwood family is paramount. We must be diligent in our decisions.”

 As Edwin left the office, his mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The revelation of the Sturridges as potential business partners was a cruel twist of fate, but he was determined to navigate the situation with the grace and control expected of him.

 He wandered through the familiar halls of the Blackwood estate, reflecting on the tumultuous events of the day. The anger he felt towards Noah Sturridge was overwhelming, and the prospect of dealing with him professionally was an unsettling challenge.

 Reaching his own quarters, Edwin closed the door behind him and allowed himself a moment of solitude. He paced the room, his thoughts a chaotic storm. The reincarnation as Edwin Blackwood had brought with it a new set of responsibilities and challenges, and dealing with the man who had wronged him in his previous life was a heavy burden.

 He knew that he would have to remain vigilant and strategic in the days to come. The business dealings with the Sturridge family would not be straightforward, and he would need to tread carefully to avoid making any missteps. But for now, Edwin resolved to keep his emotions in check and focus on the tasks at hand.

 As he prepared for bed, Edwin’s thoughts lingered on the complex web of deceit and betrayal that had entangled him. The night was long, and the challenges ahead seemed daunting, but he was determined to confront them with the strength and resolve befitting the Blackwood legacy.

 The following days would be crucial in determining the course of the Blackwood family’s future, and Edwin knew that he would need all his wits and determination to navigate the treacherous waters of business and personal vendettas. As he drifted off to sleep, his thoughts were filled with both the promise and the peril of the journey that lay ahead.

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