chapter 8- Don sat across from the COO of Herbal Rise, his expression calm and composed. The room was tastefully furnished, but Don barely noticed the details. His focus was entirely on the task at hand. The man before him had power, but not nearly as much as Don intended to wield by the end of this meeting.

"Mr. Donovan," the COO began, adjusting his glasses and glancing at the notes in front of him. "You mentioned you have a vision for a new herbal product line. I'm intrigued, but also curious—what exactly do you have in mind?"

Don leaned forward slightly, his voice steady and measured. "Herbal Rise has always been about quality, but the market is shifting. People want more than just products—they want a brand they can trust, something that feels personal. I propose we develop a new line that focuses on premium, ethically sourced ingredients. Products that aren't just effective, but that tell a story."

The COO raised an eyebrow, clearly interested but cautious. "And you believe this will differentiate us in an already crowded market?"

Don gave a small, wry smile. "It's not just about differentiation. It's about dominance. We use sustainable sourcing from regions that are currently untapped. We control the narrative from start to finish—how the ingredients are harvested, how the workers are treated, and how the final product is presented. It’s about creating an emotional connection with the consumer, making them feel like they're part of something bigger."

The COO nodded slowly, the wheels in his mind turning. "Interesting. And distribution? How do you plan to get this into the hands of consumers?"

Don didn’t hesitate. "We leverage existing distribution channels but focus heavily on direct-to-consumer sales through an enhanced online platform. Personalized service, subscription models, and exclusive early access for loyal customers. We build a community, not just a customer base."

The COO was clearly impressed. He leaned back in his chair, studying Don with newfound respect. "You've thought this through."

"I have," Don replied coldly, his eyes never leaving the COO’s. "But it doesn’t stop there. I’m not just looking to develop this product line—I want to invest. I’m prepared to bring in capital from my own family’s wealth to secure a majority stake in this venture. In return, I expect control over the direction and execution of this project."

The COO blinked, taken aback. He wasn’t used to outsiders making such bold propositions, but he could see that Don wasn’t just another outsider. There was something about the man—something confident, almost dangerous—that made the COO believe he could actually pull it off.

"You’re proposing a partnership," the COO said slowly, "where you hold the majority stake?"

Don nodded, his face impassive. "Exactly. You’ll still retain significant control, but with my investment and vision, we take Herbal Rise to a new level. We’ll dominate the market, not just compete in it."

The COO was silent for a moment, considering the offer. It was risky, but the potential rewards were enormous. And the way Don spoke—it was clear he wasn’t a man accustomed to losing.

"All right," the COO finally said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "You’ve got a deal. But this is a big move. We’ll need to draw up the papers, get the lawyers involved—"

"Leave that to me," Don interrupted smoothly. "I’ll have my team coordinate with yours. This is going to happen, and it’s going to happen quickly."

The COO nodded, more than a little impressed. "I look forward to working with you, Mr. Donovan."

Don offered a brief, tight smile. "Likewise."

As they shook hands, Don felt a sense of satisfaction, but he kept it hidden behind a mask of indifference. This was just one step in a much larger plan, and he couldn’t afford to let his guard down. Not yet.

As he left the COO’s office, his mind was already racing ahead, planning the next move. He would need to consolidate his position, ensure that every detail was taken care of. This wasn’t just about making money—it was about power, about reclaiming what was rightfully his.

But as Don walked down the corridor, he noticed someone watching him from the shadows—Mark, his eyes burning with suspicion and barely contained rage. Don met his gaze with a cold, calculating stare, letting Mark know that he wasn’t intimidated in the slightest.

Mark’s mind was a whirlpool of anger and confusion. Who was this man? Why had he suddenly appeared, and what were his real intentions? Mark had never heard of a Donovan with this level of business acumen, and he was determined to find out everything about him. There was something about Don that set his teeth on edge—something dangerous, something that felt like a threat.

As Don passed by, Mark sneered, unable to hold back his contempt. "You think you’re clever, don’t you? Walking in here like you own the place. But I’ll find out who you really are. And when I do, you’ll regret ever setting foot in this company."

Don paused, turning to face Mark with a look of cold indifference. "If you’re smart, Mark, you’ll stay out of my way. But then again, maybe you’re not as smart as you think."

Mark’s face twisted in anger, but Don was already walking away, his strides measured and confident. He didn’t have time for Mark’s petty games. He had bigger plans—plans that didn’t involve wasting energy on someone who was clearly out of his depth.

As Don exited the building, he allowed himself a small, satisfied smirk. He had planted the seeds of his return, and soon they would bear fruit. Mark was a minor annoyance, a fly to be swatted away when the time came. For now, Don had to focus on the next phase of his plan.

Mark, meanwhile, stood in the corridor, fists clenched, his mind racing with thoughts of revenge. He didn’t know who Don really was, but he would find out. And when he did, he would make sure that this so-called Donovan paid for every slight, every insult.

But as Mark plotted in the shadows, Don was already several steps ahead, setting the stage for a comeback that would shake the very foundations of those who had wronged him. The wheels were in motion, and there was no turning back.

Don’s wry smile lingered as he disappeared into the night, knowing full well that the next move was his, and his alone.

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