A few days later, Mr Richmond was seated in his office, watching a hologram that showed how his production staffs were developing a Quantum Computing Algorithm.

These were algorithms that could harness the power of quantum computing to solve complex problems, such as optimizing supply chains, financial modeling, or advanced data encryption.

In a few minutes, Mr Richmond leaned back in his leather chair, his eyes narrowed as he focused on the hologram infront of him.

With a deep breath, he raised his his hand to his forehead, where the synapticore mark began to pulse.

As his fingers made contact, the mark ignited a blue light, bathing the room it's glow.

The energy from the mark surged through him, connecting his thoughts with the intricate workings of the Quantum Computing Algorithms his team was developing.

As the connection solidified, the hologram began to shift, displaying complex data streams and projections.

With the aid of the Synapticore force, his mind raced through the possibilities, instantly calculating the potential impacts of these algorithms.

The algorithms ability to optimize supply chain, enhance financial modeling and revolutionize data encryption became clear.

The synapticore force which was now active, became an advanced computational enhancer, and it allowed Mr Richmond to foresee the financial benefits these advancements would bring.

With the light becoming brighter and sharper, the blue light pulsed brightly, feeling the room with an ethereal glow.

Almost immediately, a voice began to speak in his mind.

It was calm, yet powerful—this was the full manifestation of the Synapticore force.

"In a few moments, the numbers would be revealed to you." The voice had intoned.

The projections began to materialize in his mind's eye. They were vivid, understandable and undeniable.

"In the first year, the Quantum Computing Algorithm could generate fifty million dollars Mr Richmond. It would aid increased efficiency, there would be reduced costs, and your supply chains would be optimized to perfection."

"In the second year, one hundred and twenty million could be generated. By this time, your algorithms must have taken root in the financial sector, and if everything is put in place, their predictive power would be unmatched."

In the third year, a gross profit of two hundred and fifty million would be made. By this time your company's security systems would now reign supreme, drawing the most elite clients to your doorstep."

"In the fourth year, half a billion would be made. By this time, the algorithms, now coveted by others, would be licensed out, and a new river of revenue would begin to flow steadily."

"Now in the fifth year sir Richmond, you must have made up to one billion dollars, and at this point you stand at the pinnacle of greatness, your company would become a titan in quantum computing technology."

The voice paused, letting the weight of the numbers sink in.

"One point nine two billion dollars over five years, Richmond," it concluded, the tone was both proud and expectant. "This is the power of the Synapticore Force within you, guiding your path to unparalleled success."

As the voice faded, the light from the synapticore mark dimmed, leaving Mr. Richmond with a profound sense of satisfaction.

He was glad due to the fact that the prediction of the synapticore force was that which hinted at a future which was a golden one.

Mr Richmond allowed a rare smile to cross his face. The brilliance of the sky blue light reflected his satisfaction.

As the mark dimmed and as the hologram returned to it's original display he leaned back, visibly satisfied upon knowing that his company was on the brink of a technological revolution that would secure the dominance of his family name and bring unprecedented monetary benefits.

However, the feeling of satisfaction didn't last long because his production manager Mr Hilary Sawyers rushed into his office.

"Good morning Mr Richmond."

Mr Richmond frowned. "Why do you barge into my office like an ignoramus of cooperate hierarchy?" He snapped. "Why are you panting, and why do you look as if you were chased by a lion?" He asked after observing Mr Hilary's countenance.

"There…there is an emergency Mr Richmond, I mean bad news. It is very very bad news."

Mr Richmond's heart skipped a beat. "What bad news?"

"Our regular supply of iron and aluminum has been cut off." There was worry on Mr Hilary's face.

"What do you mean?" Mr Richmond looked confused.

"Sir Richmond, we were expecting two thousand tons of iron and aluminum which were due for last week, unfortunately there have been no signs of the shipment ever since."

"Have you called the suppliers?"

"We haven't received any information from the suppliers."

"Then make the call to them, reach out to them and not to come in here getting all worried and afraid." He directed. "Infact I am going to call the head of the information department to put a call across this minute."

Immediately, Mr Richmond reached out for his telephone. "Hello Mr Gibson."

"Hello sir Richmond."

"Hope you are at work?"

"Yes sir, I am right here at the information department." He replied with all manner of respect.

"Good. Mr Gibson, are you aware that the shipment that was meant to deliver The regular two thousand tons of iron and aluminum has not reached us yet?" Mr Richmond asked.

"Oh yes sir Richmond, it is very surprising to me."

"Okay cut off all talk and put a call across to them." Mr Richmond ordered.

"Alright Sir Richmond, I will see what I can do."

"I need the feedback shortly okay?"

"Yes boss."

Mr Richmond hanged up the call.

However, after a few minutes, a call came in. "It was Mr Gibson."

"Hello Mr Gibson, what is the feedback."

"Sir Richmond, there is a big problem." Mr Gibson sounded worried.

"What is it?" Mr Richmond furrowed his eyebrows.

"I have checked all our communication analytics and systems, we have no trace of communication with this people."

Mr Richmond was shocked and confused. "What does that mean?"

"We have been dealing with people we no nothing about."

"Come on Mrs Gibson, be clear and specific in your speech!" Mr Richmond bellowed.

"I will not be able to the reason why their shipment is not here because we have no single information about them. We cannot contact them sir."

Mr Richmond's heart raced upon the shocking revelation.

"Oh good lord!" Mr Hilary sighed. "At least seven hundred tons of aluminum was needed for the completion of the physical construction and operation of the quantum computing hardware, which in turn is necessary for running and completing quantum computing algorithms."

"So does that mean that the algorithms would ineffective without these seven hundred tons of aluminum?" Mr Richmond was uncomfortably curious.

"I am afraid so sir."

That reply nearly knocked the wind out of Mr Richmond.

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