Alex's Grand Return To Cornell University

“I thought I was being paranoid when I noticed them flirting, but—” Alex shook his head in grief.

“ Hmm… I can’t believe you got kicked out for such a reason, I sense foul play here.” Pete said, while adjusting his glasses.

His brow furrowed. “So what about Blake? He’s the one who instigated everything!”

“I know!” Alex sighed. “But his dad is a third class rich man. His family has money and connections. I believe all these aspects helped the dean to make such a biased decision.”

“Well, that’s absurd!” Pete exclaimed. “You can’t let them get away with this. You are a Hawthorne, and you deserve some respect. I’ll take care of it.” he reassured Alex.

Alex looked at him, appreciation in his eyes. “You don’t have to do anything too rash Pete. I am just tired of fighting. That is the reason I left Italy. All I've ever wanted was a simple and peaceful life for Leah and I.”

“As you say, Young Master. I will try my best not to make any rash decision, but rest assured, you will be reinstated i
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