Doctor Vigo Loses His Hospital

“Is she okay?” Was the first question which Alex asked the moment his gaze fell upon the nurse.

The nurse remained silent and kept a straight face as she kept walking towards Alex and Pete.

When she was close enough, she halted and looked at the two men. “ Which one of you is closely related to the girl?” She asked.

“Me!” Alex replied.

“Please come with me.” She said as she turned to leave.

“What's going on?” Pete asked trying to follow the duo.

“Not you, him only!” The nurse said to Pete as she led Alex away into another room.

“Well… at least tell me what's going on!” Pete shouted to deaf ears.

When Alex was seated, the nurse stared at him with eyes that seemed as if she could see his soul.

“Your sister…” she started, but paused.

“Yes, what about my sister?” Alex anxiously asked.

“ Well…Your sister is fine… she is now resting. You'll be able to meet her after 60 minutes.” The nurse disclosed.

Alex breathe a sigh of relief, “ oh thank God.” He smiled with joy.

“But you, however, is what I worry about. The heart disease that infested your sister was something we had never seen before.

It seemed like it was part of her family gene. And I am afraid that you might have it too.” The nurse revealed.

“ What?” Alex asked in panic.

“ No need to panic, we will run some tests on you later on, but for now, just keep your fingers crossed. Your sister was very lucky to have made it.” The nurse reassured him.

With that, Alex returned to Pete and relayed the good news, leaving the bad one aside, as it wasn't proven yet.

Doctor Vigo had completed the operation successfully, but Pete still had to punish him for making Leah suffer for such a long time.

So he made Doctor Vigo, sign away his hospital for a price, and Doctor Patrick, his assistant, was made the new Cheif Doctor.

Doctor Vigo left the hospital grinding his teeth in fury. The hospital that took him years to build; all the connections and progress he had made had all gone to waste.

He looked back at the building one last time. “ Time will tell who gets the last laugh.” He said, before leaving.


When Leah's eyelids fluttered open, the bright light of the hospital room blinded her momentarily as she had been asleep for a while.

When the haze began to clear, she turned her head slowly and spotted Alex sitting beside her, his head tipped back, mouth slightly open, and he was sound asleep.

"Big brother," she whispered, her voice weak.

Alex jumped awake and a broad smile spread across his face. "Leah! You’re awake!" He stood up in excitement.

Leah felt a warmth spread through her at his reaction. "Am I okay now?" she asked, trying to sit up but shivered as pain shot through her chest.

"Shhh, don’t move too fast," Alex urged, his brow furrowing with concern. "Yes, you’re okay. The doctor said you were just resting, but you scared us all."

"Can I go home now?" she asked hopefully, glancing around the room which she was unfamiliar with.

Alex smiled "Not yet. The doctor said you need to rest for a few days. I know it’s boring, but it’s important that you get some proper rest, okay?."

Her shoulders slumped, disappointment washing over her. "But I don't like being here. I can rest at home, can't I?”

"I know, I know," Alex replied, sitting on the edge of her bed and reaching for her hand. "Are you hungry? I can get you something to eat."

Leah thought for a moment. "I could eat… something good," she admitted, her stomach rumbling softly.

"Alright! What do you want? Pizza? Ice cream?" he asked, bouncing a little as he stood.

"Pizza sounds amazing," Leah smiled.

"Pizza it is! I’ll be right back!" He gave her a thumbs-up before racing toward the door.

When Alex stepped out of the hospital, he saw Pete in a Conner, smoking a cigarette.

He approached him, “ So you haven't quit smoking, it is bad for your health, you know?” He commented.

Pete took one last drag from his cigarette and tossed it away. “ I know. But I can't help it.” He replied.

“Is she awake?” He asked.

“ Yes, she is awake and recovering well.” Alex replied.

Silence followed, then Pete spoke up. “So when will you return to Italy?”

“ Never!” Alex wasted no time to reply.

“ I see, “ Pete remarked. “ Your old man. He misses you two, you know.”

“ I know. But I can't help it. I am not ready.” Alex replied.

“I guess you are the stubborn type too.” Pete commented.

“I learn from the best.” Alex reciprocated.

Pete sighed.” Man, It'll be such a shame to return without you, after the promise I made to him... But make sure you don't suddenly change country without letting me know this time, okay?”

“Alright, I'll try my best.” Alex replied.

“And remember that your seat at the Hawthorne Empire will always be waiting for you.

Your father, however, predicted that you might refuse to return.

So while you are here, you should go take your rightful place as the CEO of an enterprise which your father bought for you in this city, when he heard that you were in the USA.” Pete revealed, catching Alex's kin attention.

“And which enterprise is that?” He asked.

“The Emrand Enterprise.” Pete replied with a smile. “All you need to do is just to go show the dragon ring to lady Catherine, the acting CEO of Emrand Enterprise.

This will prove that you are the heir of the Hawthorne Empire, then you will be granted the full rights over this company.” Pete explained.

When Alex heard the name of the company, he realized that it was the same company which he had been working as a part time worker.

And his boss, Mr Rogers, who was the manager, was actually under Alex all these while.

Alex remembered that his boss had taken the Ring as collateral, for the loan he took from him, then he sent people to steal back the money.

He knew this because he recognized the face in the national ID which was dropped by one of the thieves. It was the face of one of his boss’s bodyguards.

He couldn't help but grind his teeth in anger.

Pete noticed Alex's change of mood and asked “ what's the matter, something wrong?”

Alex turned and looked at Pete with a determined look. “ We have work to do.” He said in a deep cold voice.

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