Facing The Lawyer, Not The Law...

After Alex had signed the papers, he asked Peter to get the Chief Doctor of the hospital, and instruct him to start the operation on Leah immediately.

“Excuse me! Where’s the Chief Doctor?” Pete called out to a passing nurse, who gave him a bewildered look before pointing him toward the doctor's office.

Pete rushed to the Chief Doctor's office, one of his men following behind him with a suitcase filled with three million dollars for the operation, and Alex followed closely with Leah on his back.

They stepped into the Chief doctor’s office, where the man himself was poring over charts with his assistant. He glanced up, his brow furrowing as he noticed the tension in the room.

“Greetings Mr Chief Doctor. I understand that three million is needed to begin the operation for Leah here. We have the money here in cash. Pete said, nodding to his man to open the case filled with the money.

“I will appreciate it if you commence with the operation immediately.” Pete added.

The Chief doctor leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms with a smug expression. “Well, I’m afraid we’re fully booked. No room for another patient until tomorrow, regardless of how much money is on the table.” 

“Doctor,” Pete pressed, desperation mixing with his voice, “Leah was here first! She was wrongfully thrown out of this hospital! She deserves to be treated immediately!”

The Chief doctor’s lip curled in amusement. “And yet, it’s my hospital. I make the rules.” He said in a condescending tone. “Your emotional appeal doesn't hold much weight against my schedule.”

Meanwhile the Chief doctor's assistant wasn't happy with his boss's behavior. “Come on, Doctor Vigo,” he interjected, stepping forward. “ That dying little girl was neglected for far too long. I am sure we can make some space for her, right? Besides, they have brought in the payment, haven't they?”

“Stay out of this, Patrick,” the Chief snapped, sending him a glare that could freeze flames. “You don’t want to lose your job, do you?”

“Of course not,” Doctor Patrick said, stepping back in fear of losing his job. 

But he couldn't help but speak softly, hoping to change Doctor Vigo's heart. “But we’re doctors. It’s our duty to help those in need.”

“I will be the one to choose who I help. Right now, I am very busy, so you all can leave my office.” Doctor Vigo said, still feeling pissed about what Alex said earlier to him.

 Pete stood there, his disbelief slowly moving into fury. He decided that it was time to make this arrogant idiot pay. “Dr. Vigo, since you have chosen to remain stupid, then I'll have no other choice but to use other measures on you.”

Doctor Vigo raised his eyebrows, “ and that is?” He asked with a smirk.

“I'll make you sell this hospital, this very moment.” Pete replied in a cold tone.

Dr. Vigo couldn't help but burst into laughter, the sound echoing off the stark walls. “Sell my hospital? And who will make me do that? You?” He asked, feeling amused.

“ Yes me, I will make you sell this hospital, or you better prepare to face the law.” Pete added.

Doctor Vigo leaned forward, “ Are you really being serious right now? A lawsuit? For what crime? I haven't committed any crime, so what will you sue me for?” he asked.

Pete took a few steps forward., his mood serious now. “As a matter of fact, Mr. Vigo, you broke the law the moment you threw this little girl out of the hospital.”

“How is that breaking the law? I own this hospital, and I don't remember advertising that it was a charity organization, where patients get treated for free.” Doctor Vigo argued.

“In the United States, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) is a federal law that requires hospitals to provide care for emergency medical conditions to individuals regardless of their ability to pay. 

This means that a hospital cannot deny treatment or transfer a patient with a critical condition to another facility due to their inability to pay for medical services. 

you have an obligation to provide emergency care regardless of the patient’s financial situation.” Pete Stated.

Dr. Vigo rolled his eyes, obviously unimpressed. “ And do you think simply stating the law will scare me? Are you a lawyer or something?” he asked sarcastically.

“As a matter of fact, yes, I am a lawyer. And not just any lawyer. I am Pete Davidson. One of the three top lawyers who have never lost a case in the entire world.” Pete replied firmly. 

“Do you, really?” Pete leaned in, lowering his voice. “If you continue to ignore this law, then I assure you, I will see you behind bars. You’ll be the one navigating a jail cell if I have anything to say about it.”

With a sudden shift, the laughter faded from Dr. Vigo’s face.  As he recognized the name. He quickly grabbed his phone and searched, and behold, Pete was right. The look of horror on his face said it all.

Pete, now with a smirk, leaned forward. “  Now,do you still think it's funny? “

For a moment, silence engulfed the room. The doctor’s courage slowly faded away under the weight of Pete’s words. He dropped his gaze, as sweat ran down his forehead.

“I… I can’t lose this hospital,” Dr. Vigo murmured, something resembling fear, mixing with his voice.

“No, but you might lose your freedom,” Pete commented. 

He sighed. “Let me make this clear: if you allow Leah to perish because of your arrogance, I will make it my mission to ensure you stay in jail for a very long time.

Now you can't afford to waste anymore time, can you?” Pete asked, feeling impatient as Leah's condition was in a very critical stage. 

The closest hospital with a cardiologist was located miles away from this hospital. Leah might not make it before she reached there if she were moved. If that weren't the case, Pete would have taken her there himself.

Dr. Vigo stood abruptly, his face pale. “Alright, alright,” he said, tension filtering into his voice. “I’ll authorize the operation. Just… do me a favor and don’t make this worse.”

Pete, still fuming, shook his head. “You don’t get mercy, Doctor. The only mercy I’ll offer you is a fair price for this hospital, but that’s only if Leah survives the operation.”

“What?” Dr. Vigo stared in disbelief. “You can’t be serious!”

“Absolutely,” Pete replied, crossing his arms defiantly. “You embraced the business side; now you can dance to my tune. So now, go inform your staff to prepare for the surgery.”

Dr. Vigo, realizing he’d lost this battle, nodded slowly, the gravity of the moment sinking in. It was his last chance to rectify the situation. “Okay, okay,” he said, striding toward the door. “I’ll inform them right away.”

Pete watched as the doctor’s commanded his staff to get Leah into the operation room.

But before he closed the door, Pete gave him one last warning. “ Remember, if she dies. I will hold you responsible. Don't do something that will disrupt the peace in your life.” He said in a deep cold tone as he adjusted his glasses.

With that, doctor Vigo closed the door to the operation room, while Pete and Alex sat outside, waiting and praying for good news.

Alex looked at Pete, sweat still coming down from his face, “Thank you very much, Pete. I'll forever be in your debt. I don't know what I would have done without you.” He said with a single tear running down his cheek.

Pete smiled as he placed his hand on Alex's shoulder. “ Don't mention, Young Master. This is my Job. To serve you. That is why I am your family lawyer, and since you are now the head of the Hawthorne Consortium, I now work for you.” He replied in a soothing tone.

Alex nodded with a smile, confirming what Pete just said.

Pete observed Alex from head to toe as he stood there, feeling worried.

He noticed that Alex was really in bad shape. His clothes hung loosely on him, and looked faded. His shoes were scuffed and dirty, almost worn out, as if he had walking a thousand miles without stopping.

 And His hair was a messy tangle, greasy and falling across his forehead. Dark circles under his tired eyes showed he hadn’t been sleeping well and had a lot on his mind.

Pete couldn't help but feel sorry for Alex. He felt bad that such a reality forced him to leave his father's house, along with his sister.

He couldn't blame them, because his father had made too many enemies, and that had costed them their mother.

A few hours later, the door of the operation room opened, and a nurse came out with a facial expression that confused both Alex and Pete.

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