Tough Decision To Make For Leah

If Alex wasn't mistaken, the face in the ID card was that of his boss’s assistant.

Immediately, he was filled with rage when he realized the betrayal that his boss had organized.

However, he couldn't go back to the Emrand Enterprise at the moment, because he was out of time. Instead he rushed to the hospital to plead with the doctors not to discharge his sister and give some more time.

But when he arrived at the hospital, Leah was lying weakly on a bench outside of the hospital, her face pale. She had been discharged and abandoned there.

Alex's heart ached at the sight of his beloved sister, abandoned and vulnerable. He knelt beside her, gently shaking her shoulder to wake her up.

"Leah, Leah, wake up," he whispered urgently.

Leah stirred, opening her eyes slowly and looking up at her brother with a weak smile. "Alex, you're back," she mumbled.

"Leah, why are you out here? You should be inside, resting," Alex asked.

Leah looked down, her eyes filled with tears. "The doctors threw me out, Alex. They said they needed the bed for someone who could pay," she whispered.

Alex's blood boiled with rage as he stood up and stormed into the hospital, his fists clenched at his sides. He demanded to see the Chief Doctor, his voice loud and filled with fury.

"How could you do this? How could you throw my sister out like she's nothing?" Alex yelled, his eyes blazing with anger.

The Chief Doctor, a tall and imposing figure, looked down at Alex with a cold expression. "We have limited resources, We must prioritize those who can pay for their treatment," he said arrogantly.

Alex felt a surge of frustration and despair as he pleaded with the Chief Doctor for more time to come up with the money for Leah's operation.

He explained how he had been attacked by robbers and had lost the money he had saved for her treatment, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"We can't make exceptions. I'm sorry, but your sister will have to wait," the Chief Doctor said as he turned to leave.

Tears welled up in Alex's eyes as he furiously pointed at the doctor. “ You are a very heartless man. Don't you have a daughter? No, I don't think you are capable of raising a child, because you don't have any compassion.” He yelled out.

“I think it's time for you to leave before I ask my security to throw you out.” The doctor said in a threatening tone. He clearly looked pissed by Alex's words.

Alex went out of the hospital, his heart filled with sorrow.

He sat beside Leah, holding his head in frustration as he wondered what he would do next. He could only hope for a miracle.

All of a sudden, the moment was changed by the distant rumble of engines, growing louder as they approached.

a long convoy of black SUVs parked in front of the hospital, and the doors swung open in unison.

A man in a crisp suit stepped out, his movements precise and practiced. He scanned the area until his gaze landed on Alex.

The gentleman, around his late forties, took slow and majestic steps towards Alex, before stopping in front of him. He bowed his head and said, “Young Master, we have finally found you…”

Alex recognized the man instantly. “Pete?” He stood up, a mix of disbelief and irritation flickering across his face. “What are you doing here?”

Pete straightened, a faint smile breaking the tension. “It’s good to see you, Alex. I've been searching for you since you and Leah disappeared from Italy years ago.”

Leah shot Alex a curious glance, feeling the tension in the air shift. “What’s going on big brother?”

“Your father,” Pete said, his tone grave, “still wants you back.”

“Why now?” Alex crossed his arms, defensiveness mixing with his voice. “I left all that behind.”

“We saw the video, Alex,” Pete said, his eyes narrowing slightly. “The one of your fight with Blake. It went viral. Your father had concerns—”

“Concerns?” Alex scoffed. “About what? That I was actually happy?”

“About your safety,” Pete corrected, his voice firm. “He doesn’t understand why you left, but he hasn’t stopped looking for you. He’s worried.”

“Worried? After everything?” Alex’s voice raised in anger. “I’m not some lost puppy for him to come looking for. I’m not going back.”

“Please listen,” Pete continued, stepping closer. “It’s not just your safety. Your father has transferred everything in the Hawthorne empire to your name. All you need to do is sign the papers.”

Alex blinked, the weight of those words settling on his shoulders like a lead blanket. “What? Why would he do that?”

“Because he believes you’re the only one capable of turning things around,” Pete explained, his eyes earnest. “He wants to ensure the legacy continues, and he believes you can do it.”

Leah’s brow furrowed, glancing between the two men in confusion, but she was too weak to act.

As Alex was thinking about everything, Pete noticed Leah's condition. “What about your sister, Alex? Is she okay?”

The mention of his sister brought a sharp pang to Alex’s heart. “Her condition… it’s getting worse,” he admitted quietly, his courage slipping away. “But I can’t just go back and take over something I despise.”

“Sometimes, we do things we don’t want for the people we love,” Pete said gently. “If signing means you can secure her future or get her the help she needs, wouldn’t that matter more?”

Alex turned away, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “But it’s his empire! I hate that world. The politics, the backstabbing and the death… it’s everything I wanted to escape!”

“And yet,” Pete pressed, “you might be able to change it from the inside. You can decide how you want to run things. You have the power now.”

“That’s if I even want the power,” Alex shot back, pacing like a caged animal. “What if I ruin everything? What if I become like him?”

“Then you learn, and change.” Pete countered. “But you can’t do it out here. You have to go back to face it.”

“Why did you even come after me?” Alex demanded, stopping in front of Pete, frustration etched on his face. “Why not just let me be?”

“Because I promised your father I’d bring you back. I gave him my word,” Pete replied. “And because I know who you are beneath all this anger. You care about your sister. You care about what’s right.”

“I care about not being suffocated by a legacy I don’t want! I don't want to end up like my father!” Alex shouted, his voice breaking slightly.

“Alex, this is not the time to think about yourself, if signing those papers will help get your sister the best medical care, wouldn’t it be worth it? You could still be… you, even in that world.”

Alex turned and looked at Leah, his heart sinking at the thought. There was silence for a while, filled with unspoken thoughts, as the reality of the situation washed over Alex, and he felt the suffocating weight of responsibility stir within him.

“Look,” Pete continued, breaking the silence. “The decision is yours at the end of the day. I’m just here to help facilitate, to ensure you have what you need and understand the implications.”

“I don’t want to make this choice,” Alex said finally, his voice nearly a whisper. “I want to live my own life.”

“I understand,” Pete nodded slowly, his expression softening. “But life sometimes thrusts these choices upon us. If you decide to sign, it’s your way of taking control of a situation rather than letting it control you.”

Alex closed his eyes for a moment, battling the storm of emotions within him. At last, he exhaled deeply. “Let me see the papers.”

“Are you sure big brother?” Leah asked softly, her voice filled with concern.

“I’m doing this for you, Leah,” Alex replied, a fierce look in his eye. “For your future. I’ll always fight for you.”

As Pete produced the documents, Alex felt heavy yet determined. He was stepping into a world that threatened to consume him, but with Leah’s future hanging in the balance, he knew he had to face whatever came next.

“Let’s get this over with and go treat my sister,” Alex said, his voice steadier now.

little did he know what the doctor would do.

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