The Double Cross

Out of all the options, Alex could only think of one place to go, and that was his boss, Mr Rogers, who was the general manager of Emrand Enterprise. He couldn't go to the bank because he didn't possess any property that was valuable enough to serve as loan collateral. 

He had been working hard as a part time worker, under the supervision of Mr Rogers, so he was hoping that Mr Rogers would be kind enough to lend him the money.

As he arrived at the enormous building of the Emrand Enterprise, he headed straight to Mr Roger's office.

The closer he got to the office, the more nervous he became. He finally stopped in front of the closed door, and paused.

He glanced at his watch, anxiety taking over his insides as he realized how every passing second was crucial. 

Finally mustering up the courage, Alex knocked on the door and entered as soon as he heard Mr. Rogers' commanding voice granting him permission.

As soon as he got inside, he laid out his plea. 

"Mr. Rogers, I need to talk to you about something very urgent," Alex started, his words tumbling out in a rush. "I need a loan of one million dollars. Please, I don't know where else to turn."

Mr. Rogers, a stern man known for his no-nonsense approach, furrowed his brows in annoyance. "A million dollars, Alex? What on earth do you need that kind of money for? And why should Emrand Enterprise provide it?"

Alex's heart sank at the hostility in Mr. Rogers' voice. He knew he was treading on dangerous ground, but his desperation overshadowed his fear. "Please, this is a matter of life and death. My sister... She's in danger, and I need the money to save her. I promise I'll pay it back, I just need your help now."

Mr. Rogers' eyes narrowed, he leaned back with his hands crossed. "I can't just hand out a million dollars like it's pocket change, Alex. You're testing my patience with this request."

However, Alex still hoped his boss would change his mind. “ I know it is a difficult request, but please sir, I promise I'll work very hard to settle the debt, even if it means that I should work overtime.” 

“It seems like you want to get fired. Leave my office immediately. This is not a bank or charity organization for the needy.” Mr Rogers barked out, rising from his seat.

With a sinking feeling of defeat swirling inside him, Alex sighed and prepared to leave the office, accepting his failure. But just as he turned to go, Mr. Rogers' gaze landed on something that made him pause.

"What's that on your finger, Alex?" Mr. Rogers asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

Alex looked down and saw the golden ring on his finger, a piece of jewelry he had worn without much thought. It was a family heirloom, a symbol of a past he tried so hard to leave behind.

"It's... it's a ring my father gave me a long time ago," Alex explained. "I forgot to take it off, but it doesn't matter. I'll find another way to get the money."

Mr. Rogers scrutinized the ring for a moment before a calculating glint entered his eyes. "I'll give you the loan, Alex, but I need that ring as collateral. Hand it over, and you'll have your million dollars."

Immediately Alex heard him say this, he was filled with joy.

"Thank you, Mr. Rogers. I'll pay you back, I swear," he said as quickly took out the ring and placed it on Mr Roger's outstretched hand.

At this point, he didn't care about the ring as he couldn't hesitate to get rid of anything that connected him to his father.

Mr. Rogers nodded, an evil smile displaying on his lips as he instructed his assistant to prepare the necessary paperwork. Soon enough, a briefcase was placed on the table.

When he opened it, Alex was surprised at the amount of money which Mr Rogers possessed. It was so much that a million dollars would seem like a drop of water in a river.

 Mr. Rogers counted out the million dollars with practiced ease.

"Take it, Alex. But remember, this is a loan, not a gift. You owe Emrand Enterprise one million dollars plus interest," Mr. Rogers reminded him sternly.

With relief, Alex quickly stashed the money in a bag and rushed out of the office, eager to reach his sister before it was too late.

As Alex disappeared from view, Mr. Rogers' laughter filled the room, a greedy sound that spoke of his hidden motives and unspoken intentions. 

He observed the ring and noticed that it had a dragon symbol on it. He wondered where he had seen that symbol before, but he quickly brushed it off, because as for now, he knew that the ring would cost a fortune if sold.

After keeping the ring in a safe place, he turned to his assistant, and with a deep dark voice, he said to him, “you know what to do.”


Meanwhile Alex was feeling anxious as he left Emrand Enterprise with the bag full of money. He held it tightly because he knew that his sister's life depended on it.

He checked his watch and noticed that he still had ten minutes left, which was enough time to get to the hospital. He urgently hailed a cab to reach and hopped in. 

"Please, can you drive faster? It's an emergency," Alex said tensely to the cab driver as they weaved through the busy city streets.

"Why the rush, buddy?" asked the driver, looking at Alex in the rearview mirror.

"My sister is very sick and needs help. I have to get to the hospital as fast as possible," Alex explained, his voice filled with worry.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, the driver nodded understandingly. "Hang on tight, we'll find a shortcut."

The cab sped into a narrow alley between tall buildings, racing against the clock. 

Suddenly, another car appeared and collided with the cab, sending it crashing into a wall.

As the dust settled, Alex saw three masked individuals holding guns approaching the cab.

The guy in front shattered Alex's window and pointed his gun. “ Give me the bag.” He demanded.

Alex shook his head with pleading eyes. “ Please don't do this, this money is meant for my sister's treatment, if I don't deliver it to the hospital on time, she might die.”

However, the masked man was not one to listen to sad stories. He sent in his hand and forcefully grabbed the back, then he left together with the others in their van.

Alex sat there as his world came crashing down on him.

“What just happened?” He questioned himself.

“Hey buddy, are you okay?” The cab driver asked.

“No, I am not.” Alex replied. That money was my only chance to save my sister's life, but now it's gone.” Alex replied with red eyes filled with tears.

The cab driver felt so bad for Alex as he looked at him. He put his hands in his pocket and grabbed some cash.

“ Look buddy, I don't know if this could do something, but please accept this money. I hope it helps you in saving your sister in any way.” The cab driver said with a warm smile.

“Thanks man, I am very grateful.” Alex replied as he collected the money.

As he looked down to stuff the money in his pocket, his eyes landed on something...

It was an ID card. Turned out that one of the thieves had dropped behind their ID card.

When Alex picked up the ID and checked who it was, his mouth dropped open in shock when he saw the person's picture.

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