Rise Of The Hidden Student Billionaire
Rise Of The Hidden Student Billionaire
Author: Divi Chris
Poor Students Always Get Heartbroken

Alex was running against time as he rushed towards the boys’s dormitory. The doctor made it clear that his lil sister's condition had gotten critical, and at least a million was needed to begin with the operation.

Alex couldn't come up with such an amount of money, on such a notice. Even the salary from his part-time job couldn't pay that amount, even if he worked for two years.

He believed that the only person that could assist him with some funds was his best friend, Blake,who was from a third class rich family.

He had been trying to reach Blake through the phone, but Blake wasn't picking up his calls, nor replying to his messages, so Alex had no choice but to run as fast as he could, to school, and then to Blake's personal dorm apartment.

He quickly passed by the first dorm building which was made up of large single rooms which contained at least two students with poor backgrounds, per room.

Then he headed to the second building which was more fancier, and made up of several apartments, each filled by a single student who came from either a first class, second class, or third class rich family.

It was a very tall building, but luckily for Alex, Blake lived on the first floor. As he got closer and closer to Blake's apartment, he felt more and more happy to go meet someone that could truly be of help in this trial moment.

He never cared if there were onlookers, wondering why he was running and sweating like a mad man.

When he finally arrived in front of Blake's apartment, he banged at the door as hard as he could, while panting like a puppy, trying to catch his breath.

However, despite the loud banging, there was no response. Alex could hear loud music playing in the apartment.

He took out his phone and called Blake one more time, and he could hear Blake's phone ringing inside, but no one was picking up.

Alex concluded that maybe Blake was fast asleep, and the loud music was preventing Him from hearing his phone ring. He tried the door, and it was open.

Little did he know that this decision would change everything.

The sight that greeted him made his blood run cold. There, on Blake's couch, were his girlfriend, Bianca, and his best friend, Blake, locked in a passionate embrace.

The shock and betrayal hit Alex like a ton of bricks, his mind struggling to process what he was seeing.

“What the hell is going on here?” He called out, causing the cheaters to jump apart.

"Blake? Bianca? What are you two doing?" Alex blinked his eyes several times, hoping everything was just an illusion.

"Uh… Hey… Alex, you are here? I thought you were at the hospital," Bianca stuttered in confusion, her heart pounding fast in her chest as she searched for the right words to say next.

Moments ago, Alex had called Bianca to come keep him company at the hospital, and she came up with an excuse, saying that she was having a light fever and couldn't make it. Alex had plans to go check on her later on, only for him to arrive here and witness such a scene.

“I won't repeat myself, Bianca, what the hell were you two doing?” Alex raised his voice as his patience slowly slipped away.

"Alex, I… I can explain. It's not what you think." Bianca stammered, her eyes wide with guilt as she tried to defend herself.

"Is this what has been going on behind my back?" Alex asked.

Blake, always the smooth talker, chimed in, "Look man, it's not what you think. Things just happened, you know how it is."

Alex's fists clenched at his sides as he struggled to contain his rage. "How could you do this to me, Blake? I thought you were my friend."

"Hey, buddy, chill… I'm still your friend.” Blake said, while getting close to Alex to put his hand on Alex's shoulder, but Alex pushed his hand away.

Blake sighed. “Look, I saw your messages. I know your sister needs help now.” Blake said as he picked up his checkbook from a nearby table and wrote a check to Alex.

“Here, take this, it is a check of two million. Let's just forget this ever happened okay?” Blake said, handing the check to Alex.

Alex collected the check and tore it to pieces. “You must be stupid to think money can solve everything, Blake. What you have done is betray a friend's trust, and trust cannot be bought with money.”

At this point Blake was pissed. “Oh get over yourself, will you? Bianca is a mature woman who can make her own choices. If she chose me over you, then it was her decision, you know? A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do." Blake Shrugged shamelessly.

At this point, Alex's anger escalated due to Blake's shameless words. “ You piece of shit. You are nothing but a lowlife backstabber,” Alex landed a punch that sent Blake staggering back two steps.

“How can you speak like this is nothing to you?” he asked.

Blake, who was still suffering from the effect of the surprise punch, quickly stood upright. He never wanted Bianca to notice that he was weak.

"Oh please, look at you, Mr. Perfect. You're just a poor trash who doesn't deserve someone like Bianca. And I'll show you why.” Blake returned a punch of his own.

The two of them crashed to the ground, grappling, punching, and shouting insults at each other as onlookers gathered around, their voices rising in excitement.

They didn't hesitate to bring out their cell phones to record the unfolding scene. Some were even live streaming the whole incident on the internet.

“Isn't that Blake Thomson, the famous son of a third class rich family?” One of the onlookers asked the other.

“Yeah right? Everyone knows Blake, but I wonder who the other guy is, he looks like a poor loser. He must have some nerves fighting with the son of a third class rich man.” The other onlooker replied.

As the confrontation commenced, Blake was well beaten. He tried to fight back using the martial arts training which his father had forced him to undergo, but Alex, who had been a hard worker in his part-time job, used his strength to dominate. Blake was humiliated in front of everyone.

Bianca couldn't take it anymore, so she decided to step between the two. “ That's enough Alex. Haven't you done enough?” She asked angrily.

Alex paused and stared at Bianca in disbelief, the pain still evident on his face. "Bianca, why did you betray me like that? I thought we had something special..."

"Hah, special? You were never special, Alex. You're just a church rat who can't even take care of your own bills, talk less of mine. Who would want to be with you, really?"

"How can you say that? I loved you!"Alex asked as tears rolled down his cheek.

Bianca however, replied mockingly as she wasn't affected. "Loved me? Please! You were suffocating me with your poverty and your moral high ground. I needed someone who could actually provide for me, not some penniless loser like you."

The crowd upon hearing this, laughed hard as they shared comments.

"Did you hear what Alex did? Fighting with that rich guy because a girl dumped him?"

"He deserves all the hate he's getting. Who does he think he is, fighting over a girl like some kind of knight in shining armor?"

Alex felt the weight of the stares and the harsh comments bringing him down. "Bianca, I can't believe this is how it ends..." He shook his head.

Bianca chuckled, "Oh please, get over yourself. You were never enough for me, and you never will be. Maybe now you'll finally understand your place."

At this point, the security guards arrived with the Dean, Mr Ambrose.

“ What in the name of God is going on here?” Mr Ambrose asked.

“It's this Bastard, he broke into my apartment and started causing atrocities.” Blake yelled out, with his hand over his bleeding nose.

Mr Ambrose observed the scene around him for a moment. He knew the situation was serious because it involved a rich student, and there were too many witnesses around, so he came up with a decision.

“You two, follow me,” he said, referring to Blake and Alex. “And the rest of you, return to your classes, don't you have something to do? geeze…” He barked out.

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