The Vendetta

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The Vendetta

By: Samcowrites OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 35

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After suffering from a shocking betrayal from his wife, Lex was involved in a ghastly accident that led to his subconsciousness for a long time. Upon his shocking recovery, his wife Stella was nowhere to be seen. She had married a popular business Mogul, who had promised her the world. On his return to the city, Lex had an encounter with Espinoza Lucas, a Cartel leader in Chicago. His arrival led him to Stella, who was mixed up with some troubles bigger than her. To save her life, Lex sold his free will to Espinoza Lucas by promising to marry his daughter, Adriana, in exchange for Stella's freedom. He had always wanted to lead an honest life, but the determination to protect Adriana Lucas from the wolves and foes of her father crept in, and Lex found himself mixed up in a gang war. A war that rekindled him with his unfavorable family, only this time, he was not what anybody had expected.

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11 chapters
Chapter One
It was a beautiful morning in Chicago, United States. Lex had woken up to his schedule. After making breakfast, he had been cleaning and doing the dishes for the past few minutes.Pop music was blasting from the sitting room, and when he rearranged himself to leave the kitchen, the door flung open, revealing a mature woman of about 5.7 feet tall.“Good morning, Mom," Lex greeted, but the woman ignored. She rolled her eyes over him with great displeasure. She was Mariana Diaz, his mother-in-law. Seeing her reaction, Lex knew he had to leave the kitchen before things went south. “Aren't you going to work today?" Mariana suddenly asked out of the blue, and by then Lex was already heading out. He stopped and turned around.“Of course I am, I was just going to prepare myself," he stated, and Mariana nodded.“Do you have another job? Or you're still working downtown?" She asked, and Lex furrowed his brow."Umm… I'm working downtown for now. However I'm searching for a better place, you kn
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Chapter Two
The cab stopped right in front of the house, and Lex sauntered to the house at the speed of light. He was so focused on the house that he didn't notice a red Lamborghini parked nearby. As he entered the house, he went directly to the room with a smile on his face hoping to steal another kiss from Stella before leaving again. However, when he got closer, a soft moan and giggling caught his attention, and he stopped just by the door. There was a sudden silence, and then, again came the moans, this time louder. Lex was confused. Was Stella watching a pornography? He thought. Everything became clearer when a male voice suddenly spoke up, mentioning his name.“Tell me baby, Lex and I, who does it best?" Said the voice. Lex widened his eyes in surprise. He refused to believe what his brain was trying to tell him, but he stayed still."Lex is a good man, I love him for who he is, but of course you know who is best for me. If not you, who else?” Stella's voice came thereafter, followed by
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Chapter Three
At 7 a.m. the following morning, Lex had prepared for work quicker than usual. The event of the previous day had left a hole in his heart, a hole that couldn't be filled.The thought of divorce was ringing in his ears, but he had grown too attached to Stella. For that reason, he chose to ignore it for the time being.Before he could prepare for work, Stella had left the house. They had not spoken to each other since the event of yesterday, and one could tell their marriage was on the brink of collapse. Lex stepped out of the room with his white T-shirt and black trousers that gave him an angelic appearance. He was a hot guy as ladies would describe. As he got to the sitting room, he made for the door and found Mariana standing up ahead with a brown file in her hands. Her gaze fell on him as he approached, and she rolled her eyes in disdain.“Good morning, Mom," he greeted as he tried to walk past her but she held his shirt and pulled him backward.“Where do you think you're going? A
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Chapter Four
Inside a skyscraper, a beautiful lady walked out of a small hall with her hands on her forehead. She appeared stressed. She entered an office about a few walks away and settled on the chair.It was Stella. She had just concluded a meeting with the company Chairman and the Chief Operating Officer. She was feeling dizzy, following the stress she had to go through to compile her message as the manager of the company. However, most of her worries were what had happened the previous day. She couldn't forget about it. The thought of going back home to face Lex was unbearable. She acted like she didn't care, but in reality, she felt ashamed of what she had done. Her phone rang, and she darted her eyes around in search of it. It was in her drawer, so she picked it up. It was a strange caller ID. After a few glances, she picked up the call and placed the phone on her ear. “Hello?" Her melodic voice called out, and after a short silence, she jumped on her feet.“What?!" She exclaimed.“Lex
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Chapter Five
One month had passed since Lex's disastrous accident, and Stella had been his backbone. She took him home after he was discharged from the hospital. Her decision to remain married to Lex had sparked a discomfort in her family, and she had a fallout with her Mom. Mariana threatened to leave if Lex should remain in the family, and in the heat of the moment, Stella ordered her to leave her house. Mariana was shocked. She wanted to take back her words, but it was too late. She left the house and began to squat with her friend, Helena. One morning, it snowed heavily, and Stella had to call in sick for work. However, she wanted to make time for Lex and herself without work coming between them.Inside the Jacuzzi, Lex sat for a hot bath. His gaze fixated on the water without a blink of an eye. Following his brain condition, he had lost his sense of identification. The door opened, and Stella walked in on him with a smile. “Hey," she called swiftly and walked over to him. She caressed
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Chapter Six
~Two months later~Stella's marriage to Paul was done and dusted. She was happily married, yet her divorce from Lex was still incomplete. She lay on the bed wearing a long red gown that exposed her curves.A few minutes ago, she had visited the nursing home for the first time since she married Paul. She had returned a necklace, her very first gift from Lex. It was handed over to Lex by his father, and it was all he had of his mother. Thinking about Lex's situation, Stella sighed deeply. A part of her felt happy for listening to Amelia. Paul has been a good husband to her ever since, and Lex on the other hand has not improved in his recovery. Her gaze fixated on the ceiling as she counted every little spot or object she could see in the air or ceiling.“Goodbye Lex," she mumbled, her voice like a heartfelt apology. Her eyes were filled with tears but she held them back. It was time to let go of her love for Lex and focus on building a new family with Paul.She sighed and stood
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Chapter Seven
“Hello," the lady greeted and entered the house. Stella retreated till she collided with the wall. Her breathing quickened, shallow gasps of air escaping her trembling lips.The intruder was Adriana Lucas, a Cartel gangster in Chicago, and the two men with guns were her guards.After staring at the house design in admiration, she nodded her head and walked over to Stella who was glued to the wall.Her cold, unblinking eyes bore into Stella's, turning her blood to ice. Their faces were so close that she could feel Stella's hard breath all over her face. “Such a beauty," she said and caressed Stella's upper chest seductively, making her moan silently. All of a sudden, she pulled back, and her seductive gaze suddenly went cold, her eyes switched mode and she glared at Stella. “Where is he? Where is Paul Asher?" She asked.Just in time, Paul came running out of the kitchen. He had been making Coffee for himself the whole time. On hearing his name, he rushed out with a cup of coffee. H
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Chapter Eight
Early on a Monday morning, the street was buzzing with people going about their daily lives. Standing next to a city bell was a young man in a pair of blue jeans and white sleeves. It was Lex, it had been two years since he left for the monastery, and Stella had accepted her fate with Adriana.A lot had happened in two years; Stella slept with powerful men to fetch good money which wasn't hers. Adriana occasionally uses her as an assassin to poison and eliminate enemies that rise against her. Stella was living in a world she never imagined, and countless times, she had thought of committing suicide, but as Lex always told her, “Hope is a strong word and a powerful tool to overcome our biggest fears."Those words kept her going, as she kept hoping that one day she would be saved. Lex looked around in admiration like he had been away forever. There was no one for him in the city. The thought of going for Stella crossed his mind, but he quickly rubbished the idea.It would be a crime
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Chapter Nine
In the dining room, the table was filled with delicious foods and fruits. The excellent aroma traveled across the room, as the old man dived into the meal with Lex.Lex couldn't focus on the food. The urge to ask for the man's identity came calling at him, but he tried to ignore it. The door opened, announcing the presence of someone else.When Lex raised his face, his gaze met with a pretty damsel walking towards them. She was wearing a bum short, and a cotton-made sweater. His jaw dropped as he stared at her in admiration. Their gaze met, and she furrowed her brow.“Hi, Dad," she greeted as she approached, and the old man welcomed her with a joyous smile. As he turned to Lex for an introduction, Lex had his eyes fixated on the lady. The old man let out a low smile.“Lex,” he called. “This is Adriana, my daughter, the one I was telling you about. She means everything to me. I'd like you two to get to know each other," the man stated. He turned to the lady in return, “This is Lex.
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Chapter Ten
Later that night, Lex sat in his room. The silence in the room was a deafening roar as he thought of Espinoza’s request. A picture of Adriana was hanging on the wall, she was a magnificent beauty, and he felt something for her truly.However, he had convinced himself that all he felt was lust for her beauty and not love for who she was. After a deep thought, he decided to go to Adriana's clubhouse in the city. A servant had given him the address earlier.When he arrived at the club, it was almost 10 p.m. he was not used to clubbing, so he sat by the bar and ordered a drink. Before the drink could be served, a loud cry from a feminine voice behind caught his attention.He turned around and saw two men stripping a woman naked. The men were drunk. He darted his eyes around but there was no security nearby. He had to take it upon himself to go to her rescue because he would never condone such behavior. He approached the men, and with two punches, they both fell on the ground unable to
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