Chapter Seven

“Hello," the lady greeted and entered the house. Stella retreated till she collided with the wall. Her breathing quickened, shallow gasps of air escaping her trembling lips.

The intruder was Adriana Lucas, a Cartel gangster in Chicago, and the two men with guns were her guards.

After staring at the house design in admiration, she nodded her head and walked over to Stella who was glued to the wall.

Her cold, unblinking eyes bore into Stella's, turning her blood to ice. Their faces were so close that she could feel Stella's hard breath all over her face. 

“Such a beauty," she said and caressed Stella's upper chest seductively, making her moan silently. 

All of a sudden, she pulled back, and her seductive gaze suddenly went cold, her eyes switched mode and she glared at Stella. 

“Where is he? Where is Paul Asher?" She asked.

Just in time, Paul came running out of the kitchen. He had been making Coffee for himself the whole time. On hearing his name, he rushed out with a cup of coffee. 

His eyes met with Adriana's, and he tripped on his feet and fell. The coffee splashed all over the floor and he made his way to the backdoor to escape the scene.

One of the men was quick, he shot twice, and he didn't miss a shot. Paul collapsed right by the door, and Stella cried out in fear, tears dripping down her cheeks. 

Immediately, Adriana pointed a gun at her, and seeing the gun, her life flashed before her eyes, and she passed out on the floor.

“Oops! I didn't shoot,” Adriana said mockingly, staring at Stella's body on the ground. 

"I think I like this one. She'll be fun to play with. Pick her up, she's coming with us. If Paul is dead then he is of no use to me. But his little pretty thing here might serve,” she instructed the men, and they bundled Stella into a Mercedes Maybach sitting outside the house. 

They drove out, leaving the door open with Paul's lifeless body on display. 


A few months ago, Paul Asher took a loan of $50 million from Adriana Lucas. The time for payback expired, and he couldn't meet up with the payment. 

His failure to pay back brought queries from Adriana, but Paul ignored her warnings until a few weeks ago she threatened to kill him after she heard of his wedding. 

Paul thought of a perfect counterplan, so he sent an assassin after her first. 

The attempt failed, and Adriana managed to find out from the assassin that Paul was responsible for the plan. She killed the assassin and came for Paul Asher.


Later that evening, Paul's murder had been televised, and it was reported as a likely gang war.

Mariana sat in the police department, her feet and palms cold as she stared at the thin air. Her lips were trembling at every thought of Stella.

She had answered question upon question, but there was no idea of Stella's whereabouts. 

Hot tears gathered in her eyes, and memories of Stella's argument about getting married to Paul crossed her mind. She bit her lips, feeling bad for herself. 

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain across her chest, and her breathing seized. She had a seizure and as she grunted in pain, a police lady by the side noticed her situation. 

Immediately, she fell from her seat, and the lady raised the alarm. Mariana was rushed to the hospital. She had a heart attack. 


Later that night, in a multi-million dollar residence, inside the urban area, Stella woke up on a soft foam. The room was decorated with a white interior, everything was sparkling white, and it gave a heavenly appearance.

The ceiling was the first thing she saw. She blinked twice and turned to her left. Sitting next to her was Adriana, she was wearing a bikini, and her outfit made Stella look at herself.

She realized that she was half-naked too. 

“Oh my!"... She exclaimed but was cut short by Adriana.

“Don't worry, bitch! I didn't do anything. However, I just might. Though you should know, if I want to, I don't need to drug you, honey.”

“You see, I understand that before today you're used to being your own boss. I did some digging about you, and guess what I found out," Adriana said, and Stella folded herself in a corner, staring at her with fear in her eyes. 

“You betrayed your first husband. 24 hours later, he got knocked down by a vehicle and he was hospitalized. You left him in the hospital and married Paul Asher because he buys you fancy stuff and has some level of fame. Bitch!”

“You should have stayed married to your Ex-husband. You became my problem the day you married Paul Asher. You see, every friend of his is an enemy of mine. Now imagine what I can do to you who happens to be his wife!”

“You're mixed up in some big shit lady, and it's gonna take more than your pretty face and banging body to free yourself."

She grabbed Stella by the hair and pulled her closer while Stella whimpered in pain.

“From today henceforth, you will do what I tell you to do. You will go wherever I ask you to go. The safety of your Mom and little brother depends on your compliance. One wrong move, and you're done.”

She threw Stella to the bed and turned towards the door. In tears, Stella called out to her.

“What have I done? I don't know whatever problems you had with Paul. You killed him before my very eyes, why am I still in your custody? Let me go, please, I promise you that I won't say anything to anybody. You have my word."

Hearing her pleas, Adriana chuckled and turned around.

"For your information, Paul Asher owed me a huge amount of money. Part of that money he used to buy a $10 million mansion for your family. I won't take back the house, but you'll have to work for the money.”

"I wanted to kill you, bitch! But then, I realized that it would be a waste of good resources. I know a lot of men who are rich and they pay a lot for prostitutes as pretty as you. You'll get me my money, one way or another.”

Stella swallowed, shaking her head in disagreement. Her appealing eyes only angered Adriana more, and she scoffed.

“Pull yourself together. Tonight is your first day. I have a client for you already, and you better bring me good feedback,” Adriana said and walked out of the door. 

Stella fell back on the bed and buried her face in her palms weeping endlessly. 

So she was to become a sex worker? What about her job, her career? 

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