Chapter Eight

Early on a Monday morning, the street was buzzing with people going about their daily lives. 

Standing next to a city bell was a young man in a pair of blue jeans and white sleeves. It was Lex, it had been two years since he left for the monastery, and Stella had accepted her fate with Adriana.

A lot had happened in two years; Stella slept with powerful men to fetch good money which wasn't hers. Adriana occasionally uses her as an assassin to poison and eliminate enemies that rise against her. 

Stella was living in a world she never imagined, and countless times, she had thought of committing suicide, but as Lex always told her, “Hope is a strong word and a powerful tool to overcome our biggest fears."

Those words kept her going, as she kept hoping that one day she would be saved. 

Lex looked around in admiration like he had been away forever. There was no one for him in the city. The thought of going for Stella crossed his mind, but he quickly rubbished the idea.

It would be a crime to cause problems in her marriage. Hopefully, she finds peace with Paul, he thought. If only he knew that a lot had happened, and everything was not as it seemed.

He let out a deep sigh and proceeded for the pedestrian, suddenly, a convoy of luxury cars came out of nowhere. The whole passers-by stopped, staring at the cars as they drove speedily down the road.

Up ahead, they made a quick stop, and Lex stood still, watching the whole scenario. 

Two men alighted from one of the cars and rushed to a car behind. They opened the back seat and were struggling with a person who seemed to be in trouble. People gathered around, vehicles behind halt, and everybody stared in confusion.

Lex quickly rushed down to the place and inside the car was an old man. He was choking and gagging on his breath. The men in black all had a panic on their faces, as they ran helter skelter in confusion.

One could tell that the old man was wealthy, and the men in black were his security men. Lex quickly stepped in and tapped one of the men from behind.

“Let me help," he said, but the man pushed him backward, staring at him in disdain and suspicion. 

“He will not make it to the hospital, believe me. Do you want him to live? Then let me help save his life," Lex assured, and one of the men came forth. He posed as the team leader. He nodded, and the others stepped aside. 

Everybody had their eyes up, hoping to see how Lex was gonna do it. Luckily, spending 2 years in the monastery with the monks was worth it. He learned excellent healing secrets and martial arts.

Lex took out 3 pins from his bag and plunged them all into the old man's chest. 

The security men were not impressed. They stared in confusion, wondering what nonsense he was trying to do.

“Young man, what is the meaning of this? If anything happens to my boss today will be your last," the team leader threatened, and Lex smiled.

While they were at that, the old man started coughing continuously, and the men rushed to hold him. 

His coughing subsided almost immediately, and he was breathing again. Seeing that he had regained consciousness, the men helped him to his feet. 

Lex sighed and took back his needles from the man's chest. 

“Who're you?" The man asked as he stared at Lex in surprise, and Lex rolled his eyes.

“Me? I'm Lex. Lex Giovanni," he stated.

“You just saved my life, Lex. You're so young, yet so skillful medically. I've never seen such a method of healing in all my years on earth. What were those needles?" The man asked, and Lex chuckled. 

"Honestly they're just needles sir. It's not about the needles, it's about the user. Knowing how to make use of them, that's all that matters,” he responded.

“I see. How can I repay this favor? You just saved my life. Make a wish young man, I'd like to grant your heart's desire in appreciation for saving my life," the old man said. 

His statement took Lex by surprise, as he wasn't expecting compensation. He scratched his hair, thinking of what to say when the man suddenly spoke up.

"How about you join me in my penthouse? Let me treat you to a special meal. Is that good enough?” The man asked, and Lex rolled his eyes.

“I was thinking if you could spare me some cash. You see I don't have any place to spend nights, and I have no money. If you can spare me some cash for an apartment that'll go a long way for me sir and I'll be very grateful.”

The man chuckled and caressed his long white beard, nodding his head in satisfaction.

“I like the way you speak. You talk like a gentleman," he said.

"Alright, I'll do both. Join me in my penthouse please, I'll get you a quality apartment of your choice in return,” the man said, and Lex lowered his head in appreciation.

They walked side by side into a Rolls-Royce Phantom in the middle of the cars and drove out quietly. 

On the journey, the old man kept Lex hooked on a story of his lifetime, and Lex didn't know when they arrived at their destination. 

The cars suddenly made a stop, and the man smiled.

“Great! We're home," he said and Lex darted his eyes around.

What a luxury! The residence was too big to belong to one man. Everything a person could think of was there. 

There was a large swimming pool next to a beautifully decorated garden. A golf field by the left, and a runway that led to the large building. 

Lex alighted from the car and joined the man as they walked into the house.

The last time he saw such luxury was in his home back in Mexico. 

As they entered the house, Lex settled on the sofa, while the man excused himself for a moment. Seeing the beautiful luxury in the house, Lex decided to look around at the pictures and awards hanging on the wall.

His first approach to a certificate triggered his curiosity as he saw the name ‘Espinoza Lucas’ written on it. His eyes bulged expressing his shock. 

Espinoza Lucas was a powerful Cartel boss in the country. 

His name was popular among the commoners, and he was believed to be untouchable, following his involvement in politics and being a godfather to many politicians. 

Lex darted his eyes to the staircase where the old man walked from with many thoughts in his mind.

Could this old man be Espinoza Lucas? Did he just save the life of a Cartel leader? 

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