Chapter Five

One month had passed since Lex's disastrous accident, and Stella had been his backbone. She took him home after he was discharged from the hospital. 

Her decision to remain married to Lex had sparked a discomfort in her family, and she had a fallout with her Mom. 

Mariana threatened to leave if Lex should remain in the family, and in the heat of the moment, Stella ordered her to leave her house. Mariana was shocked. She wanted to take back her words, but it was too late. 

She left the house and began to squat with her friend, Helena.  

One morning, it snowed heavily, and Stella had to call in sick for work. However, she wanted to make time for Lex and herself without work coming between them.

Inside the Jacuzzi, Lex sat for a hot bath. His gaze fixated on the water without a blink of an eye. Following his brain condition, he had lost his sense of identification. 

The door opened, and Stella walked in on him with a smile. 

“Hey," she called swiftly and walked over to him. She caressed his chest slowly, but there was no reaction from him. She giggled, assuming he was enjoying it even though he couldn't show it.

As she picked up a soap to wash him up, the doorbell rang outside, and Stella sighed. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. 

“Hold on, babe, I'll be right back,” she said to Lex and kissed his hair. 


Outside the house, Mariana was standing by the door with Maron and another lady by her side. The lady was Amelia, Stella's best friend. Amelia had just returned from her two-year trip to Africa, and she couldn't wait to see Stella.

Even though Mariana had filled her in on what was happening, she couldn't wait to see for herself. The door suddenly went open, and Stella saw her mother standing by the door.

“Seriously?” she asked with a disappointing gaze until she saw Amelia by the corner. 

Her eyes widened in shock, and a beautiful smile etched across her features.

“Amy?" She called with teary eyes and jumped on her. Her scream of joy was everywhere. 

“Hey baby, I've missed you so much, sweetheart," Amelia said amidst laughter. After a heartwarming reunion, Stella led the way into the house. 

When they settled down, Amelia cleared her throat after exchanging her gaze with Mariana.

She turned to Stella and held her both hands keenly.

“Babes, can you tell me what happened between you and Paul? I heard that you turned down his proposal last night. What happened?” Amelia asked, and Stella chuckled.

She shifted her gaze to Mariana, her mother, and scoffed.

"Seriously? My bestie just returned to the country and this is the kind of news you welcome her with huh? You know what Mom, you're so shameless. Yes, I didn't take Paul's ring, but I didn't say no.”

“I only told him to give me time to think it through. For your information, I don't think I want to leave Lex. I can't leave him, not in this condition.”

“I have to stay by his side till he gets back to normal. That's what couples do, right?” She asked, turning to Amelia, and Amelia swallowed hard. 

"What if Lex doesn't come back to normal? I mean you heard the Doctor, Stella. What if Lex is going to be like this forever?" Mariana asked.

"Hey,” Amelia cut in, and Stella faced her direction.

“Your Mom is right, babes. You cannot put all your hope on something that doesn't seem likely. I mean you're young. Don't waste your time anymore. You've done enough for him.”

“If you surely care so much about him then why don't you send him to a nursing home and take care of his treatment? You can create a new family with Paul, I heard that he is crazy about you. Don't miss your chance, honey. We don't always get a second chance,” Amelia advised.

Stella went quiet as she gave it a second thought. Amelia was right, she feared. There was no assurance that Lex would get back to normal. 

She darted her eyes around, all eyes were on her. Everybody was curious to hear her decision. She swallowed, thinking of the best decision to make before nightfall, because she had a dinner date with Paul to give her answer to his proposal.


In Ashton Villa Hotel that night, there was a chorus of jubilation and well-wishes as Paul celebrated with his friends and colleagues. Stella had just accepted his proposal.

Just as instructed, Mariana drove Lex to a nursing home. Stella had decided to heed Amelia's advice. Even though she felt bad, she tried as much as she could to be happy.

At exactly 10 p.m. that night, Stella lay on the bed with her gaze on the ceiling. Paul had just dropped her off a few minutes ago after promising to come for her first thing in the morning. 

The thought of Lex's fate was in her mind, and she kept thinking if what she had done was right or wrong. Soon, she fell asleep with her clothes and shoes on. 


A loud chattering woke her up, and she grunted tiredly. She rolled over the bed and checked her clock, it was 8 a.m.

“Holy Mary!" She screamed and jumped off the bed. She had slept till daybreak without even realizing it. She undressed herself for a quick morning bath, and suddenly a knock came on her door.

Before she could respond, the door opened, revealing Paul in black shorts and a white singlet. 

He displayed a perfect smile and walked towards her. 

“Oh! How did you get here this morning dressed like this?” Stella inquired, and he pulled her to his chest with a smile on his lips.

"It's time, baby. Remember I told you I got a gift for you? Well here it is, and it's all yours," he said as he handed a picture to her. 

A picture of a luxurious mansion. The building was sitting in a very comfortable Greenland valley. Its beauty was conveyed through mere pictures.

Stella gasped in surprise. She widened her eyes and her jaw dropped in disbelief.

“This is for me?" She asked, with butterflies in her belly. Her joy was priceless as Paul watched her in admiration. 

“Get dressed, darling. It's time to go. You can skip work for today, surely it wouldn't hurt. After all, you're your own boss” Paul said, and she rolled her eyes.

She dressed up, suspending every other thing. As they left the room, 3 men came in to move her things out.

Outside the house, Mariana stood all alone by the corner watching the workers pack their valuable properties into a van.

Stella, on seeing her, rushed to her, leaving Paul with the men.

“Mom? Don't you think this is too sudden? He got me a house a few hours after I accepted his proposal, and he is already packing our things for the new house. How do you feel so comfortable with it?” She asked.

“I see nothing wrong in that, honey. He is a man who is crazily in love. He just wants you closer to him. Besides, this house is not yours, it's rented. But now you have your own house, darling. Isn't that a good thing?” Mariana asked, but Paul's presence cut short their conversation.

"Is everything ok?” he asked, and Stella let out a low laugh in pretense. 

"Yeah, sure. When they're done we can go. I can't wait to get home," she said, and Paul chuckled. 

As they drove out of the premises, Stella stared at the house in silence. She exhaled deeply and wiped a drop of tears that had fallen over her eyes. 

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