The Almighty God of War

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The Almighty God of War

By: Quantum Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 43 views: 204

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After returning from a devastating battle, Kaiden learned the bitter truth. The wife he missed so much was a traitor and not the one who saved him. He will save the real savior, then give her an extraordinary life.

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43 chapters
Chapter 1
A man's eagle eyes were focused on the sheet of paper now clutched in his muscular hands. He had just gotten word that his exile was over."Finally, after five years, I'm coming back." The man named Kaiden muttered after he read the letter sent by his superiors. Until then, he breathed a sigh of relief.An elderly man bowing respectfully before Kaiden. The man smiled as well. "That is good news, sir. "After five years, you will soon meet Miss Kyra."Kaiden looked at his servant. For five years, he had been on the battlefield. And for five years, he would have to live far away from his wife.Kaiden nodded. He smiled again as he remembered Kyra. "This is the perfect time to shower Kyra with expensive items that I have never given her before," Kaiden spoke with great joy.Kaiden wanted to give Kyra happiness. He felt that Kyra had saved his life five years ago.All this time, he had deliberately hidden his identity from Kyra. He thought that now was the perfect time when he would show hi
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Chapter 2
Everything Kyra said made Kaiden hurt. He stared at Kyra's face in disbelief. For five years, he believed that Kyra was the one who saved him, so Kaiden always thought of Kyra and always wanted Kyra to be happy after his return. But right now, the fact that Kyra said made him speechless."Hey, why are you still here? Are my lover's words not clear enough?" Mark snapped."I think he sucks. What did he expect with his return? Even he thinks I saved her. I'm not sacrificing my precious time for an idiot like him." Kyra's voice filled the entire room.Kaiden stared at Kyra and the man beside her with a disgusted look. His hands were clenched tightly into fists. However, he did not want to say anything more. Afterward, Kaiden left the two disgusting people.When he had left the Adams' house, Kaiden reached for his cell phone. His face looked hard. He contacted Dorry. "I want you to discover the truth about five years ago."The man on the other end, Dorry, frowned. He didn't know what was g
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Chapter 3
Kyra walked up to her grandfather. With a big smile, she showed him the diamond Mark Addison had just given her."Look, grandfather, I got this from Mark Addison. Isn't this a good thing? This is a costly diamond. And if only I wear this. Then I'll look shiny." Kyra showed off a necklace that glittered around her neck.Lucas smiled. He rose from his seat, his face full of excitement. Lucas slowly reached out his hand and touched the necklace Kyra was wearing. When he found out the diamond was natural, his smile grew even more comprehensive. "This is very nice. I'm pretty sure this is an expensive diamond.""Not only this, I also got some other gifts. Mark Addison is amazing." Kyra showed it off to her grandfather again.Lucas patted Kyra on the shoulder. He couldn't help but be proud of Kyra. "You are indeed a reliable grandson. This way, our relationship with the Addison family will be even closer. And that would be great for the Adams family. As much as possible, you must unite with
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Chapter 4
Kyra stared at Kaiden with a fierce look in her eyes. Before, she was happy when Kaiden had left. But Kaiden's arrival made her even angrier. "How could you come back and yell in front of us? Don't you have any shame?" Kyra folded her arms, a look of arrogance on her face.Kyra smiled sarcastically, watching Kaiden with up-and-down eye movements. "Did you come wanting to be a hero here for this woman? Apparently, you have gained the courage to speak in my presence."Kaiden gave Kyra a cold stare. But he showed his calm face. He did not care enough about Kyra's words. Even he secretly looked at Rihanna. This was the first time they had met.A worry flashed through Kaiden's mind towards Rihanna. Hearing everything Kyra and Lucas had previously said to Rihanna made him angry. He knew that they had made Rihanna's life very bad. Kaiden wrung his hands in anger, thinking of Rihanna's complicated life.Kyra walked over, watching Kaiden from a few centimeters away. "Did you secretly come to f
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Chapter 5
Kaiden gave Kyra a sharp look. "You won't be able to touch me in the slightest. Because I will never let him." The voice sounded very stern.Kyra could not hold back her anger, but she also could not vent her anger at Kaiden, especially now that Kaiden was gripping her wrist roughly. It was painful for him."Let go of me!" Kyra tried to pull her hand away.Kaiden let go of the hand roughly and pushed her a little, which made Kyra almost fall.Rihanna's cell phone rang. Anxiously, Rihanna answered the phone call when she found out it was a call from the hospital."Did something happen with my daughter to make you call?" Rihanna's voice was filled with worry. Right now, he wanted to run away from there and see how his daughter was doing."We've warned you before that you must pay the hospital fees immediately, or else we'll remove the oxygen mask if you don't pay the surgery fees." There was a stern voice on the other end of the line.Rihanna rounded her eyes after hearing the hospital'
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Chapter 6
"Bringing Rihanna?" The sound of laughter could be heard from Kyra. She even shook her head and assumed that Kaiden was a really stupid guy."So apparently, you really want this disgusting woman? How could you decide to divorce me and replace me with a woman who is not even more than a bitch?" Kyra's face became stern. To her, it was an insult to him"Didn't you hear for yourself that she would do anything to get that invitation, even if she's going to spend the night with a man she doesn't know? She really is a bitch, and you look so proud when you want her. You idiot!" Kyra put pressure on Kaiden.In her heart, she was happy to be separated and not have any relationship with Kaiden, but she also felt humiliated when Kaiden asked for a divorce and wanted Kyra instead."You're a stupid man. What's the point of bringing in that pesky woman!" Lucas spoke up as well. His anger was still evident.Kaiden looked at the two with cold eye movements, but he still remained calm. "The invitation
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Chapter 7
Seeing the escalating commotion made Rihanna very worried. Her gaze fell on Kaiden who continued to defend her. Although this seemed strange, but Rihanna could not hide the excitement in her heart. For the first time, she finally had a defense in her life.Rihanna held Kaiden's hand, this made Kaiden shift his gaze until he was now staring intently at Rihanna's face. "Stop all this. I believe in you." Rihanna stated seriously. And this made Kaiden feel happy too."Please stop this argument. I don't want things to get bigger just because you're defending me." Rihanna was still persuading Kaiden. Even she still didn't understand why Kaiden kept defending her.Rihanna sighed again. "If I'm honest, I don't want to attend any parties either. I feel like I don't deserve to be there." Rihanna looked insecure.All this time, she had never hung out with strangers. And if she was really going to get an invitation, she probably wouldn't know anyone.Kaiden was still staring at Rihanna's face. Fr
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Chapter 8
Kyra and Lucas were very surprised about it. Lucas could hardly believe that he had been invited by the Warlord's family. Especially when they came with quite a large army. This seemed surprising.Kyra quickly withdrew the invitation that was still in her servant's hand. He hoped that the servant had made a mistake in reading. But when he looked at it, it actually said Rihanna's name. "This can't be.""How can this invitation be written in Rihanna's name?" Kyra looked at Rihanna sarcastically. Envy and disbelief clashed in her heart. "Even I'm much more dominant than that bitch."Lucas clenched his fists. "They should have written my name on it." her gaze looked stern.No one thought that the messengers from the Warlord family were the ones Kaiden had called earlier.Meanwhile, Rihanna herself was feeling quite confused. She could hardly believe it now that she had the invitation in her own name.Just as Rihanna was about to take the invitation, Kyra rudely swatted away Rihanna's hand
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Chapter 9
Kaiden gave Lucas a cold stare. He immediately reclaimed the invitation that should have belonged to Rihanna."You bastard!" Lucas looked annoyed when Kaiden snatched the invitation away.But he soon changed his expression. "Oh, just take the fake invitation. I'm pretty sure you faked all of this on purpose. "Or maybe you asked some of your friends to come as if they were emissaries of the Warlord family." Lucas smiled bitterly. "You're really disgusting."Kyra folded her arms. Before this he was a little anxious because he didn't get any invitations, but now he was sure of his thoughts if the invitations had really been forged. Because it was highly unlikely that a commoner like Kaiden could request an invitation so easily."They're really quite embarrassing. I don't know what the man was trying to show. He looks even more disgusting." Kyra gave a dismissive look."He's an imposter. You damn bastard! You shouldn't have shown up in front of me." Lucas looked angry with Kaiden again. E
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Chapter 10
"Grandpa, so mean." Rihanna gives her defense to Kaiden. She tries to suppress her fear of standing up to her grandfather. This is the first time she says that her grandfather is a bad man. Whereas before, he had always just chosen to be quiet and follow whatever his grandfather asked without saying much bad to his grandfather. Kyra looked at him sharply. "Grandpa, this woman is useless. Just because of that damn man, she had dared to say that he was a bad man. Tell all the guards to send him away, too." Kyra said it in a loud voice. She certainly wasn't happy when Rihanna said that to her grandfather.Lucas' face also seemed to harden. For the first time, he heard Rihanna say such a thing. "She is indeed a useless woman. Drag that woman out of my sight, too! Finish her and throw them away." Lucas' voice trembled with anger. Rihanna rounded her eyes. Since long ago, she had always done what her grandfather told her. But now, she must accept being banished from the Adams family. Thi
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