The Almighty God of War
The Almighty God of War
Author: Quantum
Chapter 1

A man's eagle eyes were focused on the sheet of paper now clutched in his muscular hands. He had just gotten word that his exile was over.

"Finally, after five years, I'm coming back." The man named Kaiden muttered after he read the letter sent by his superiors. Until then, he breathed a sigh of relief.

An elderly man bowing respectfully before Kaiden. The man smiled as well. "That is good news, sir. "After five years, you will soon meet Miss Kyra."

Kaiden looked at his servant. For five years, he had been on the battlefield. And for five years, he would have to live far away from his wife.

Kaiden nodded. He smiled again as he remembered Kyra. "This is the perfect time to shower Kyra with expensive items that I have never given her before," Kaiden spoke with great joy.

Kaiden wanted to give Kyra happiness. He felt that Kyra had saved his life five years ago.

All this time, he had deliberately hidden his identity from Kyra. He thought that now was the perfect time when he would show his identity as an outstanding son-in-law in the Adams family.

His memory focused on Kyra, making the cold-faced man smile slightly. He couldn't even remember the last time he smiled.

Seeing her master's smiling face, the servant was a little surprised, but she felt happy. "Sir, Miss Kyra will be pleased."

An arranged marriage brought Kaiden and Kyra together. Unfortunately, they did not have enough time together because, after the wedding, Kaiden was forced to leave to return to the battlefield.

Kaiden exhaled. He nodded. The expression on his face had now changed. "Prepare for my journey back."

The servant nodded. "I will prepare everything for you." Having said that, the old man left Kaiden's presence.

Kaiden stared at the letter still in his hand. He envisioned his return and meeting Kyra. He expected a smile and a warm hug from his wife.

His secretary arrived and greeted him with a smile. "Sir, I received word that you will be returning soon. "That is excellent news for you. I've prepared everything."

Kaiden only nodded. His face looked flat. Until now, he had remembered something.

Kaiden looked at the woman before him. "I want you to bring me an expensive diamond necklace. I will give it to my wife." Je gave the order.

The man named Dorry nodded his head. "Sir, I will prepare your request immediately."

Kaiden let his secretary go. He sat quietly, enjoying the tea, before he left to return home.

After some time, Dorry came back. He brought out a red box and immediately handed it to Kaiden. "This is the diamond you wanted, sir."

Kaiden received the red box. After opening it, he smiled slightly. Even he expected Kyra to give him a peck in return.

Everything was ready. Kaiden immediately started traveling home. He received a farewell greeting before he finally got into the helicopter.

Two hours into the trip, Kaiden got off the plane and was greeted by a fairly old car. This was his request. Kaiden wanted to return to the Adams' home without standing out.

Upon noticing the Adams' house was nearby, he muttered, "Kyra would love to."

Since then, he had been holding the red box containing the diamond necklace. He would soon give it to Kyra during their first meeting in a long time.

Kaiden had arrived at his house. He quickly got out of the old car and entered the house without giving any news. But when he stepped into the Adams' home, Kaiden could not find Kyran.

"Where is she?" His gaze was currently fixed on the upper floor, where Kyra's room was located.

Without any awkwardness, Kaiden immediately walked into the room.

Just as his steps got closer, he faintly heard the spoiled voice of a familiar woman. His heart stopped beating. He was very sure that it was Kyra's voice.

"Is there someone with her?" Kaiden wondered. This time, his steps became hesitant.

Inside the room, Kyra was in the arms of a man. His fingers were mischievously giving the man's chest a playful touch. "You are a very extraordinary man. "Of course, I don't want to lose a man like you, dear," she whispered in the man's ear.

"Oh, your hands are so naughty. Don't blame me if I make you helpless now."

Hearing such words from a man, Kaiden could not stand it. Of course, he would not allow his wife to be in the touch and caress of another man.

Kaiden quickened his pace. Until this moment, his steps stopped right in front of the room door that was not perfectly closed. He saw a man on the bed who was embracing his wife's body intimately. Suddenly, he immediately gave the door of the room a powerful kick that took the two people inside by surprise.

His hands clenched into tight fists. Even under these circumstances, the man who was with his wife was still hugging Kyra's body without letting go.

Kyra was a little surprised. "Kaiden?" Kyra stuttered. She didn't know if Kaiden would come back. She didn't even expect the damn man to go back home.

Kaiden couldn't contain his emotions. Her hands clenched into fists and gripped the red box hard. "What did you do? Why did you cheat on me?!" The baritone's voice echoed throughout the room. He stared at the two people on the bed in disgust.

No guilt could be seen on the faces of the two people still on the bed. For the rest, Kyra rolled her eyes and was not happy with Kaiden's question.

Kyra exhaled in exasperation. She even stared at Kaiden innocently and let the man she was with remain in her arms. That man was Mark, the only son in the Addison family.  

While Kaiden was away, Kyra had been in a relationship with Mark. And she knew that Mark was a more helpful person than Kaiden.

"Stop yelling in front of me," Kyra said sarcastically. Kyra even still held Mark's hand affectionately.

Kaiden was surprised. This was not the welcome he wanted from his wife. "What do you mean? Why did you cheat on me? You should have waited for me to get home." Kaiden gave his protest.

For five years, he had always missed Kyra. He waited for the time for her to return. But upon his return, Kaiden had to swallow a bitter taste, seeing his wife in another man's arms.

Kyra casually wrapped the blanket around her body. Then she looked at Kaiden sharply. "I never expected to marry a man like you. Our marriage was only due to the encouragement of grandfather, who wanted to keep a servant as a son-in-law in this house." Kyra sneered.

Kaiden exhaled. He tried to restrain himself. He showed me a box he had brought. "I had prepared a diamond necklace gift for you, but you cheated on me."

Mark got up, too. He couldn't stop himself from laughing. "Do you mean it's an imitation necklace?" Mark walked beside Kyra with his arm around her waist.

Marc didn't care about the man standing in front of them. Then spoke, "Kyra, I'm pretty sure it's just a regular necklace and costs a hundred dollars. But he said it so proudly. How embarrassing."

Hearing that whisper, Kyra became very upset. She picked up the diamond case and dumped it on the floor. "Do you want to insult me by bringing this cheap necklace? I don't need it."

Kaiden stared at the broken diamond necklace on the floor. It was a necklace worth ten million dollars. But Kyra foolishly threw it away.

The woman pointed at Kaiden. "Remember, I don't want to marry you. I don't love you at all."

That sentence pierced Kaiden's heart. Earlier, she was very sure that Kyra loved her very much. In disbelief, he asked, "If you don't love me, why did you save me five years ago?"

Kyra laughed out loud at Kaiden's words. "Saved you? Are you kidding?"

Kaiden didn't quite understand Kyra's answer. But Kyra continued. "If I had been there, then I would have let you die. But unfortunately, I wasn't there. And anyway, I never saved you. Only a fool wastes his time saving a man like you.”

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