Chapter 2

Everything Kyra said made Kaiden hurt. He stared at Kyra's face in disbelief. For five years, he believed that Kyra was the one who saved him, so Kaiden always thought of Kyra and always wanted Kyra to be happy after his return. But right now, the fact that Kyra said made him speechless.

"Hey, why are you still here? Are my lover's words not clear enough?" Mark snapped.

"I think he sucks. What did he expect with his return? Even he thinks I saved her. I'm not sacrificing my precious time for an idiot like him." Kyra's voice filled the entire room.

Kaiden stared at Kyra and the man beside her with a disgusted look. His hands were clenched tightly into fists. However, he did not want to say anything more. Afterward, Kaiden left the two disgusting people.

When he had left the Adams' house, Kaiden reached for his cell phone. His face looked hard. He contacted Dorry. "I want you to discover the truth about five years ago."

The man on the other end, Dorry, frowned. He didn't know what was going on. But he nodded immediately. "Sir, I'll do it."

Without saying anything else, Kaiden hung up the phone call. He quickly left the house for his private home that Dorry had prepared in advance.

Kaiden was in his room. He sat down with his eyes on the window. His face still looked stern, showing a great deal of anger.

"How did this happen?" Kaiden tapped his fingers on the table.

He remembered the words of Kyra's grandfather-Lucas Adams, who said his granddaughter had pinned him. Until their marriage finally happened. Too bad he had to go to the battlefield before spending time with Kyra.

A sigh was heard. The man's gaze was still sharp. After the door to the room opened, his gaze immediately fell on an old man who was now walking towards him.

Dorry bowed his body respectfully. The first time he got the order from his master, he was sure something was wrong. Until the moment they locked gazes, that conviction grew even stronger, especially when looking at his master, who was currently wearing a stern expression.

Kaiden watched him. "Did you get all the information I asked for?" Kaiden asked with some impatience, waiting for an answer.

Dorry's nod made Kaiden let out a sigh of relief. But after a few seconds, impatience showed on Kaiden's face. He rose from his seat, looking at Dorry for an answer.

"Sir, as you instructed, I have obtained the correct information regarding the past five years," Dorry answered. His face was a little anxious as he was about to tell his master everything. He knew that this was quite painful news for his master.

"Tell me." Kaiden urged Dorry to say everything immediately.

The old man nodded his head. "Five years ago, you received a surprise attack from another god of war. The brutal attack makes it quite difficult to counterattack, especially when that person also covers your face. Until they finally succeeded in rendering you unconscious."

Hearing Dorry's answer made memories of five years ago flash through Kaiden's mind. He recalled the time he had gotten a surprise attack with his face covered. He didn't even have a chance to fight back because they wrapped his arms and legs around them. It happened so fast that Kaiden could not remember everything.

Kaiden looked back at Dorry sternly. "Tell me everything."

"When you get hurt that badly, a woman comes to your aid. That is Rihanna Adams. She is the younger sister of Miss Kyra Adams." Dorry told that fact to his master.

Kaiden gave Dorry a sharp look. "Are you stating the right thing?" Kaiden returned, demanding answers. When he returned home, Kaiden had hoped for a chance to give his wife some protection, but he had no idea that he would get such a shocking fact.

All this time, Kaiden had always missed Kyra. He felt indebted to Kyra, but he did not expect that it was someone else who saved his life.

"Sir, I'm making a serious point. Even then, Mr. Lucas Adams took his chance by giving you an anesthetic. Ultimately, you had a child out of wedlock with Miss Rihanna Adams." Dorry returned with shocking news.

Kaiden massaged his head. He gave a little blow to remember some of the things that happened, but he doesn't remember anything at all.

He had no idea that all this time, his life had been saved by someone else. Kaiden did not even know about Rihanna. So, how could he have a child with Rihanna?

Little did Kaiden know that after Rihanna had helped him, Lucas had deliberately anesthetized her and brought them together. Finally, Rihanna became pregnant. It's just that Lucas doesn't want them to be together. She wants Kaiden to be with Kyra.

At that time, Lucas came to Kaiden and said that his granddaughter, Kyra, had helped him and treated him until he wanted a marriage between Kyra and Kaiden.

Getting information about it, Kaiden agreed quickly. Until every day, Kaiden always dreamed of being with Kyra.

Kaiden's hands were now clenched tightly into fists. "How could someone dare deceive me!?" a pounding on the table made the atmosphere tense.

Kaiden felt that he had been playing for five years. Even he had no idea about the woman who had saved his life.

Dorry was a little worried about his master's anger. His master's face was hardened, with both eyes flashing. He nervously spoke, "Sir, I'm telling you all the facts that I know."

"This is unfair and disrespectful treatment. For five years, I had no idea who the person who saved my life was. I just missed the wrong person." Kaiden's face was fiery. His mind was only on Lucas, who had played a trick on him.

With both hands clenched into fists, Kaiden stared at Dorry. "I will teach a lesson to the one who framed me," Kaiden said with a vengeance.

"Whoever played me deserves great punishment." that voice echoed throughout the room.

Dorry understood his master's words. "Lord, I will do as you command. Those who are your enemies will receive a strong blow from my hand."

Kaiden's breath seemed to catch as he thought about Rihanna. All this time, he had never heard that name. He was certain that Rihanna was currently in exile. "I will bring my true love back. I will shower her with happiness and give her justice." Kaiden gave his oath.

Kaiden tried to calm himself down. He held back his anger and spoke, "I will organize a feast with all the gods of war. And I will be there.”

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