The Awakening Of Oliver Roberts

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The Awakening Of Oliver Roberts

By: Arthea Edelweis Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 9 views: 34

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After a year in prison defending his lover, Oliver Roberts returned to a shattered world—his lover was missing, his parents were caught in financial turmoil, and his father was dying. In a last-ditch effort to save his father, Oliver searched for a rare medicinal potion, utilizing the healing abilities he had learned from a mysterious man. However, fate brought him to the esteemed Hoshier family after an accident changed his life. When Oliver saved Mr. Hoshier from a terminal illness, he received a surprising reward: marriage to Hoshier's daughter, Elena. Trapped in an aristocratic world full of intrigue, Oliver had to face the challenges of being an unwanted son-in-law. In the midst of a stressful marriage, he had to navigate complicated family relationships and face enemies and secrets that threatened his position. Could Oliver change his fate and find his rightful place in this new world?

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  • Arthea Edelweis


    Hello.... This is my first book on MegaNovel' I hope you all enjoy my story treats. ...️ Thank you!

    2024-09-15 08:24:09
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9 chapters
"Oliver... your father is dying."The words hit Oliver like a sledgehammer. The joy of freedom instantly vanished, replaced by deep worry. He had been in prison for a year and was finally free. But, instead of seeing the faces of his parents or his girlfriend, who welcomed his freedom, he was greeted with bad news brought by his friends.Oliver's world seemed to come to an abrupt halt. His heart skipped a beat, pumping blood that felt frozen in his veins. his father? Dying? How is that possible? He had just been released, and the first news he received was this?"Wh-What do you mean?" Oliver's body trembled violently. He gripped the collar of his friend's clothes with his eyes wide with shock.His face was deathly pale. He didn't come out of prison to get painful news like this. Especially when it came to his family. The only thing that has kept him going to this point, besides his girlfriend."You will know once you get there. We're coming to pick you up." His voice was muffled. Thei
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“W-What do you mean, Mom?” Oliver asked, his eyes widening in surprise. He squeezed his mother's hand who looked very sad."Oliver, actually, after you went to prison, your lover left without a word. "He abandoned your parents even after the sacrifices you made for him," said Oliver's friend. His world collapsed when he heard the bitter reality that he had just learned.All this time, he thought that his girlfriend was looking after his parents while he was in prison. But he didn't expect that after Oliver was in prison, he would actually run away from his family.Oliver fell to the floor feeling devastated. He was sad, disappointed, and felt guilty about everything that had happened. And all of this is his fault. If I did he wouldn't defend his girlfriend, who he thought was a good woman, but in reality. After all the chaos that happened, his lover actually betrayed him.“Now you know what happened to us, right?” his mother asked. He also knelt in front of Oliver with his body shakin
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"How could Kate do all that to me after the sacrifices I made," Oliver whispered with his hands clenched into fists.Oliver looked down at his father lying weakly on the bed, his breathing labored and his face pale. His heart broke seeing the condition of the man who had raised him so lovingly. Guilt continued to haunt his mind; this suffering was because of him.It seemed like he was too blinded by love. He risked his life for the woman he thought would always be there for him no matter what, but the truth is... while he was in prison, Kate left without a word and abandoned his family who Oliver thought had been looking after his mother and father."I can't let her," Oliver was inflamed by great disappointment. "I have to see her and ask her for an explanation in person. But before that, I need to heal my mom and dad," he said in a voice only he could hear. His father was dying, and Oliver knew he had to do something."Oliver, what are you thinking?" asked his mother in a weak voice
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"Akh!"Oliver's body jolted from the darkness that had previously enveloped his consciousness. His vision was blurry for a moment but slowly came into focus. The air was cold, and he realized that he was lying on the road, right where the car had hit him. He should have felt excruciating pain, but... strangely, he felt nothing.Oliver tried to move, his eyes dropping to look at his body. There were several open wounds on his legs and a long scratch on his left arm, his blood still flowing slowly. However, the pain he expected did not come. His head spun, remembering the violent impact of the car that hit him, the sound of the boom still ringing in his ears. How could he still be alive? Even stranger, how could he be okay?"This doesn't make sense," he muttered, his voice hoarse. He should have been lying helpless, with much worse injuries, perhaps broken bones or worse. But her body felt... whole. The small wounds on his hands and feet were nothing compared to what he should have suff
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"Alright," Oliver finally let out a long breath, giving in to the situation. "I'll help your father. But make sure you keep your promise.""Yes, I swear I'll keep our word!" She replied firmly.This was the first time Oliver had used the skills he had been taught. And he hoped it would work.Oliver took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Before he corrected the old man's sitting position, he touched his chest, checking for the right spot before he pressed on it, drawing energy from within him and normalizing the circulation around the lungs. He could also feel the injured part of the lung and he tried to slightly repair it, though not perfectly.The old man was breathing heavily with cold sweat pouring down his body. He groaned in pain as Oliver continued to press on the chest, occasionally closing his eyes as if he was concentrating on treating him, then checking carefully on his condition.Meanwhile, the woman continued to stand waiting nervously while watching what Oliver was doing.
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"Fucking bastard! Get out of the house!" the gang leader shouted at the door of Oliver's rundown apartment building. He brought half of his men with him, beating Oliver to death in revenge for what Oliver had done to him. They had been humiliated earlier and Oliver's arrogant attitude hurt young master Rudolph's pride.The neighbors who heard the commotion began to gather around with an air of fear. They didn't dare come closer or complain about how noisy the gangsters were shouting at Oliver's house. The kick after kick, punch after punch they delivered with the baseball bats they held made everyone shudder in horror.“Come on, Fucking Bastard! Get out right now or we'll come in and destroy the entire house and its contents!" He cursed again with a more gruesome threat. "Your life will be over today!"Laughter boomed out, mocking how cowardly Oliver was for not coming out. The cheers were even louder when the creaking sound of the door being opened, Oliver came out with his friend wh
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All eyes were now on Oliver, and whispers again filled the room. Guests who were previously astonished are now showing admiration. They were beginning to realize that Oliver was not random, and the warm welcome from the Hoshier family added to the aura of mystery around him."Thank you, Mr. Hoshier. I really appreciate your welcome." Oliver half bowed respectfully to Mr. Hoshier."Have you received the potion that my servant has brought?" he asked kindly."Yes, I have received it and have given it to my father. Thank you for your help."If Mr. Hoshier hadn't helped him to get the potion, he might still be busy looking for a potion to treat his father today."I also thank you for saving my life earlier," he said, "I have prepared a sumptuous dinner to welcome you. Come, join us...""You're being too nice to him," Elena said in a non-angry tone. She even stood there without pushing her father's wheelchair to go to the hall that had been set up for their dinner."Elena...""Dad, he hasn'
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"Oh, my God... Dad..."Elena immediately cried out in gratitude when she saw her father start to open his eyes. She squeezed Mr. Hoshier's hand with tears in her eyes. She thought she would lose her father, but Doctor Lin had saved his life.Mr. Hoshier's condition seemed to be improving after a long time of Doctor Lin treating him with his methods. Elena was relieved that her father was in good hands. With slightly trembling hands, Elena thanked Doctor Lin."Doctor Lin, thank you so much. I'm so grateful you're here," Elena said in an emotional tone.Doctor Lin simply nodded with a gentle smile, his face showing serenity. "That is already my duty, Miss Elena. I only do what I can."Elena squeezed her father's hand with relief on her face. She couldn't hide the relief, but also the worry on her face. Mr. Hoshier's eyes blinked, still struggling to focus. His weak fingers tried to grasp Elena's hand."Dad, how are you feeling right now?"Instead of getting an answer from her father, su
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"Please take me as your student, Mr. Oliver!"Elena was stunned to see Doctor Lin suddenly kneeling in front of Oliver. Her face paled, and her eyes widened, as if unable to comprehend what was happening. How could a famous doctor like Doctor Lin, who was always respected and adored by his patients, now degrade himself in front of Oliver? The question kept spinning in his head."Doctor Lin? What are you doing?!" Elena asked in a confused tone. Her eyes shifted from Doctor Lin to Oliver, as if searching for an explanation from their faces.Oliver, who had been standing straight with a calm face, simply sighed. His gaze remained calm, but there was a hint of tension in his eyes as he looked at the old man who was now below him. He never even thought that he would be treated like this just because of his healing ability, which even he had previously marveled at. It was all thanks to the training provided by Lazarus."Doctor Lin," Oliver began in a low voice, "there's no need to act like
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