
Oliver's body jolted from the darkness that had previously enveloped his consciousness. His vision was blurry for a moment but slowly came into focus. The air was cold, and he realized that he was lying on the road, right where the car had hit him. He should have felt excruciating pain, but... strangely, he felt nothing.

Oliver tried to move, his eyes dropping to look at his body. There were several open wounds on his legs and a long scratch on his left arm, his blood still flowing slowly. However, the pain he expected did not come. His head spun, remembering the violent impact of the car that hit him, the sound of the boom still ringing in his ears. How could he still be alive? Even stranger, how could he be okay?

"This doesn't make sense," he muttered, his voice hoarse. He should have been lying helpless, with much worse injuries, perhaps broken bones or worse. But her body felt... whole. The small wounds on his hands and feet were nothing compared to what he should have suffered from the accident.

His eyes widened, his heart racing as he checked his entire body again. It was something he didn't believe in before, but it seemed like the words of the old man who taught him everything when he was in prison were real. Something that made her body more invulnerable and stronger.

"How is that possible?" he whispered, a feeling of shock and confusion enveloping her.

"Sir! Are you okay?!" a shout made Oliver immediately turn his head towards the car.

A woman got out of the car that had hit him and ran frightened towards him. She knelt next to Oliver. He could see that she was in shock.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Oliver said calmly. He hurried to stand up, but her hands continued to hold him as if she were afraid of something worse happening to him.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm in a hurry because I have to take my Daddy to the hospital right away. But you..." she swallowed with difficulty. Her eyes widened at the sight of several wounds on Oliver's body that were oozing blood. "You're hurt..."

"It's not a big deal," Oliver replied. He dismissed her hand politely as his eyes continued to scan the old man sitting in the front seat breathing heavily, looking up at him.

"Are you really okay?" she asked again, confirming Oliver's condition because she didn't want to get into trouble and hurriedly had to go to the hospital.

"Yes. No need to worry."

"Once again, I apologize. I have to leave soon, so... would you like to take the money now to settle this accident out of court? I really didn't mean to cause you any harm. I hope you understand my situation," she said, looking hopefully at Oliver.

"You said that your father was sick?" Oliver glanced at him, then looked at the old man sitting painfully in the car.


Oliver approached the car and examined it more closely. She approached Oliver with anxiety on her face. She thought he was about to do something bad as his hand moved forward and touched her father's chest.

"What are you doing?!" she shouted hysterically. She tried to push Oliver's hand away but was rebuffed by his words.

"Your father suffered an old lung injury. It was too late to take him to the hospital."

"Watch your mouth, sir!" she snapped with explosive anger. Oliver's words were like a slap that made her lose control. Her eyes looked sharply at Oliver. "My Dad only experiences occasional discomfort! So, don't talk nonsense about his condition!"

Oliver looked at her sharply, remaining calm despite seeing the woman's reaction. "Look, I know what I'm saying. Your father is in critical condition. Taking him to the hospital now probably won't help much."

She looked at Oliver wide-eyed, her face paled. "What do you mean?!" she exclaimed in an incredulous tone. "You don't know anything about my Daddy's condition! Don't just talk!" She leaned closer, full of anger and anxiety, as if Oliver had just said the worst thing she could hear.

Oliver gave her a cold stare, not the least bit offended by her reaction. "I'm just saying what I saw and what I know. If you don't believe me, that's your business," he replied firmly, his voice flat yet sharp.

Oliver turned around, about to leave. But before he could go any further, a trembling old hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"Don't go..." The old man's weak voice sounded from inside the car, his voice hoarse and his breathing sounds labored. "What you said... is true. What I'm feeling is exactly what you diagnosed."

"Dad!" She was shocked and panicked to see her father struggling to get out of the car. She quickly opened the door, wanting to help her father out, but Oliver immediately raised his hand, telling him to stop.

"Stay inside, don't come down," Oliver ordered, his tone serious yet reassuring. He turned to him who was still looking at him with a pleading gaze. "You must remain calm. Your condition is already severe."

"You're good at knowing my condition. Please... save me!" His voice sounded desperate as if Oliver was his only hope. His hand continued to grab Oliver's hand tighter, his eyes radiating unspoken hope.

Oliver took a deep breath, then shook his head softly.

"I can't. I also have important things to do. I have to find a rare herbal plant to save my father. That's my priority."

The woman, who had been silent, now looked stunned at Oliver's rejection. Her eyes reflected frustration and confusion.

"What? You're refusing? But you... you can save my Daddy! Please do something!"

"I'm sorry, but I can't... I have to save my father too," he said with a hint of guilt on his face.

The old man looked even more panicked at Oliver's refusal. Quickly, he tried to grab Oliver's attention again, his voice trembling but full of determination.

"Wait! Before you go... I'm going to say something that might make you rethink."

Oliver stared at the old man with a flat expression, waiting for what he would say.

"I am the president of the Hoshier company," he revealed his identity firmly, though his body seemed weak. "You must know how big my company is. If you're willing to save me... no matter how hard it is to get those herbs, I'll make sure you get them in return!"

Oliver's eyes widened for a moment, then his expression turned serious. "You're the president of Hoshier?" he muttered softly, thinking hard.

Hoshier was one of the largest companies in the country and had an extensive network. Gaining access to the rare herbs he needed to save his father through this connection... could be the only chance for Oliver.

The woman saw the change in Oliver's expression and immediately urged him. "Please... help my Daddy. You can save him. And... we'll make sure you get what you're looking for!"

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