"How could Kate do all that to me after the sacrifices I made," Oliver whispered with his hands clenched into fists.

Oliver looked down at his father lying weakly on the bed, his breathing labored and his face pale. His heart broke seeing the condition of the man who had raised him so lovingly. Guilt continued to haunt his mind; this suffering was because of him.

It seemed like he was too blinded by love. He risked his life for the woman he thought would always be there for him no matter what, but the truth is... while he was in prison, Kate left without a word and abandoned his family who Oliver thought had been looking after his mother and father.

"I can't let her," Oliver was inflamed by great disappointment. "I have to see her and ask her for an explanation in person. But before that, I need to heal my mom and dad," he said in a voice only he could hear.

 His father was dying, and Oliver knew he had to do something.

"Oliver, what are you thinking?" asked his mother in a weak voice, touching his son's face which now looked filled with worry

"Mom, I'm going to find a way to save Dad. I can't let this go on. I heard about a potion that can cure Dad's illness," Oliver replied with determination, even though his lover's betrayal still burdened his heart.

His mother was surprised to hear what Oliver said. "What potion are you referring to? How are you going to do it? Even the doctor said that they can't save your father's life!" her voice trembled, as did her frail body.

Oliver grasped his mother's hand gently. "I don't know for sure, Mom, but I have to try. I can't just sit here and watch Dad die. I'll find the option to save his life."

Oliver realized that it would not be easy for him to make the potion. Even with the situation being so difficult, Oliver would not give up. Because it was about his father's life and also the guilt that kept gnawing at him every time he saw his father lying dying.

"Are you sure you can cure your father?" asked his mother in a soft voice.

"Yes. I'm pretty sure. When I was in the cell, there was someone who taught me a lot of things... And I can't believe all the things I learned from him will be so useful after I get out of prison," Oliver said while gripping his mother's hand very tightly.

There, in a stuffy, dark cell, Oliver met a man who everyone thought was crazy. Every other inmate shunned the man, not wanting to deal with someone who was always talking to himself and laughing for no reason. However, for Oliver, the man was never a threat. Instead, he sensed there was something deeper and more complex behind the men's strange behavior.

Oliver never forgot their first meeting. At that time, Oliver was transferred to a new cell, where the man was already living. The man had piercing eyes and a strange smile, but Oliver felt no fear. Instead, he felt compassion for the man.

"You're not afraid of me?" the man asked Oliver one day, as they sat in the corner of the cell, away from the gaze of the guards and other prisoners.

Oliver shook his head. "No, I see no reason to be afraid."

The man chuckled, a laugh that sounded like a mixture of mockery and amazement. "You're a strange person, Oliver. But I like you."

Time passed, and the man began to reveal deeper things about himself to Oliver. His name, the man said, was Lazarus. A wizard, or so he claimed. Of course, Oliver didn't believe it right away. How could someone living in this modern world, let alone in prison, claim to be a wizard?

But gradually, Lazarus began to show things that were impossible to explain with logic. He could make objects move without touching them, predict events with frightening accuracy, and even change the color of water with a single movement of his hand. It was these things that made Lazarus considered insane by others because they couldn't accept reality beyond the limits of their understanding.

"I know you can feel this, Oliver," Lazarus once said as they practiced in the middle of the night, away from prying eyes. "You have great power within you, you just haven't realized it yet."

Lazarus taught Oliver many things to sense energy, how to manipulate it, and most importantly, how to use it for good purposes. Oliver, who was skeptical at first, began to understand and feel the power that was previously hidden within him.

When Oliver was finally released from prison, he found that the power did not disappear. Instead, it had grown. He could see the flow of energy in ordinary people, and feel the aura of life and death that surrounded them.

And now, in front of his dying father, Oliver knew that this was the perfect time to use the powers he had learned.

Oliver moved closer to his father, he touched his father's chest with his open palm. It was as if he was feeling the flow of energy in his body. He closed his eyes to concentrate.

"I can feel Dad having trouble with the blood flow and energy around his heart. That's why he's getting weaker. I know it may be hard to believe, but I can feel it. And I also know what I need to do to fix it," Oliver said in a firm voice.\

His mother squeezed his hand. She couldn't understand what Oliver was doing, but she could feel that he wasn't joking. He meant what he said, even his son's determination pierced his heart.

"If you believe that you can save your father, then do it, Oliver!"

"Then I'll go now, Mom. I need to find the ingredients to make the medicine that can save Dad. I'll be back soon," Oliver said with burning determination.

Soon Oliver left the house. He ran along the road, his heart filled with determination to save his father. However, amid his intense focus, he was unaware of the danger that lurked at the deserted intersection. A car was Passed at high speed, and before Oliver could realize what was happening, a loud roar rang out as the car slammed into him hard.

Oliver's body bounced several meters, falling on the road with a horrible sound. The pain was so sudden and piercing, making his world spin and his vision darken. Unimaginable pain radiated throughout his body, but amidst his fading consciousness, there was only one thing that came to mind: his father.

"Don’t... give up... Dad..." he whispered, softly before everything went dark.

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