"Alright," Oliver finally let out a long breath, giving in to the situation. "I'll help your father. But make sure you keep your promise."

"Yes, I swear I'll keep our word!" She replied firmly.

This was the first time Oliver had used the skills he had been taught. And he hoped it would work.

Oliver took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Before he corrected the old man's sitting position, he touched his chest, checking for the right spot before he pressed on it, drawing energy from within him and normalizing the circulation around the lungs. He could also feel the injured part of the lung and he tried to slightly repair it, though not perfectly.

The old man was breathing heavily with cold sweat pouring down his body. He groaned in pain as Oliver continued to press on the chest, occasionally closing his eyes as if he was concentrating on treating him, then checking carefully on his condition.

Meanwhile, the woman continued to stand waiting nervously while watching what Oliver was doing. She never knew there was a treatment like Oliver's. In her opinion, what Oliver is doing is very unusual and she can only entrust her father's condition and see if her father's condition gets better after he tries to treat him with his way.

"Done," Oliver said with a long sigh. He felt a little tired from pouring energy into the old man's body to stabilize his condition.

"F-finished?" she asked in confusion. She looked at Oliver with doubt on her face, then checked on her father's condition. "Dad, how are you now?"

The old man touched his chest, feeling something strange inside him. A few minutes ago he felt like his lungs were being squeezed, making it difficult for him to breathe. He felt so much pain in his chest that sitting down made him ache. His body was shivering and cold sweat was pouring out until he thought it would be the last day he breathed fresh air.

However, after Oliver touched him and treated him, he somehow felt his body become lighter than before. The pain magically disappeared and he felt better. Much better as if he had just re-charged his life with a new one.

"Dad?" she asked again, becoming increasingly worried as he remained silent. "Please say something, don't make me feel worried," her voice trembled as she spoke. Her hand squeezed her father's hand with a feeling of fear and anxiety.

"I feel much better," he said with a big smile, a very bright smile. It brought relief to her and Oliver's faces. "This is so miraculous. I feel so good after you treated me," he admitted.

"Are you sure, Dad?" she asked incredulously.

"Yes. The pain has lessened and I can breathe quite well. Considering I was struggling to breathe earlier and just sitting down was causing me pain. But right now... I feel much better than before. It's amazing!" his eyes sparkled with satisfaction and gratitude.

"That’s good..." Oliver smiled with relief. "But you should know that what I did earlier was just a temporary measure to stabilize your condition. And if you want a full recovery, you need to consume precious herbs," he explained.

"Thank goodness," she said with her previously tense face softening. A faint smile perched at the corner of her lips. "I doubted you at first, but after seeing for myself you saved my Daddy's life. I'm very grateful to you," she said.

The old man smiled weakly at Oliver. "You saved me...," he said hoarsely. "I don't know how I can repay you."

"There's no need to do anything, you just need to keep your promise," Oliver said.

"Don't worry. We promise we'll send you the herbs you're looking for as soon as we find them. We won't break our promise!" she exclaimed solemnly.

"But still, I have to give you a reward for saving my life," said the old man, feeling uneasy. "At least come for dinner. We'll prepare the most luxurious dinner in a five-star hotel."

Oliver shook his head quickly. "Dinner isn't necessary, I just want the herbs to save my father's life. And it's also useful for your recovery as well."

"But..." Just as she was about to speak, Oliver cut her off quickly.

"I don't need an award or anything just because I saved someone's life," Oliver said, then continued. "I have to go now..."


Oliver spent the whole day stabilizing his father's condition, using the same techniques he had used on the old man. Every time he did so, sweat poured down his forehead, and his breathing became heavier, but he had no choice. This was the only way to preserve his father's life until the potion he had promised arrived.

Inside the small room, Oliver sat by his father's bedside, looking at the frail face of the man who had once been so strong.

"Hang in there, Dad... I won't let you go," he whispered, his voice hoarse, hopeful. He squeezed his father's cold hand, trying to transfer the energy of his spirit through touch.

Not long after, the sound of a knock on the door made Oliver jolt. He rushed to open the door, and before him stood a well-dressed middle-aged man. His face was calm, but there was a worried look behind his sharp eyes.

"Good afternoon. I am Mr. Hoshier's butler." The man introduced himself with a slight bow. He took out a small silk-lined box from his bag and handed it to Oliver. "The great master has fulfilled his promise. These are the herbs you need."

Oliver took the box without hesitation, opening the lid quickly. Inside, a small bottle of golden-colored liquid lay on a smooth cushion. Oliver's face didn't show much expression, but in his heart, there was a sense of relief that he couldn't hide.

"Thank you," Oliver said briefly.

He walked back to his father's room without further ado. Carefully, he poured the liquid potion into a spoon and brought it to his father's pale lips.

"Dad, please drink this. It will help you," he said softly as he gently touched his father's cheek.

He opened his eyes slowly, looking weak, but he obeyed. With Oliver's help, he drank the potion little by little. For a moment, there was silence. Oliver held his breath, waiting for a reaction. A few seconds later, his father's breathing began to sound more steady, and the color in his face slowly returned. The old man's eyes opened wider, and he smiled faintly at Oliver.

"I... I feel better," his father said, his voice weak but full of gratitude.

"This potion is only the beginning. You must continue to rest, Dad. I'll make sure you're completely healed." Oliver was relieved, but he knew it wasn't over yet.

At the same time, the butler stepped in with a subtle smile on his face.

"Mr. Hoshier is very happy to hear that your father is getting better, and he has prepared a banquet dinner at the best hotel in town for you. In addition, the great lord asks that you be willing to come and cure his illness completely."

Oliver stared at the butler for a moment, contemplating. The offer sounded tempting, and he was about to nod in acceptance when suddenly the door to his house opened with a bang. His friend ran in, his breathing ragged, his face filled with fear.

"Oliver! The gangsters are here again! This time they brought more people!" He shouted in panic.

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