"Fucking bastard! Get out of the house!" the gang leader shouted at the door of Oliver's rundown apartment building. He brought half of his men with him, beating Oliver to death in revenge for what Oliver had done to him. They had been humiliated earlier and Oliver's arrogant attitude hurt young master Rudolph's pride.

The neighbors who heard the commotion began to gather around with an air of fear. They didn't dare come closer or complain about how noisy the gangsters were shouting at Oliver's house. The kick after kick, punch after punch they delivered with the baseball bats they held made everyone shudder in horror.

“Come on, Fucking Bastard! Get out right now or we'll come in and destroy the entire house and its contents!" He cursed again with a more gruesome threat. "Your life will be over today!"

Laughter boomed out, mocking how cowardly Oliver was for not coming out. The cheers were even louder when the creaking sound of the door being opened, Oliver came out with his friend who ducked out and ran towards the crowd of neighbors watching.

"There you are," said the leader of the gangsters with a wide smile, his tall and burly body intimidating. "You can't hide forever, rotten mouse."

"I'm not a rotten mouse, and I'm not hiding either," Oliver said calmly. His eyes scanned the entire baseball bat-wielding gang leader's men, staring at him like he was about to pounce on him alive. "Didn't I tell you that I'll pay when I have the money?"

"Listen, punk... This is not the time for you to negotiate with us. Your mother has been in arrears for several months and you must give us the money!" The gangster insisted.

"We don't have any money. Even if you beat me to death, you won't get it," Oliver said.

"This bastard... every time you open your mouth, it makes me want to beat you to death!" he shouted angrily.

He threw a fist at Oliver but was stopped when the door opened again and the butler stepped out of the apartment door and stood beside Oliver with an angry stare. His eyes were piercing, like they were piercing straight into the gang leader's soul.

"How dare you harass Mr. Hoshier's friend," the butler said in a cold, hateful tone.

The gang leader paused for a moment, surprised to see the butler he recognized.

"You... you're Mr. Hoshier's butler?" he asked, his face looking confused and slightly frightened.

The butler nodded firmly. "That's right. And how dare you come here, demanding a debt from the Oliver family. What makes you think that the Hanover family could make Mr. Hoshier an enemy?"

The gang leader looked even more distressed. He never thought that Oliver knew the Hoshier family, even their best butler had come to this slum to help Oliver.

"We were just following orders. We were asked to collect a debt from Oliver's family." he looked down in fear. His hands were shaking. Getting into trouble with the Hoshier family was like digging your own grave.

Everyone knows how influential the Hoshier family is in all aspects. Power, business, real estate, and even some gangsters are subject to the power of the Hoshier Family. If explained by a pyramid, the Hoshier Family was at the top of the chain.

"How could the people of Hanover dare to do something like this? Being Mr. Hoshier's enemy is a big mistake!" he exclaimed in a voice full of authority. He did not let the opportunity pass him by.

"Forgive us! We admit our mistake." The gang leader, now looking very frightened, knelt down and prostrated himself in front of the butler.

"If you understand that you have made a fatal mistake, then leave here immediately!" the butler shouted. "Tell your master... if you still dare to set foot here and disturb Mr. Oliver's entire family. You'll deal directly with us, the Hoshier Family!

The gangster leader swallowed hard. "We understand. We won't bother the Oliver family anymore. We will leave immediately and not come here again." The gang leader immediately ran away along with the subordinates who followed behind him.

Oliver saw all of this with relief clearly visible on his face. He didn't know that the Hoshier family had such a big impact that it scared the gangster. At least with the help provided by the Hoshier family, Oliver wouldn't worry about his parents if suddenly the gangsters came to harass him when Oliver wasn't home.

"Mr. Oliver, are you okay?" the butler asked. His eyes traced over Oliver's body to make sure there were no injuries.

"Thanks for the help," he said to the butler in a sincere tone, "I'm fine. They didn't hurt me."

"Thank goodness. Mr. Hoshier would have been angry with me if he saw you come in injured," the butler said. He continued, "Mr. Hoshier really appreciates your help. And he would very much like to meet you and attend the dinner he has prepared for you."

Oliver was silent. He thought for a moment before he nodded to accept the Hoshier family's offer. This time, they had done him a favor, so it didn't matter if he came for dinner and saved the dying Mr. Hoshier.

"All right."

"Let's go to the door of the hotel," he said as he invited Olive, "I'll drop you off."

Arriving at the hotel, Oliver was dazzled by the luxury that greeted him. The hotel was grand and gleaming, clearly the property of a wealthy noble family. Soft red carpet greeted his every step, crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and the fragrant scent of fresh flowers filled the air. The well-dressed waiters greeted Oliver with warm smiles, but they couldn't hide their curious gazes at his shabby appearance.

When Oliver stepped inside, the guests in the hotel lobby looked astonished to see him. They whispered while glancing at the butler standing next to Oliver. They obviously found it strange to see someone in shabby clothes coming with a famous butler.

Just as things were starting to calm down, the hotel lobby doors burst open, and the Hoshier family's only daughter, Elena, appeared at the door with her wheelchair-bound father. Elena had an aura that exuded elegance and confidence, while her father, Mr. Hoshier, sat with a proud gaze.

Elena pushed her father's wheelchair closer to Oliver. Mr. Hoshier's facial expression showed respect and admiration, while Elena showed a flat face full of authority.

"Welcome to my hotel, Oliver," Mr. Hoshier said in a warm tone, leaving everyone in the lobby stunned.

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