"Please take me as your student, Mr. Oliver!"

Elena was stunned to see Doctor Lin suddenly kneeling in front of Oliver. Her face paled, and her eyes widened, as if unable to comprehend what was happening. How could a famous doctor like Doctor Lin, who was always respected and adored by his patients, now degrade himself in front of Oliver? The question kept spinning in his head.

"Doctor Lin? What are you doing?!" Elena asked in a confused tone. Her eyes shifted from Doctor Lin to Oliver, as if searching for an explanation from their faces.

Oliver, who had been standing straight with a calm face, simply sighed. His gaze remained calm, but there was a hint of tension in his eyes as he looked at the old man who was now below him. He never even thought that he would be treated like this just because of his healing ability, which even he had previously marveled at. It was all thanks to the training provided by Lazarus.

"Doctor Lin," Oliver began in a low voice, "there's no need to act like this."

However, Doctor Lin did not raise his face. He remained on his knees, bowing deeply. Oliver's healing skills made him respect Oliver differently.

"Mr. Oliver, the skill you used earlier... is something I've only heard of in legends. An ancient medical skill that is said to be able to understand all sorts of human ailments and solve the most difficult problems. I beg you, make me your disciple. I want to learn this knowledge so I can save more lives," he said hoarsely.

Elena was stunned. Doctor Lin, who had been known to be very rational and always relied on modern technology, was now talking about legends. Ancient medical skills? Elena's face showed even more confusion, and she looked at Oliver, hoping he would explain further.

Oliver shook his head. "Doctor Lin, you know a lot. But I have no intention of accepting disciples. The knowledge I have is not something that can simply be taught."

A disappointed look crossed Doctor Lin's face, but he did not give up.

"Mr. Oliver, I am prepared to do whatever it takes to learn this. This skill-this science-is the hope for many people I cannot help with modern medical science."

"I appreciate your spirit, Doctor Lin. If you have any questions or need help, you can come to me anytime. However, I can't teach you more than that," Oliver replied.

Doctor Lin raised his head. "Thank you, Mr. Oliver. I will keep your offer in mind." Although she was a little disappointed, she still respected Oliver's decision.

"I still don't understand what's going on here," Elena protested. She looked at Oliver and Doctor Lin in turn.

"Miss Elena, only people in the medical field are familiar with Mr. Oliver's prowess in treating people," Doctor Lin explained.

Even so, Elena still did not understand it and she did not intend to ask further. At that moment, Mr. Hoshier's condition, which was getting better, opened his eyes slowly.


"Dad!" Elena sat back up and checked on her father. "How are you feeling?" she asked worriedly.

Mr. Hoshier growled as he tried to sit up, and Elena quickly helped him up. "I feel much better... but... what's going on here?" Mr. Hoshier's gaze was now fixed on Doctor Lin who was still kneeling before Oliver, but he quickly stood up.

"Your condition was critical and Oliver saved you. Doctor Lin kneels down to Oliver as he recognizes Oliver's prowess in medicine. He was impressed with him and asked him to make him his apprentice. I don't know for sure... but I think Oliver's medical expertise is far above Lin's," Elene explained. While Oliver stood and observed in silence.

Mr. Hoshier looked directly at Oliver. He felt grateful for knowing Oliver, even if in an unpleasant way so that his life could be saved by a great young man like him. If he hadn't met Oliver, he might not be breathing fresh air and seeing his daughter's beautiful face today.

"Thank you... you've saved me twice. How can I express my gratitude?" He looked at Oliver with a genuine smile. "Whatever it is, I'll do it in return for you saving my life."

Oliver shook his head. "Saving lives is the most important thing. I don't expect money or anything else in return," he said firmly. "However, if I may, I hope you can help me find some medicinal herbs that I need to treat my mother's eye disease."

"Are you, sure? I don't want to brag, but I have everything. Just a few hundred dollars won't bankrupt me," Mr. Hoshier said, once again trying to persuade Oliver to accept his reward. "You deserve it..."

"Yes, I’m sure. Thank you for the offer and I appreciate it."

Mr. Hoshier smiled. "This is the first time I've met someone like you. Other people would probably just mention the amount without thinking," he said.

"Mr. Hoshier..." The butler suddenly heard and whispered in Mr. Hoshier's ear.

He recounted the circumstances of Oliver's family being forced into debt, and the condition of his father, mother, and home. Mr. Hoshier listened carefully, and after the butler finished speaking, his face showed deep seriousness.

"Oliver," he said in a firm voice, "I will help you. Not only will I find you the potion you need, but I'll also get you one of the best villas in town. And this," he added, waving a hand at the butler who immediately handed over a bank card, "is worth ten million dollars."

Oliver was surprised to hear what Mr. Hoshier had to say.

"Mr. Hoshier, I told you that I don't need anything. I'm sorry, but Iー"

"Please, if you refuse. I will feel guilty that I didn't give you anything because you saved my life," Mr. Hoshier immediately cut Oliver off. He firmly forced Oliver to accept his gift.

Oliver let out a long breath. "All right. I'll accept it," he said in the end.

"Thank you. It makes me feel good because this is my small way of saying thanks," Mr. Hoshier said. He then looked at Elena who was sitting in front of him. "Elena, my dear, it's getting late and I want you to take Oliver to dinner. I'll rest here..."

"Okay," Elena said. She did not refuse her father's order at all, as she also felt grateful to Oliver, even though she had previously doubted his skills.

Oliver and Elena left the room and let Mr. Hoshier rest while they went to have dinner together. By the time they reached the hotel hall, they were surprised by the crowd of people among the newlyweds.

"It looks like there's a wedding today," said Elenea. Because this hotel is very often used as a wedding venue by rich people.

"Weddings?" muttered Oliver. He thought of his girlfriend, Katie Jones, and felt hurt all over again as he recalled what she had done to him.

As Oliver and Elena walked through the crowd, Oliver's eyes widened in surprise. At first, he thought it was just a delusion to see the bride's face resembling Katie Jones because he was also thinking about her at the time. But when he walked away from Elena just to confirm his vision, he was shocked to realize that it was his girlfriend, Katie Jones, and none other than Rudolph Hanover, the man who had abused him a year ago!

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