Heir to the throne : Revenge

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Heir to the throne : Revenge

By: Ayda Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 29 views: 127

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Lucas is a young man who lives in poverty. He works hard to earn a living, but his life becomes more difficult when his girlfriend, Bianca, leaves him because he cheated on her. Lucas was devastated by Bianca's betrayal. However, Lucas' life changes drastically when he learns a big secret: he is actually the son of a rich family whose inheritance rights have been disinherited. Lucas was shocked and angry. However, this truth also gives him new power to change his own destiny. With great determination, Lucas decided to fight for his legal rights as owner of LH Tower.

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29 chapters
1 - Garbage Man
Lucas folded his hands and stared at the beautiful decoration he had made himself with his proud face. During these five months, he deliberately saved his salary to rent a luxury hotel at the wishes of Bianca, his beloved.His heart was flowering, pounding with impatience, the intention that had been buried for a long time, now he was able to give a gift right on their special day, today was the day they first became lovers. "Bianca, she must be very happy."Lucas has been preparing for all this, he proposed to his beloved a long time ago, and now he will make a small gift closer to their wedding.Lucas's phone stuck to his ear, but the calls made went unanswered."I think I'm so restless, I should pick him up now," murmured Lucas who then came out of the hotel room. He was not calm because his calls were not answered.Unfortunately, just two steps out of the door, Lucas was speechless by the sight he had just seen.'Deg!'"Bianca!"Lucas was shocked, another shock emerged from the re
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2 - Wasted lover
"You should have slept with your mother instead of proposing to Bianca, you can't support the cost of living of a woman as beautiful as Bianca, but you can sleep with your mother for free. Because you're both poor, you need love and your mother needs a man's touch." Two punches didn't seem to stop Harry from humbling Lucas and his mother.Harry's provocation seems to succeed in making Lucas even more furious. Harry continued to cover his face from Lucas ' blows. His eyes flushed irritably while Harry laughed amid groans as he was showered with punches, he was almost battered.The commotion in the hallway of the room made other people start to feel uncomfortable. It was only then that the arrival of two male hotel guards was able to pull Lucas apart from Harry.The assault situation stopped and turned in Harry's favor. "Honey, you're all right." Bianca took out a handkerchief wiping the wound in the corner of her lover's lips. The woman who had just seen two men fighting just now looke
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3 - Beautiful women know poor men
Lucas lowered his head in shame, where did it not deserve it? If the man who didn't deserve to be there was right, that's Lucas ' belief. What this beautiful woman said is true. He skipped dinner only to spend time decorating a hotel room that ended up being thrown out into the street.“Do you remember Luna Chasen?” The woman asked again with a new topic.Lucas's body felt the blood flow stopped pumping the heart. "Lu-Na-Cha-Sen? Luna Chasen!”Surprised, Lucas paused for a moment to exhale again calmly.“Luna Chasen, the girl who is my junior in class?” he's starting to notice the details of the facial features the woman in front of him has now.Luke almost forgot to close his eyes. “Where are your glasses?” he used to wear glasses all the time when he was in high school. He knew his younger brother who was always considered cute and geeky in their school days.“I had myopia surgery, and I did it. I thought you had forgotten me, you don't remember my face?”Luna deliberately made a su
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4 - Sadness
Lucas came out of his small room. He is still in shock after getting the news of his dismissal. Trying to step towards the sofa, also the only chair in their living room. The sound of the door was quite clearly audible at a distance of only two meters from where Lucas was sitting, the door was already open. Showing the figure of a middle-aged woman who still looks young. "From anywhere—" "Why, actually, what's wrong with you and Bianca, why can she be with another man?" Lize pushed her son back into a sitting position, she was seen demanding an answer from Lucas.Did you know that we broke up?' he thought with doubt. 'Or have you seen Bianca with Harry?'"Can speak so. Do you know anything?" asks Lucas carefully."I just got off the phone. I heard Bianca's voice with another man. He said You and Bianca broke up, answer me." With a trembling voice, his eyes were filled with anxiety.Lucas is down. "Yes, we broke up. She had an affair with Harry."Lily fell to the floor. "How could it
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5 - The handsome man belongs to the beautiful woman
His eyes blinked as he regained consciousness. Lize can now see herself lying weak in a room she can know the hospital inpatient room with a separate room where she is alone as a patient in the room. His gaze searches for the whereabouts of Lucas, his son. The adult male figure had not yet realized Lize had woken up from her long stupor.Lize called Lucas, startling her son from a daydream from earlier. "Lucas, where is this? Why can be placed in an expensive room, " he said transfixed.Lucas swiftly approached Lize's Gurney. "Calm down Mom. This room has already been paid for by someone."Lize woke up and almost jumped from the bed she was in. "What! Who paid for this? This place is expensive, but I've been good enough. We better go home soon, you're not enough to pay the debt, " cried Lize uneasily, she was agitated. "Calm down, this is all that pays my wife," Lucas answered honestly.Liza glared at Lucas' strange answer. "Did you start fantasizing after the breakup? Or do you go b
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6 - The ruler
"Patric he is a greedy man. When your father Harrelson pioneered the LH Tower and Patric was the one who had been wrongly trusted by your father to take care of his business," Lize said starting to open the story. He continued with a strong feeling."Patric corrupts and makes problems that begin to arise in the business that your father has until it is almost on the verge of collapse, because of his actions. Your father didn't know who the rat was in his office. After your father's efforts repaired the company and began to rise again. Patric even repeated throwing tantrums and again lied to your father. Your father must have almost been fooled again by Patric. Because he finally finds out who Patric is, a selfless man."Lucas listened to his mother's story with bated breath. I think he was involved in the tension faced by his late father and mother at that time."After that, your father just found out that his adoptive sister, whom he had worked hard to consider family, also believed
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7 - The real ruler
The car door opened slowly, and a man came out of it. The man is dressed in a neat black suit with a white shirt and a dark blue tie. The black leather shoes looked clean and well-groomed. His face showed calmness and confidence as if he was used to this kind of situation. Going to an event under the guise of a family meeting is just a mode of covert business meetings and show-offs, making him lazy in fact. One of the mandatory guests is none other than Luna and the important figure this time—by bringing Lucas along with him—will be the first debut for Lucas to show Luna that she has not chosen the wrong partner. Their hands interlocked after they got out of the vehicle and let the valet parking their car into place. "Are you ready?" Luna whispered next to her eyebrows. Makeup blood with maroon lipstick, her eyebrows are styled in such a way as an arrow bow. Further strengthening the character of Luna's beautiful face so that it looks like a female alpha. No less charming whe
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8 - Key figure
08 GMHe looked at Hugo with a strained expression. He knew Hugo, was in the vicinity. Lucas doesn't want to see her, especially for now."What is it, Lucas? You look worried, " he said with a caring tone. Luna is unaware of Hugo's presence there but notices Lucas looking agitated.Lucas took a deep breath before replying, "Hugo is here, and I don't want to see him."Luna sensed her new husband's uneasiness with an attentive look.The initiative from Luna immediately grabbed Lucas ' large body hugging him tightly. As they embrace, Luna whispers in Lucas ' ear, "We can do it, Lucas. We are strong together."Sounds sweet for Lucas as he welcomes Luna's warm embrace.They silently smiled through the tension just now. Luna couldn't help but smile behind Lucas ' body.Hugo just passed a cursory look towards the couple Luna and Lucas.Lucas's face looks tense having to cross paths with Hudo. The man who almost knew Lucas's whereabouts probably didn't, because they hadn't seen each other fo
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9 - The arrival of the LH Tower prince
“I agree with you sir, if I were you I would also be unsure of a stranger claiming to be me," Lucas said he agreed with the principles of this man, it was not wrong for the man to be trusted by his late father.Lucas took out a simple ring from his pocket. A flat ring with a hexagon-shaped gem in the middle as decoration.There is nothing special about cheap jewelry if it is not observed more closely. But the lawyer's Haggard eyes saw the details inside the ring.Familiar writing. “LH-Cadd."Muttered Odde.His fingers tightly grasped Lucas's father's Ring of remembrance.“You're right, that boy... "Okay," said Ode, looking at the two of them.“Are you ready to take the risk, son?”Odde already predicts in any way, if one day he will face the child of his acquaintance."Harrelson Capriccho," muttered the name of his old comrade then looked at the fellow youth in front of him.“Can I get my rights as the rightful heir?” Not a question but a statement from Lucas Steady.Odde also smiled a
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10 - Two Stupid Shrimps
Lucas and Odde walked out of the LH Tower building with their heads held high, filled with different thoughts in their heads.Everything has been planned by Odde, even Lucas's arrival today is one of the milk of the middle-aged man's plans. Although the younger ith to come to the surface at first.Odde himself is a figure who has had a brilliant career as a lawyer, where he handled various large and complex cases until Odde decided to retire before meeting Lucas. He felt that he had contributed enough in the world of law and one incident involving Lucas's father made Odde decide to take a break from the world he had almost half his life. Although he has long been inactive in the court daily, his knowledge of the law remains sharp, and he is still a respected figure in the legal community. When they reach the lobby, Lucas feels a little scared, this is the first time he's faced with Patric—the man who caused his father's death—tense and a little fear inherent in his feelings.Amid h
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