Valhallah: Trapped in the Game World

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Valhallah: Trapped in the Game World

By: Makkie Updated just nowSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 50 views: 108

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Valhallah, the game that is expected to revolutionize the world with its full-dive experience which basically takes players into a new world is set to launch their beta test. A talented professional gamer, Wesley Kingston is one of the few people who had the opportunity to join the beta test program. However, an incident that can only be expressed as nothing less than a miracle threw Wesley into the world of Valhallah. He soon finds that Valhallah was very much real. This raises the stakes of his predicament. The world was brimming with many dangers lurking in every corner. Trapped in a world where gaming is no longer a pastime but a fight for survival, Wesley must use his past gaming experience in this new world if he hopes to survive and reach the very end.

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50 chapters
Chapter 1
"Finally..." Wesley sighed with relief as his sky blue eyes glimmer with excitement."After waiting in this stupid line for over 6 hours, it's finally my turn!"He stood at the entrance of a large skyscraper with a big "T-Shaped" sing. This building belonged to the world's number 1 gaming company which has revolutionized virtual reality multimedia online role playing games (MMORPG.)Today, Tetrax is going to launch their newest project: Valhallah and Wesley was one of the players who received an invitation to participate in the beta test.However, Wesley didn't expect to meet a huge line given it’s a beta test. After waiting for hours, it was finally his turn.Wesley entered the building only to be met with a horrific site. "What?!" He exclaimed with dropping jaws. Inside the building's courtyard was another line."This is crazy," Wesley said. "At this rate, I'll be testing the game by moonlight."Suddenly, there was a bright light and a loud noise. Wesley felt a sharp pain in his hea
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Chapter 2
During the Beta phase, Wesley learned that the staff's energy was like ammo. A Magician could still use the staff for ranged attacks even without spells. However, once the energy ran out, he could only resort to melee or spells.Before he dashed out, he saw several green circles through his monocle surrounding certain objects. Approaching, he found bread and picked them up."Why only four glowing?" He wondered aloud, picking up the non-glowing bread to inspect.After thinking it over, he figured the glowing ones were useful items, while the non-glowing were just regular. Grateful for the God-eye monocle, he stashed three glowing bread in his storage bag and ate the fourth. His HP had dropped from 185/230 after the fight in the Tetrax building. It stayed 45 points lower, showing no natural healing mechanics. He'd need consumables or items for healing.This game demanded more; he'd need to stock up on supplies. If he ran out, he'd be in trouble. Keeping this in mind, he made a mental no
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Chapter 3
"What's this? Apprentice grade?" Wesley pondered aloud, eyeing the unfamiliar classification. It was different from the usual items he'd come across. No matter, he thought, let's enjoy a good meal first. Having survived on bread since yesterday, a well-cooked meal was a welcome change. After expressing gratitude to his host, he savored the fried rice. It was delicious; the man truly lived up to his alias!"This is very good," Wesley complimented Iron between bites. "I'd love to cook something like this myself.""Well, young man, this is my simplest dish. If you're interested, I can share the recipe with you. Here, take this. I used to always write down my recipes, but I don't need it anymore. I can make this fried rice with my eyes closed."Accepting the offered piece of paper, Wesley saw scribbled words on it. After a quick review, he realized it was the recipe for the fried rice.Suddenly, he heard the mechanical notification again, "you have learned Cooking recipe: Simple Fried Ric
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Chapter 4
The Skeleton Captain let out a battle cry as it charged towards Wesley and Iron.Wesley feared the monster might leap through their window. Instead, it crashed through the front door, causing a commotion downstairs. Fortunately, the stairs were not near the entrance, giving them some time.Struggling to open the window, Wesley realized it was stuck. "Can't open your window!" he told Iron.Iron, still pale and bewildered, remained seated. "Hey! We need to go out the window or we're in trouble!" Wesley urged."It's stuck," Iron stammered. "Has been for years. Can't be opened."Summoning his sword, Wesley shattered the window. "Come on, let's jump," he said to Iron.As the crashing noises grew louder, Wesley grabbed Iron's shoulders. "Listen, this might be a game or real. You might die, or you might respawn. But do you want to risk it?" Wesley snapped.Awareness returned to Iron's eyes. Gasping, he nodded.A loud thump sounded outside. Wesley pulled Iron up, and they headed to the broken
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Chapter 5
He was overwhelmed by the notifications, especially the abundance of Experience points. Fighting zombies alone would have required him to defeat over fifty of them to gain that much experience. This single battle had propelled him past the level of both his classes.Approaching cautiously, he noticed several items on the ground where the Skeleton Captain had fallen. Squatting down, he inspected them—a ring and 5 copper coins. Picking them up, he examined the ring closely. It was a Ring of Luck, an uncommon accessory that boosted Luck by 1. It marked the first time he had obtained an item from defeating monsters. Despite days of battling zombies and Skeleton Thugs, he had only managed to collect 3 copper coins. The drop rate in this game world seemed disappointingly low. However, receiving an uncommon item like the Ring of Luck, especially one that enhanced the rare Luck stat, was a stroke of fortune.He wasted no time equipping the ring and storing the coins in his bag. Summoning his
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Chapter 6
"Tempest," Ogre commented, "That's a cool name, also from the way you fight, I assume you are a Fighter?"Wesley nodded, asking in return, "and you?""Same," Ogre replied, summoning a small hand axe into his grip. "Mouse here is a ranger," he added.Both of them seemed familiar with the game mechanics, unlike Wesley's previous acquaintance."So, why didn't you guys lend me a hand with that monster just now?" Wesley inquired."Why should we?" Mouse retorted provocatively.Ogre laughed and clapped Wesley's shoulder. "We just want to see what you are made of," he said. "And it looks like you were able to handle that little monster anyway. So what level are you? We are both level 3 here."Wesley used his God-eye monocle to scan the pair. Ogre was a level 5 Fighter, while Mouse was a level 4 Ranger. The monocle also detected the armors they wore. Ogre sported five armors on his body, while Mouse had four."I'm level 4," Wesley replied, reciprocating their dishonesty."That looks like a nic
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Chapter 7
Inside Darwin's workshop, the door to one of the rooms opened, allowing two shadowy figures to slip inside. They crept towards the sleeping figure covered by a blanket.Silently, they approached the bedside. One of them signaled a countdown with his hand. When his fingers curled into a fist, they both swung their weapons, striking the figure under the blanket repeatedly.Worried their target might retaliate, they kept attacking. But after several blows, they noticed no damage numbers appearing. One of them gestured to stop, pulling the blanket away to reveal only a pillow and bolster.Both attackers were puzzled and disappointed. The one with the axe had a sudden realization but was too late to react. A powerful force slammed into his back, sending him flying. A red number, 42, marked his impact against the wall, followed by another, 6.His partner, startled but quick, dodged a swing and rolled to a nearby table to turn on the light.As the room brightened, three individuals found the
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Chapter 8
After sorting out the loot, Wesley looked around the room. He had avoided searching for hidden items revealed by his God-eye monocle before, to not raise suspicion. Now, he could explore freely.His monocle indicated three green glowing spots in the room, one of which was the dress that initially aroused his suspicions about his treacherous hosts. He made a mental note to retrieve it later, perhaps for potential sale. With coins present, a nearby shop likely existed. Additionally, with ample storage space thanks to his extra bag, he needn't worry about accumulating too many items.Approaching the nearest green marker, he discovered a work table. The marker directed him to a drawer within, filled with disorganized papers. Among them, one paper emitted a green glow—undoubtedly overlooked by Ogre and Mouse amidst the clutter. Retrieving the glowing paper, he discovered it contained a valuable recipe:Whetstone Recipe (Blacksmith recipe)Create Whetstone, a consumable increasing a weapon'
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Chapter 9
Wesley sat, mulling over recent events, the Valhalla game's beta test being the starting point. He couldn't shake off the connection to the Tetrax Groups, even if not everyone there was affected.Suddenly a loud ringing started. Wesley and Iron winced in pain as they both covered their ears."What on earth is that?""Could be proximity to the epicenter," Iron speculated, his eyes reflecting curiosity."Yeah, maybe that's why not everyone was affected," Wesley nodded, considering the possibility.Determined to delve deeper, Wesley set his sights on returning to the Tetrax Groups once he hit level 10."I'll investigate further once I reach level 10," he announced, determination evident in his tone.With newfound resolve, Wesley threw himself into leveling up, achieving his goal after two more days of grinding."Now that I'm level 10, I've got a new skill," Wesley remarked, a sense of accomplishment in his voice."What is it?" Iron asked, genuinely interested."It's called Natural Body R
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Chapter 10
Wesley stood there blankly. What? That's it? Are you joking with me?Before he was about to protest for such vague reward, he heard a sound of notification."Congratulations, you have received the Blessing of Goddess. Permanently increase luck by 10."He immediately opened his status window. Yes, it was an Inherent Skill. It was there under his other inherent skill Immortal Soul. His luck was now 13 points including the bonus from his ring. That was a great boost from before. He figured with such high luck, the drop rate should not be too shabby now, right?Suddenly, he gasped having realized something."Are you a Goddess?" he blurted towards the lady in white."That I am," she answered calmly.Meeting a God or Goddess this early was unexpected. Other VR RPG games also had their own Gods and Goddesses. To encounter such a being usually required tremendous luck or enduring long, grueling quests because they were the highest tiered NPC in a game. Thus, meeting one here was extremely une
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