Chapter 9

Wesley sat, mulling over recent events, the Valhalla game's beta test being the starting point. He couldn't shake off the connection to the Tetrax Groups, even if not everyone there was affected.

Suddenly a loud ringing started. Wesley and Iron winced in pain as they both covered their ears.

"What on earth is that?"

"Could be proximity to the epicenter," Iron speculated, his eyes reflecting curiosity.

"Yeah, maybe that's why not everyone was affected," Wesley nodded, considering the possibility.

Determined to delve deeper, Wesley set his sights on returning to the Tetrax Groups once he hit level 10.

"I'll investigate further once I reach level 10," he announced, determination evident in his tone.

With newfound resolve, Wesley threw himself into leveling up, achieving his goal after two more days of grinding.

"Now that I'm level 10, I've got a new skill," Wesley remarked, a sense of accomplishment in his voice.

"What is it?" Iron asked, genuinely interested.

"It's called Natural Body Recovery," Wesley explained, excitement lacing his words. "Restores health gradually when out of combat."

Prepared for the journey ahead, Wesley upgraded his sword and allocated his attribute points, focusing on enhancing his speed and combat abilities.

"All set?" Iron inquired, ready to accompany Wesley on his quest.

"Yep, I'm good to go," Wesley confirmed, a hint of eagerness in his reply.

With provisions in hand, including a portion of Egg Fried Rice, Wesley bid farewell to Darwin's Workshop and set off for the Tetrax Groups, hopeful for answers and the possibility of finding allies.

The journey proved uneventful, taking only two days to reach the central district where the building loomed.

"No encounters on the way?" Iron questioned, surprised by the lack of obstacles.

"Just monsters," Wesley replied, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

As they neared the building, the monsters grew stronger, including a group of Goblins armed with clubs and daggers.

"Looks like we've got company," Iron noted, preparing for battle alongside Wesley.

"Let's take them down," Wesley said, determination flashing in his eyes as he faced the challenge head-on.

As Wesley faced the Goblins, he noticed several dropped coins. He collected the spoils before heading towards the Tetrax building. The once-bustling neighborhood now lay silent, with only occasional monster sightings in the distance.

Approaching the building, Wesley expected resistance. However, there were no monsters at the entrance, raising doubts about its significance. Nonetheless, he ventured inside, fueled by curiosity and a sense of purpose.

He navigated the deserted halls, reflecting on his previous encounters and the changes in the environment. His radar revealed a lone red dot, darker than usual, indicating a possible Elite monster within the building.

Wesley followed the signal, eventually reaching a heavily secured room. After overcoming the lock with an Administrator key-card, he entered to confront a formidable opponent—a Lizardman Blood Guard, a Special Elite monster.

With the odds stacked against him, Wesley braced himself for a challenging battle as the Lizardman lunged forward with surprising speed.

Wesley acted on instinct, he quickly raised the Magic Shield he had prepared, widening his stance for impact.

But just as the Lizardman was about to collide with his shield, it vanished. Wesley was stunned by this unexpected turn of events.

Instinctively, he felt unease behind him. Swiveling around just in time, he avoided a hit from the Lizardman. Their swords collided, parrying the attack. Despite this, he still felt the impact, losing 56 HP in the process.

He was astonished. Despite being two levels lower, with an additional class, his attributes should surpass the level 12 Lizardman's. But he seemed slower and weaker in comparison. Though the damage wasn't as severe as with the Skeleton Captain, the Lizardman's speed made it more dangerous.

Regaining his balance, he saw the monster lunging at him again. This time, he paid closer attention to its movements. As it closed in, it blurred, and Wesley noticed a red shadow above him. Turning, he saw the Lizardman land behind him.

"What a powerful jump!" he thought to himself.

The Lizardman quickly turned and slashed. Wesley dodged the attack, countering with Power Strike. However, the monster's scales acted as armor, barely scratched by his sword. The damage was minimal, just 32 HP, not even one percent of the monster's total.

As the battle raged on, Wesley struggled to stay alive. He used two medicines to recover health but was continually losing ground. Realizing he couldn't win, he backed off, focusing on defense. But when he reached the door, he found it locked.

"Oh no, am I trapped?" he panicked.

Seeing another door slightly open, he cursed his mistake. With his health dangerously low, he knew he couldn't take many more hits.

The Lizardman rammed him with its shield, pushing him against the door. Though he blocked with Magic Shield, the impact left him paralyzed. As the monster raised its scimitar for the finishing blow, Wesley dodged at the last moment.

He rolled away, casting Energy Bolts before darting towards the opposite door. Though the bolts didn't do much harm, they momentarily stopped the Lizardman. Yet, he could still hear its approaching footsteps.

Despite his agility, he knew he couldn't evade it for long. Storing his weapons, he focused on fleeing. Crashing through the door, he tumbled outside, relieved to see the Lizardman calm down.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Wesley discovered he had the Natural Body Recovery skill. It allowed him to heal outside of combat, saving his medicine. Excited by this, he planned to use it against the Boss.

With a laugh, he readied himself to return, fueled by the recovery from his Egg Fried Rice. But upon his return, he saw the Lizardman fully healed, realizing it had natural recovery too.


Looking around, Wesley found himself in darkness. He reached out with his staff to feel around, like a blind person.

Moving in different directions, he didn't bump into anything. It felt like a big empty space.

Thinking of going back, Wesley realized he didn't know where the door was. Once it closed, it blended into the darkness, and he was lost. He wished he had brought a flashlight or torch.

Even though he wasn't scared of the dark, being lost made him uneasy. He thought about using Mana Bullet or Energy Bolts for light, but then he heard a humming noise. He got ready with his sword and shield.

Suddenly, a bright light filled the room, making Wesley squint. When he could see again, he noticed he was in a big oval room. The walls were shiny metal, and the floor glowed underneath, like glass panels. The ceiling looked like a starry sky.

The weirdest thing was in the middle: floating blocks above a pedestal, giving off a strange feeling. Looking back, Wesley saw the door he came through was the only one.

 Whatever the Lizardman was protecting must be here. But he didn't see any clues.

Wesley remembered there might be treasure here, following game rules. He walked up to the pedestal and slid the card inside.

"Oops! I can't take it out now," he said.

Suddenly, a strange voice emanated from the panel, accompanied by a picture appearing. It resembled the floating blocks. Excited, Wesley touched the picture, causing one block to move.

The picture seemed to control the floating blocks, resembling a puzzle. Wesley, a lover of puzzles, began rearranging the blocks, relishing the challenge.

Time flew by as he solved half the puzzle. The remaining blocks posed a greater challenge due to fewer connections. Wesley carefully planned each move.

After numerous attempts, he completed the puzzle, feeling a sense of pride. Following his notes, he cautiously moved the blocks, wary of making a mistake.

As the last block clicked into place, the picture vanished, and the floating cube started spinning rapidly, emitting sparks. Wesley stepped back, fearing a shock.

With a sudden flash and explosion noise, he instinctively dropped to the floor to avoid any harm. Yet, there was no destructive force. As the brightness gradually subsided, he found the pedestal at the room's center undamaged, with the floating cube now gone.

Bewildered, Wesley stood up. Despite the powerful noise and flash, there was no actual impact. He was relieved; being blown to bits wouldn't have been a rewarding outcome for solving the puzzle.

Approaching the pedestal, he confirmed the cube's absence. Tapping the panel screen yielded no response.

"Are you kidding me?" he exclaimed. What was the point of spending hours on the puzzle?

Frustrated, he surveyed the room, which seemed unchanged except for the missing floating blocks.

"So, that's it? Should I leave now?" he pondered dejectedly. He still had to deal with the Lizardman and find a place to spend the night.

Realizing it was likely evening, he hesitated to stay in the room. What if the Lizardman ambushed him while he slept?

As he deliberated, he thought he heard a faint voice, initially unintelligible. Eventually, the voice spoke clearly.

"Young adventurer, you have done well," the voice echoed from all directions.

Wesley looked around, searching for the source, but it seemed to emanate from the walls.

"I thank you for your efforts in restoring my consciousness," the voice continued. "A few more days, and I might have been lost forever."

With the final words, the voice seemed to concentrate behind him.

Turning, Wesley beheld a stunning woman in white. Her serene presence exuded grace and wisdom, calming his mind.

She approached him gracefully, her demeanor commanding respect. As she drew nearer, Wesley felt a profound sense of peace.

"It was fortunate you stumbled upon this place and reconstructed my core consciousness," she said melodiously. "Now, I must reconvene with my brethren to discuss our plan."

Confused by her words, Wesley managed to ask, "Is there anything I can assist you with before you depart?"

The woman, named White, responded with a serene smile. "You have my gratitude, Mr. Tempest. Is there something you desire?"

Wesley's mind raced. Was the floating cube he solved connected to her?

"May I ask, were you the entity within the floating cube?" he inquired.

"It was part of my consciousness," she confirmed. "And for that, you have my gratitude."

Introductions exchanged, Wesley found her name fitting. "White," he murmured.

"If there is nothing else, I must take my leave," White said gently.

"Wait!" Wesley blurted, hoping to gain some reward for his efforts.

White regarded him kindly, listening to his request.

"You mentioned my safety was thanks to you. Shouldn't I receive some reward?" Wesley pressed.

White explained, "I am limited in offering rewards that may upset the world's balance. However, I can grant you three gifts."

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