The Zillionaire's wrath
The Zillionaire's wrath
Author: Maxwell Dave
Chapter one

I can't believe this.

"Kyle Lincoln, you have got to see this."

David's voice was laced with urgency as he dragged Kyle out of his chair and straight to the school Cafeteria.

"Dude, what the hell!"

"Quit pulling me around as if I'm some horse!"

Kyle immediately shunned his friend.

"Kyle, if you know how serious this issue is you would leave me and run down to the cafeteria yourself."

David's voice was barely above whispers as he bent down to catch his breath as he had ran all the way down to Kyle's lecture room.

Leaving his friend, Kyle immediately raced down to the school Cafeteria.

On reaching there, students were gathered and taking pictures of two people.

"What is going on here?" Kyle asked one of the students who started laughing at him and took a picture of him, the flash light of her iPhone almost blinding him.

Pushing his way through the crowd, he finally found his way to the front of the crowd.

What Kyle saw almost made him faint.


"What are you doing?"

Kyle immediately screamed as he walked towards Chloe who was busy kissing Jefferson Edward, Kyle Lincoln's friend in front of the whole crowd.

Kyle's voice had suddenly killed the vibe of what the whole students were enjoying.

"What does it seem like I'm doing?"

"I'm flirting with your friend obviously."

Chloe said without remorse as she goes in to continue the kiss but Jefferson Edward immediately moved his face away.

Kyle stared at the both of them, his face was etched with a mixture of bewilderment and anxiety.

"How could…you?"

Kyle asked, his voice was a bit quaky as he continued staring at them.

His gaze showed that he was more disappointed in Chloe.

"How could I not?"

"I I mean take a good look at yourself"

"You come to lectures with an old bicycle from the 1900's, Jefferson on the other hand comes to lectures with a Bugatti Mistral."

"Can you ever beat that?"

Chloe's voice was laced with disdain as she pushed Kyle back who fell but was fortunate enough to fall into the hands of David, his friend.

"You see, look at your faded shirt, Jefferson Edward on the other hand puts the L in Louis Vuitton."

"Look at your unbelievable shoes, Did your dad give you those?"

"Sorry I totally forgot, your parents are dead and you are nothing but an adopted poor brat squatting with the Webs family."

Chloe Walter's voice was laced with disdain and humiliation as he stared directly into the eyes of Kyle Lincoln.

Disgust and disdain reeking all over her.

Kyle couldn't believe his eyes and ears as he stared back and forth at Chloe Walter and Jefferson Edward.

"Chloe I can't believe this is coming from you…after all we have been through together."

"You better believe it Kyle…I'm tired of putting up with your stinking poverty."

"I mean do you even know how much my skincare products cost?"

"Oh you think all this glow just happens all by itself?"

Chloe asked as she turned around showcasing her feminine assets causing most of the boys to wish she was their girlfriend.

"Chloe I really understand, but you shouldn't be comparing your boyfriend to Jefferson Edward."

"I mean look at Jefferson Edward, the Edwards are the biggest realest tycoon in the continent."

"How do you expect Kyle to beat that? like you said he is just starting out…you should have given him a chance."

David's voice was laced with reason and wisdom as he spoke in the defense of Kyle.

"And you Jefferson Edward, Kyle used to be your best friend,at least used to be, why would you go on and flirt with his girlfriend in public?"

"Relax smart pants, this isn't the first time we have done this and Kyle is poor and I'm rich."

Jefferson Edward said, smiling gleefully as the whole crowd cheered him up.

David just shook his head as Kyle watched Jefferson Edward drag his girlfriend closer to himself.

"Chloe, are you really breaking up…with me?" 

Kyle asked as he managed to stop his tears from hitting the wooden floor board under him.

"Are you this dumb or has your poverty really gotten into your brain?"

"Kyle Lincoln, I just broke up with you! What else would you call me kissing your rich friend in your presence?"

Chloe's voice was accompanied by a heavy laughter and mockery from the crowd as David dragged Kyle away from the scene.

"Hey Kyle! you forgot the stupid locket you gave me."

"I couldn't even swap it for toilet paper at the local market."

Chloe Walter said as she, Jefferson Edward and the whole crowd laughed out loud.

Immediately she threw the locket to her feet and as Kyle walked over to pick it up, Chloe immediately crushed it with the luxury pink Prada boots that Jefferson Edward just bought for her.

"Oops…sorry, that's the symbol of our love and I have crushed it forever."

Chloe said in the most disdainful manner ever as she stared down on Kyle.

Kyle stared at her in bewilderment and walked away from both of them, joining David, he walked back to his lecture room wiping his tears slowly with the edge of his blue sweatshirt.

"Don't worry Kyle…everything will get better soon."

David said, trying hard to console his friend.

Throughout the remaining lecture, Kyle wasn't himself as he was also getting messages from Sophia the daughter of his adopted parents asking him of her clothes that he had washed.

"Kyle, stand up!"

"What are you staring at?"

Mr Harris, the lecturer asked, his voice was barely above whispers.

"Probably the pictures of his former girlfriend who dumped him today."

One of the boys from the back of the lecture hall screamed causing everyone to burst into a mocking laughter.

"It's nothing Mr Harris."

Kyle said as he hid his phone.

"If you insist, make sure you see me after this class before heading home."

Mr Harris said as he continued his teaching.

After the lesson, Kyle walked into Mr Harris' office and in less than a minute he was out.

Walking towards the school garage, his head was all heavy from the whole break up thing, he mistakenly bumped into a guy who immediately shoved him backwards.

"Watch it loser."


Kyle said as he walked faster towards the garage.

Turning around he noticed that someone was following him.

He immediately ran off and got to his bicycle, as he tried to unlock his rickety bike, the cold hand of a man dressed

in an Armani suit held his hand.

"Lord Lincoln!"

"Come with me at once, it's not safe here."

The voice was ortund and laced with trepidation and urgency.

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