Chapter 9

The situation was intense and palpable as Kyle paced around and began.

"It all began the day I was adopted into the Webs family…My foster mom, Martha Webs saw the key stuff on my neck and she took it."

"She was like…I will keep it for you whenever you need it, you can come get it."

"I trusted her and let her keep it…I didn't even know what it was, all I can remember is that I have always had it from the orphanage."

Kyle Immediately cleared his throat and continued, "Since then I have tried asking her and she keeps saying it's lost."

"It wasn't until last week I saw the star key on Sophia's neck."

"I had earlier overheard Mrs Martha telling Sophia to keep the stuff which she gave her safe."

"Immediately I saw the star key on the neck of Sophia, I immediately realized that it might be what her mom was talking about."

"I didn't think it was that important so I hadn't confronted Sophia over the star key."

As Kyle narrated, Carlos Alfred just stared at him, nodding his head slowly.

"This is interesting, why would Mrs Martha even take the key in the first place?"

"A lot of weird things are happening in that Webs family and I really don't like it."

"Lord Lincoln, how about coming to stay at your father's mansion until we finally get to the culprits behind this crime."

Carlos Alfred immediately added as he stared at Kyle who was still pacing around the safe house.

"Carlos Alfred, it's a good idea but I really don't want to be at my dad's mansion for reasons best known to me."

"I rather lay low at the Web's mansion for now…even though that place is one hell of a place to be."

Kyle added as he stared at Carlos Alfred who had a worried look on his face.

"Lord Lincoln, the reason I'm saying all this is because of Lady Isabella Lincoln, your grandmother."

Immediately Kyle heard the word grandmother, he turned, his mouth was agape.


Kyle asked as he stared into the eyes of Carlos Alfred.

"My Grandmother is alive?"

Kyle asked as he walked closer to Carlos Alfred.

"Yes, Lord Lincoln…Lady Isabella Lincoln is alive and I know she would want to meet you one of these days."

Carlos Alfred immediately said as he wiped his face with his face towel.

"Well that's new information…why didn't you tell me about my grandmother all this while?"

Kyle asked as he plopped into the seat in front of Carlos Alfred.

"Nothing Lord Lincoln, it's just that it definitely skipped my mind…but on the plus side you now know that she is alive."

Carlos Alfred said, trying to downplay the seriousness of his actions.

"You should have told me at first…so does she have any information on who might want to harm or kill my mom and dad?"

Kyle asked, hoping for a positive answer.

"I'm afraid no, Lord Lincoln…I think the best thing is to focus on finding that key…I mean stealing the key back from Sophia."

"It's our only chance of ever getting into that safe."

"As for Lady Isabella…I will tell her that you will come visit her one of these days at the mansion."

Carlos Alfred said, his voice was barely above whispers as he took the hand of Kyle and yanked him up.


Moments later, they were back on the Cafeteria, Carlos Alfred immediately pressed his watch and a black Ferrari turned on in the dark.


"Sweet ride."

"Was that there the whole time?"

Kyle asked as he got in, his voice laced with exhilaration as he smiled gleefully.

"Yep Lord Lincoln, it's your dad's personal ride."

With that said, Carlos Alfred and Kyle rode off and headed to the Web's mansion.

"So about my grandmother…I hope she is okay?"

Kyle asked as he was still worried about the news he just heard.

His voice was barely above whispers as he took his hand outside the window and felt the air hitting his arm.

"Definitely, Lady Isabella Lincoln is doing okay."

"It's just that last month before I saw you, Lincoln's mansion was attacked by some gunmen and your grandmother had a shock and was admitted to the hospital…but she is…okay as we speak…hopefully."

Carlos Alfred said, his voice was barely above whispers and laced with a mixture of trepidation and anxiety.

Kyle immediately stared at him, his eyes widened in shock.

"What do you mean hopefully?"

Kyle asked, his eyebrows now furrowed in a mixture of confusion and anxiety.

"Lord Lincoln never mind, just know that Lady Isabella Lincoln is safe and healthy."

"Now walk into that mansion and retrieve that star key, we have a safe to crack open."

Carlos Alfred's voice was barely above whispers as he opened the door for Kyle to step outside.

Kyle stared at Carlos Alfred as he was about to step out of the Ferrari, he turned immediately, his face still smeared in confusion. 

"Are you sure my grandmother is okay?"

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