Chapter 5

Damn! I can't even see clearly right now. Why did this intense dizziness suddenly hit my head? What's happened? Why does it hurt so much?" 

Ethan tries to steady his vision. At least he needs clear sight to achieve his goal, even though his body feels weightless due to the overwhelming pain in his head. 

"I can't endure feeling like this forever. Only by taking this pain relief medicine will it subside. I'm absolutely sure of that." 

Ethan then grips his head. With heavy footsteps, he walks step by step, each one appearing deliberate. 

Not forgetting, he reaches for his old, now lifeless phone that no longer shines like before. 

If asked how his phone ended up there, while he was unconscious, Ethan could feel how his phone, which he placed in his right pocket, should have been pressed against him. 

However, the reality is the opposite. The phone lies there, seemingly out of his pocket for who knows how long. 

The thought arises that some energy intentionally placed his old phone close to the meteor explosion. 

However, Ethan must reiterate that this is the real world, not a fantasy conjured from imagination. 

Ethan shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He then takes the old phone and tucks it back into his pocket. 

"Somehow, this phone ended up here. Ah, never mind. It'll just make me more dizzy if I keep thinking about it. What matters now is I need a headache remedy. I have to leave immediately." 

Ethan takes his steps forward. 

Repeatedly, he blinks his eyes, hoping the dizziness will fade bit by bit. 

"Oh God! What more challenges will you give me and my life? I hope after all this pain I'm experiencing, there will be a miracle to fix all these unexpected things going on." 

Ethan mumbled in his heart, reciting hopeful prayers, asking his Creator for a chance to live a better life. He vowed not to be weak or too trusting again, determined to choose his friends and confidants wisely. 

As he walked down the sidewalk, Ethan was abruptly hit by a speeding bicycle carrying shopping bags. He winced and contemplated yelling at the seemingly innocent rider, noting the absence of remorse on their face. 

"Thankfully, I didn't fall. They're at fault but refuse to apologize. Selfish and lacking understanding. I should be grateful, it could have been worse. What if they hit someone else? They wouldn't get forgiveness then," Ethan thought. 

Still holding his head, Ethan expressed his growing self-confidence, despite his pitiable state. He moved away from the scene and let out a sigh, letting go of his frustration and anger. 

"I hope I have enough money for painkillers. This throbbing headache needs relief," he muttered, closing his eyes to ease the pain, hoping to not experience such moments again. 

Ethan arrived at the supermarket and entered slowly. He made his way to the medicine aisle and grabbed the medicine he needed. At the cashier, he was greeted. 

"Hello. Are you sure about this purchase?" the cashier asked. 

Feeling weak, Ethan leaned on the counter, trying to focus on the cashier's face. 

"Yes. Is there a problem?" Ethan inquired, puzzled by the unexpected question while shopping. 

"We have a stock of headache medicine that many people say is effective. Don't you want to give it a try?" the cashier asked, tempting Ethan with her offer. 

"Is that true? Well then, I'll take that recommended headache medicine. My head feels like it's about to explode right now," Ethan said, with a hint of venting in his tone to the woman. 

The cashier quickly nodded, "Here you go. You can take the medicine before breakfast. I guarantee this medicine can relieve your dizzy or throbbing headache. I can assure you of that." 

The cashier handed the medicine to Ethan, her tone sounding as if she was promoting it to him. 

"Just one, sir? Don't you want to get more?" the cashier asked when she saw Ethan accepting the medicine with a nod. 

Ethan nodded again, and the cashier quickly noted the price. 

Not forgetting, Ethan also bought a bottle of mineral water to drink. 

Before paying, Ethan felt his old phone vibrate again. Since there was another person there who wanted to pay, Ethan allowed them to pay first. 

Ethan then turned on his phone's screen. His brow furrowed as he looked at the notification of a message that had come in. 

"A message? From whom is this?" Ethan monologued, gazing at his phone. 

Not wanting to further confuse himself, Ethan clicked on the message notification and carefully read the message displayed there. 

[Congratulations! Your balance of 100 million has been deposited into account 33 ...] 

Ethan furrowed his brow. He then took his wallet from his pants pocket and compared the number in the message with his account number.

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