Chapter 8

Ethan carried his backpack with both hands while holding another large messenger bag. The bag was filled with his clothes. If it weren't for being forced out of his boarding house by the landlady, he wouldn't have realized he had so many clothes.

This time, there was no longer sadness on Ethan's face.

The thought of being able to confidently pay off his rent to the disrespectful landlady brought a unique sense of happiness to Ethan.

"Thank you, God. I believe all of this is also fate's intervention. Somehow this whole system emerged, and I feel like I'm a character in a fantasy novel. One thing's for sure, I'm incredibly grateful."

Ethan closed his eyes for quite a while, letting that positive energy continue to enter and influence him.

"It's true what people say, that gratitude only appears after a blessing arrives. If I hadn't been grateful and calm earlier, maybe a blessing like this wouldn't have been given by God. It might have been given to someone else instead."

Ethan murmured in his heart. Although he clearly wasn't an ordinary person anymore, he preferred to walk to a bus stop not far from his former boarding house.

At least Ethan wanted to enjoy the streets that had been his sanctuary for years.

It wasn't Ethan's intention to forget all the memories and stop renting at his old place due to the landlady who heartlessly took out his belongings.

However, Ethan felt the need for a fresher environment. He didn't want to remain in a place that constantly reminded him of painful past memories.

He vividly remembered how they used to come home together after work, and often Ricard would stay over and return to Ethan's place.

When they got hungry and the food supply at Ethan's place ran out, Ricard would readily suggest they eat out.

These small things they did together always brought smiles to both their faces.

When all trust had been fully given by Ethan to the man named Ricard, it turned out that the man had an unusual desire for him.

The desire to attain a position and be well-regarded by many, eventually replacing Ethan, who was notably active in the office, remained completely unread by the man until now.

Until finally, after everything had occurred, Ethan confronted the man about his closeness with him, with all reasons.

The friend whom he thought was like a brother turned out to be an unforgettable enemy for him, one that would remain in his memory until his last breath.

"It's enough for all the wounds and bitter memories that will never truly fade from this mind. I really don't want to remember it all anymore. It's enough, it stops here. I will leave everything behind. The wounds and memories."

Ethan had a strong determination in his heart. He no longer wanted to be entangled in the complexities of his life.

Metaphorically speaking, the man wanted to feel that he could emerge from the existing problems. Ethan wanted to stop remembering all those painful things.

Ethan wanted to move on, he didn't want to keep being stuck in place as if there was no other space for him.

"Thank you for everything. I leave behind all the memories and the past."

Ethan closed his eyes for quite a while. The man then continued to walk until he realized he had left his residential area.

The man had walked quite a distance from his home, or more precisely, his former boarding house.

If asked whether it was difficult for Ethan to declare his departure like that? Of course, Ethan would answer yes.

However, everyone has the right to leave and seek a new place when the old one no longer provides comfort.

If staying at that boarding house would only continue to make Ethan more hurt due to the memories shared with that despicable man, then it would certainly be much better for Ethan to leave from there first.

At least, it was his decision to leave everything behind before the suffocating feeling became overwhelming again.

"Mom! I'm cold. We don't have anything to cover my body?"

Faintly audible in the ear, Ethan. A voice shivering with pressure towards his mother suddenly entered his sense of hearing.

"Just give me a hug. You have to believe that my hug is more than enough of everything. Because out there, there are children who really want to be hugged by their parents, especially their mothers."

The mother then gave an answer. There was pain because she had to make excuses in order not to be too obvious in her lie to her child.

Ethan watched the mother and her child who seemed to be a scavenger. He could feel how the warm channel of love and affection enveloped the child and mother.

A smile that was so wide also seemed perfectly engraved on Ethan's face at this time. He felt happy when he saw the two mothers and children who understood each other.

"I think I know why I'm carrying an extra bag right now."

Ethan developed a smile that was so sweet on his face. His footsteps then led him towards the two figures that had been the object of his attention since earlier.

"Excuse me, Mother, Sister."

Ethan greeted the two figures with a tone of voice that sounded so friendly.

The two people who were still hugging each other then raised their faces to look at Ethan who was standing at that time.

"Yes, son? What's wrong? I beg you, it's okay for the two of us. We just live on the side of the road and don't have anything. Please don't rob anything from us."

From the look on her face, it didn't take long before the mother tightened her embrace on her son.

She seemed to be frightened, as she seemed to be traumatized by the fact that bad people might have wanted to do things to a poor woman like her in the past.

"Uh, don't be afraid mom. I have no ill intentions towards you and your son. Hmm.. introduce my name is Ethan. I feel very moved by the warmth that exists between this mother and sister. I missed my parents who are now rumored to have fallen ill. I remember my mom after I saw how much she loves and takes care of this little boy."

Ethan told everything to the elderly woman. Not a single word he said was a lie. Everything was real and nothing was fabricated by him.

"Can you trust me, dear?" The middle-aged woman's voice weakened slowly, a sign of her melting demeanor.

Ethan nodded in agreement to the woman's question.

"Of course. I would never do anything to harm you. In fact, I want to provide a little help with what I have, for you and your sibling. It might not be much, but hopefully it's enough to cover your daily needs."

Ethan handed over an envelope of money whose exact value he himself didn't know. The white envelope looked quite thick, and he placed the bag containing blankets and clothes near the young boy.

"I also have some clothes and a blanket that I hope will be useful for you and your sibling. It's all I can offer. I hope you can make the best use of it."

Ethan spoke before straightening up again, smiling at the two individuals who had touched his heart.

Remembering the genuine expression on the mother's face as she cared for her child, Ethan's thoughts continued to be occupied by the image of her.

Ethan then said his goodbyes, the echoes of gratitude lingering in his ears. He hurriedly made his way to the motorcycle taxi stand that would take him to the train terminal.

"Just the regular terminal, please," Ethan requested.

He donned his helmet and carried only one bag on his shoulder.


Without needing to open it, Ethan already knew the incoming message on his phone.

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