With a huff, Zara pulled her last luggage through the door and with a tired look on her face, she banged the door shut only to fall on the next available couch.

Shutting her eyes tightly, she pushed her hand into her hair as a little smile appeared on the side of her lips.

Before dropping by FlavorQuest the previous day, she had made a stop at a housing agent who showed her a catalog she should choose from after which she paid her rent fee.

“This is a dream come true.” She mused, now lying on her side as a bright smile appeared on her lips.

For a while now, she had been fantasizing about getting a house of her own and now it was a reality. Her excitement was what lured her to sleep that night.


“Shit!” Zara muttered as she sat up on the couch she had spent her night on.

Throwing her legs off the couch, she hurried towards the bathroom to have a quick bath. She was already getting late for work after reading out the new rule and regulations she had drafted the previous night.

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