When she arrived, Chase was drumming his fingers against the table. Though he hadn't requested for her earlier, she was now present, so he decided to spew what he had been saving up until now.

“Are you busy?” He asked, nodding at the iPad she was holding.

“I’m not. I was going through the sales stats. It's impressive boss.” She mused and even without Chase asking her to tell him what it was about, she went ahead and started blabbing.

“Thank you, I mean it.” He flashed her a coy smile as he patted her head.

“Come on, I didn't do the work alone.” Smacking her lips she pulled a chair out and now seated across from him, said, “What if we have a team dinner to celebrate?”

“It's up to you, fix it.” His response made her smile widen as she drummed her fingers against the table in excitement.

“Wembley said you wanted to see me, is anything the issue?” She asked, breaking the short silence in the room.

“Not really.” He shook his head sideways, contemplating on if he should spill on not.
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