The Return of General Cobra claw

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The Return of General Cobra claw

By: Max Luthor Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 22 views: 1.6K

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Some years ago Max Xanderson escaped death and witnessed the gruesome murder of Sharon Xanderson, his mom. 5 years later he is back on two missions, to find Melissa Steven, the young girl that risked her life to save him from drowning in the Blueberg river the night his mom was murdered and to find and annihilate all those involved in his family's sudden assassination.

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22 chapters
Chapter one
Max Xanderson gazed through the glass barrier as his team loaded their new military shipments.He hasn't seen his wife in 5 years.Now he was finally able to go back to meet her. And he was going to hold a grand wedding for her.Just need to wait for 3 more days...His thoughts went on a rampage as he donned his camouflage military shoes.Plopping into his leather chair behind him, his door immediately was yanked open."Jack!""What brings you to my office?"His voice was laced with authority."I'm so sorry, general…but you have a call.""And it's not on the secure line."Jack Oniels voice was laced with a mixture of trepidation and anxiety.Max Xanderson gazed at him in surprise, his eyebrows furrowed in curiosity.Moments later, the heavy thumps of their military-grade boots are heard as they walk into the communication centre.Picking up the receiver, Max Xanderson immediately answered the video call.As soon as the video call logged on, Max Xanderson heard a familiar voice weeping
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Chapter two
In a cold tiny room was the weeping and the wincing of Melissa Stevens heard slowly.Arnold Lucas had just ended the video call with Max Xanderson.Walking closer to Melissa he stared at her in disgust."Look at you, how possible do you think it was for Lord Dylan Stevens to send you to me to get an invitation to the grand general's wedding?" Arnold Lucas said vehemently as he couldn't take his eyes off Melissa Stevens.Her beauty was beyond anything anyone had seen.Lord Dylan Stevens had wanted her to marry into one of the top elite families but her actions led her to marry Max Xanderson.Melissa Stevens only hung her head down as tears wells down her cheeks."You should have considered my proposal before jumping into that river to save that non-entity.""Now look at what you have brought upon yourself."Arnold Lucas' voice was laced with disdain and venom, he had always hated Max Xanderson from the day he saw him.Melissa Stevens couldn't help but weep even more as she lay there o
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Chapter three
The metal door immediately gave way to a tall guy staring intently into the eyes of Arnold Lucas.His fists were clenched in anger and venom reeked all over his body.The situation was intense and palpable as Arnold Lucas stared at the door from on top of Melissa Stevens.Max Xanderson immediately walked towards Arnold Lucas, shuffling him off Melissa, he immediately pulled Melissa from the ground and hugged her closely."I'm really sorry for everything you have passed through since I left."Max Xanderson's voice was barely above whispers as he hugged Melissa even more tightly, tears threatening to well down his eyes.Melissa was already weak, she was barely standing on her feet as her legs went wobbly.Max Xanderson immediately removed his blue jacket and used it to cover Melissa's body as her blouse was now almost fully torn."Is this really you…Max?"Melissa Stevens asked slowly as she collapsed into the hands of Max Xanderson. Max Xanderson immediately shook her violently."Melis
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Chapter four
Max Xanderson walked closer and jacked Martins by his shirt and dashed him to the wall.Max Xanderson stared intently and lecherously into the eyes of Martin Lucas as the latter's body fluid continued dripping down his Oxford luxury shoes."Why don't you people just like peace?"Max Xanderson asked as he heaved Martins over and he crashed into Arnold Lucas who was lying on the floor helplessly.Walking over the bodies on the floor, Max Xanderson walked over to Melissa and tried waking her up but all to no avail.Martins Lucas immediately stood and dusted his brown suit."Max, you really have got some guts and nice fighting skills."His voice was laced with a mixture of trepidation and anxiety as he stared at Hank, the best of their family henchman as he lay crippled on the floor.Max Xanderson immediately stared at him wondering what he was driving at."You know what…I really don't want to hurt you.""On behalf of the Lucas family…since I'm the first heir, I will make you a deal.""I
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Chapter five
Lord George stared arrogantly at Max Xanderson."Yes,Captain Barnes! It's too late to regret it now! Just wait for your death! "But his voice barely above whispers as he knelt before Max Xanderson holding his stomach in pain.Captain Barnes was one of the most feared men in Westerville, his influence was without question.It was Lord George's connection to Captain Barnes that added to his power and influence in Westerville.Max Xanderson snorted,didn't say a word, only stared at Lord George who was kneeling before him.In a matter of 15 minutes, Captain Barnes arrived with his military company.The park of the building where Max Xanderson and the Lucas family were was immediately flooded with numerous military trucks.Countless uniformed army alighted from the truck and immediately made their way into the building.They were all heavily armed, some with Heckler and Koch 416, some with AK 103 and other heavy assault weapons.Upon hearing the noise and the heavy thumps of military boot
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Chapter six
As Max Xanderson stared at Captain Barnes, Melissa immediately opened her eyes and coughed out loud."Melissa!...""Are you okay?"Max Xanderson immediately asked as he ran over to Melissa who was now trying to stand up."I'm okay…so this isn't a dream?"Melissa Stevens asked as Max Xanderson helped her get up from the ground."Melissa, I'm really…"Taa!!!Max Xanderson was interrupted by a slap to his cheeks.Max Xanderson immediately shook his head and stared at Melissa Stevens.He knew he deserved an even hotter slap as he was the primary reason for all the suffering that Melissa Stevens was undergoing."How dare you slap the Gen…"Max Xanderson immediately raised his hand stopping Captain Barnes who was now looking for any available chance to get back into the good books of Max Xanderson."Why did you leave us?!""Why didn't you come back as you promised?!""Do you know the level of torture and disdain I have and my family have faced from my grandfather Lord Dylan Stevens?""We ha
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Chapter seven:
"Just pray I don't meet you today because if I do, you will be dead meat."Max Xanderson spoke to himself as he sped past two lover birds kissing by the roadside, almost knocking them over."Watch it, jerk!"The couple screamed out loud.Meanwhile, at an old abandoned supermarket, the light is flickering revealing a young lady standing before a camera mounted to a tripod stand.Behind her was a 3-year-old girl, Chloe Maxwell strapped to a chair.Tears welled down Chloe's eyes as she stared at Alice Stevens who had gone to fix something on her camera."So who would love to see how a 3-year-old girl reacts when being hosed with a fire extinguisher?"Alice Stevens immediately asked her live streamers.Her voice was laced with exhilaration as her number of live streamers immediately jumped to over 2,000,000.She had done some humiliating stuff to Chloe Maxwell lately, like letting a giant spider crawl up her face while the little girl screamed.The comments on her livestream skyrocketed a
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Chapter eight.
Alice Stevens paced around trying to gather her stuff to disappear from the scene as her gaze had fallen on a military-grade Range Rover.Max Xanderson stepped out of the car and immediately removed his dark shades.His gaze fell on his daughter Chloe who was still partly awake tied to a chair."Dad…is…that you?"Chloe Maxwell asked, her voice was barely above whispers as tears wells down her cheeks.Her body was covered in whitish powder from the fire extinguisher, her hair was all dishevelled.Max Xanderson immediately ran towards her and held her closely."It's me, Chloe…I'm back…what happened to you?"He asked as he examined the wounded body of his daughter.As Max Xanderson asked the question, his gaze immediately fell on Alice Stevens who was now at the door turning the door knob to escape."You!"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with authority and venom as he raced towards Alice Stevens who still struggled to open the door.Before Alice Stevens could turn, Max Xanderson reached
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Chapter nine.
Max Xanderson turned immediately and heaved a sigh of relief as his daughter was still on the bed and hadn't seen what had happened."I'm coming sweetheart."Max Xanderson immediately said as he rolled Alice Stevens up in a carton and dumped her into one of the stores in the supermarket.Rushing towards Chloe, he immediately gets to the chair where she was tied up and starts to loosen the rope off his daughter.The untying took about 1 minute as Alice Stevens had really done a great job with tying up little Chloe.Hugging his daughter tight, Max Xanderson immediately wept slowly and dabbed his tears away.The situation was intense and palpable."Dad, why did you leave us?""Is it because mom wasn't good enough for you?""Or is it me?…wasn't I good enough for you?"Chloe Maxwell asked as she stared into Max's face which was now laced with a mixture of confusion and disappointment."Darling is not that…"Max Xanderson tried hard to explain, but no one, not even his daughter could unders
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Chapter ten.
Max Xanderson, Chloe and her daughter got back to Melissa's home."What is this supposed to be?"Max Xanderson immediately asked as he alighted from the vehicle, his face was laced with confusion and bewilderment as he stared at the house."What is it?... Don't tell me you are ashamed of our home too."Melissa Stevens asked as she pressed the doorbell of the discoloured iron door."What happened…I thought I had told…"Max Xanderson immediately realized that he was about to blurt out who he really was, he paused and stared at Melissa and the shabby place she now called home."You thought what Max?""Ever since you disappeared into thin air, did you ever care about how we had been surviving?"Melissa Stevens immediately asked, her voice was laced with a mixture of anger and frustration as she stared at Max who had a rather shocking face as he saw the slum Melissa's family was now living in."If you think our house isn't good enough for you, you could as well not come in."Melissa Steven
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