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By: Lucid writing brand OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 8 views: 121

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Lyon Nathaniel is a student of one of the richest school in sky city. Not that he merited it, he just happened to get a scholarship to study there. He didn't belong there, he was just a pauper, a nobody who got so lucky, but that was not the end of his story. He was bullied, mistreated and accused of killing his family by his biggest rival, Ethan Darlington. He lost everything and everyone he ever cared about. His parents, his only sister and his girlfriend. He also lost his health. Locked up in prison for a crime he didn't commit he was determined to give a well deserved revenge to those who looked down on him and stole everything from him. But can he do that when he his down with a chronic disorder? Can he do that when he has no money in his bank account? "Good day young master, I've finally found you" Maybe this is just the beginning of Lyon's story. Read on to see how a man that lost everything got back everything and more, how he made those who looked down on him regret everything they did. Now he is back, but this time, he is no longer the weakling he was once known for, he is now lord Lyon the one whose footsteps send chills to anyone who knew his true identity.

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8 chapters
CHAPTER 1: Lyon pants heavily as he ran none stop trying to meet up with his final year presentation at school; he checked the time and found out he was an hour late for his presentation. He wondered why everything was against him today of all days.First, his bike broke down on his way, and then the client he went to make a delivery to didn’t pay simply because the product packaging wasn’t his best color. Who the fuck cares about colors these days?He rushed into the school as Mr. Bails the gatekeeper frowned at him “Oh child, you’re late again, if you continue like this you might miss an important lecture” Mr. Bails commented sadlyLyon understood completely but he could do nothing. He was a wretched delivery guy who had to move around the city delivering goods to anyone even if it risked his life.If he didn’t work, he wouldn’t be able to fund his basic needs. He did not want to go about begging or be a burden on his parents as they also had his little sister to take care of and s
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CHAPTER 2:After gathering so much courage Lyon raised his head to look at the person who just spoke and as he suspected it was Alisha his girlfriend.He looked at her in shock, maybe he didn’t hear what she said correctly, and maybe he was just hearing things. But Ethan didn’t give him enough time to doubt as his next line of action rendered him speechless.He walked towards Alisha holding her waist and kissing her on her forehead “Hey babe, didn’t expect you to come”“Babe! Did he just call you babe?” Lyon asked Alisha as he tried to put himself together“Oh! So you’re not just poor but also deaf?” Alisha said mocking him while everyone laughed at him“Did you really think I would date someone like you? A scumbag who can’t even afford to get me a decent gift! You must really dream big Lyon” She added disgustfullyLyon smirked as everything became clear to him. What was he expecting? That the richest girl in school would fall in love with a wretched guy like him? He thought she loved
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CHAPTER 3: Lyon winced in pain as Mr. Bails cleaned the injuries on his face and placed a bandage on his nose “You really need to go to the hospital Lyon, you don’t seem well and your nose needs proper treatment so it can get back in shape”Lyon shivered as the pain in his body became even more severe “That would cost a lot, Mr. Bails, I would just do some massage but for now I have to meet with Alisha”Mr. Bails frowned “After all she did to you; you still want to foolishly meet with her?”Lyon bent his head in shame, he knew he was making a foolish decision but he also wanted to be sure if all she did to him was intentional or if she was ashamed to be seen with him in public.Like every normal relationship, they didn’t even have a proper breakup, he wanted to know what she thought about him, he wanted to know if he did something wrong that made her so angry so he could apologize.He provided everything she asked for even if he delayed but he made sure she got it. She had the money
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CHAPTER 4:Lyon ran none stop as he kept on coughing and panting heavily, yet he wasn’t bold enough to take a break or stop to catch his breath. The entire life of his family was in danger all because he was a fool to fall in love with a total ingrate, someone who he wasn’t permitted to love.“Why do you have to be an asshole Lyon?” He asked himself disappointedly. His nose began to bleed because the bandages Mr. Bails placed on it were all socked by the rain so it was gradually removed from his nose.The rain did a good job at washing away the blood from his nose but he couldn’t breathe anymore, he didn’t want to stop even if every single sign his body was giving him was saying otherwise. He had asthma, and he wasn’t supposed to be taking such a long run but here he was running because he knew if he was a minute late his entire life would change.He ransacked his pocket as he continued running, his view became hazy yet he didn’t want to stop. He finally found his inhaler as he grabbe
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CHAPTER 5: Lyon opened his eyes slowly surveying the whole environment as he realized that he was in the hospital and a drip was fixed in his hand. He saw his mother sitting by the side of the bed crying, completely unaware that he had woken upHis heart skipped a beat when he saw the tears rushing down her eyes “You don’t have to cry mum, I will make things right I promise” He said lifting his body from the bed as he attempted to remove the IV Cannula from his vain“I’m glad you’re awake,” She said forcing a smile on her face“The doctor said, you shouldn’t attempt stressing your lungs again or your asthma might migrate to chronic lung allograft dysfunction” She added sadlyHe nodded his head in understanding “Mum, don’t worry about me. I had to do what I had to do to save you all”“Yet your dad still died, you have to report to the police Lyon, that asshole has to go behind bars for what he did,” His mother said in bitterness“Mum, some issues are better not reported, Ethan’s fath
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CHAPTER 6: “Please don’t do this Ethan” Lyon said pushing his pride aside as he knelt down holding Ethan’s leg as hot tears flowed from his eyes. Looking at him one would see the pain that danced deep in his eyes, the anger that came with the tears could burn down any building if it were to be fireEthan looked at him with a smile “Haven’t you heard Lyon? When you beg me it fuels my hunger to make you beg more and I know you don’t want that, do you?” He asked Lyon“We are in Ethan, we should totally do a bid, and I need her in bed right now”“I agree, I’m ready to bid any amount in as much I can have her for a night”Annabel and Lyon listened as they deliberated on auctioning her body as if it were a commodity. Annabel was in her senior year in high school and she was fare skinned that men couldn’t help but look back when she was anywhere and here she was been auctioned like a slave.Lyon had always protected every member of his family like a diamond because they meant the whole worl
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CHAPTER 7: The feeling of cold liquid flowing through his body woke him up as he opened his eyes with much difficulty trying to see the person who was pouring the liquid on him.The sun shined its glory on his pale face as he saw Ethan looking at him irritated “You fool, you had the guts to sleep here” He said mockinglyLyon cleaned his eyes still trying to stabilize his eyesight, which was when he saw an almost lifeless body in front of him; it was his sister’s body. He rushed to her as she struggled to raise her body but she was too weak“Are you okay Annabel? I need to take you to the hospital” He asked in fear as he saw that she was almost lifeless“You know I won’t let you do that right?” Ethan said crossing his hands in indifference“But Ethan she is almost lifeless, you can see that yourself,” Lyon said in confusion“And does it look like I care? You poor people think the rich are always obliged to help you” Ethan spat out in irritation“Brother!” Annabel said in a cracked and
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CHAPTER 8: 5 YEARS LATER“Inmate 412 you won’t be getting any food today because you haven’t been meeting up to expectations, the government can’t be wasting its time on liabilities like you” The prison wader spat out arrogantly at a man with an oxygen tank by his side and a nasal cannula on his nose, aiding his breathing. The man was no other person than LyonAfter the incident five years back, he was diagnosed with chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD), as the fire damaged his lungs. He didn’t have any money to do a lung transplant so he resolved to live on the oxygen tank as the doctor said he had just seven years to live. He was sentenced to life imprisonment for a crime he saw someone else commit yet he was framed for it. Was the government blind and slow-witted? How can a man kill his parents for no reason? Is that even possible?He finally came out of his thoughts and looked at the prison warder “But sir that was the same thing you said yesterday” He said sadly. He hasn’t
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