Author: Lucid writing brand


Lyon pants heavily as he ran none stop trying to meet up with his final year presentation at school; he checked the time and found out he was an hour late for his presentation. He wondered why everything was against him today of all days.

First, his bike broke down on his way, and then the client he went to make a delivery to didn’t pay simply because the product packaging wasn’t his best color. Who the fuck cares about colors these days?

He rushed into the school as Mr. Bails the gatekeeper frowned at him “Oh child, you’re late again, if you continue like this you might miss an important lecture” Mr. Bails commented sadly

Lyon understood completely but he could do nothing. He was a wretched delivery guy who had to move around the city delivering goods to anyone even if it risked his life.

If he didn’t work, he wouldn’t be able to fund his basic needs. He did not want to go about begging or be a burden on his parents as they also had his little sister to take care of and she was just in high school so she couldn’t do anything other than depend on them

Lyon exhaled in frustration as he didn’t know what to do to remedy his situation. “I would figure it out Mr. Bails, you know I always do. I just need to work a little more so I can fund my remaining needs in school then I would focus totally on my lectures”

“Poor child, you have to do everything on your own. Run along before you get late” Mr. Bails finally said

“Don’t worry Mr. Bails, by the time I finish school and get a good job, I will get you out of this hell position” Lyon shouted as he continued running. Mr. Bails just smiled at him as he was aware of how dreamy Lyon was

“The poor kid is so intelligent yet he gets bullied. The unfair irony of life” He said to himself and locked the gate before walking into his little office

Lyon got a scholarship to study at Falcon University one of the biggest schools in the city owned by Falcon Group. It was a great opportunity for him, but the only problem he had was that Falcon University is a school for the rich. He didn’t fit in there; people like him didn’t belong to a school like that. So he had to struggle his way from his first year to his final year and it wasn’t so easy. However, he was happy that his years in school were finally coming to an end

He rushed into the hallway that led to the presentation room, he continued running in fear of missing his presentation.

“To hell with rich people, they just make life miserable for those who they feel are less than them” He fired at no one in particular when he remembered how the client cursed him for something he wasn’t responsible for. He didn't even get the opportunity to change his delivery clothes before heading to the hall where his presentation was to take place.

Just then, the familiar voice of someone he never wanted to see or cross paths with interrupted his thoughts, and his running

"Look who we have here," Ethan Darlington, the first son of the vice chancellor said as he walked towards him with an evil grin on his face.

Lyon frowned when he saw his biggest school rival, or would he say bully? Ethan is not just the son of the vice chancellor he is the heir of Falcon Group and the richest person in school.

Ethan also had a presentation in the same theatre Lyon was going to and that meant that they had to walk together. Lyon didn't have time for that, other students might take it as a privilege to walk with the almighty Ethan Darlington but to him it was just another opportunity to be ridiculed.

"Look, Ethan, I don't have time for this today" Lyon said and was about running off to catch up with his presentation when Ethan grabbed his bag, stopping him from moving.

“Are you scared that you might get bitten as always?” Ethan blurted out mockingly

Lyon coughed nervously as he didn’t want to have anything to do with Ethan. The last time he tried fighting back he got expelled and Ethan was allowed to walk freely in school as always.

“And why do you think I’m scared of you? You’re just an insecure trash bag who thinks bullying people is the only way to show dominance!” Lyon fired angrily. But his anger was mixed with fear as he knew the capabilities of Ethan

Ethan scoffed as he walked towards Lyon and slapped him hard on the face “Don’t you dare talk to me like that! You’re the trash bag here, a worthless piece of trash that doesn’t deserve to study in this school!”

Lyon clenched his fist tightly. Why does it have to be him who tries to hold his anger? “Fuck self-control!” He said and rushed towards Ethan attempting to punch him but he was too slow as Ethan held his hand and punched him instead causing blood to gush out of his nose

Students who were present at the hallway gathered around them as they watched how the most popular student in school dealt with the most wretched guy in school.

“He has such nerves; does he not know who Ethan Darlington is?” A student commented disgustfully

“Can’t you see he has his delivery clothes on? He is completely worthless” Another student replied

“Incompetent students like him shouldn’t be allowed into a school like this, they put a stain on our names”

“He is such a fool”

Lyon listened as different students gathered and talked against him. No one cared to know his side of the story, like Ethan started it all and he wasn’t wrong at all. Everyone called him various names like he didn’t deserve to be supported too.

He knew he was poor but that didn’t mean he didn’t matter. All his life he had lunged for someone who would stand by him and tell him that his background didn’t matter, but all he gets is people who belittle him. They didn’t even care about how he felt about anything, to them, he was a loser.

“I didn’t know you’re this shameless Lyon Nathaniel” A female voice sounded from among the crowd of students. And the student gave way for her as she walked towards Lyon. Everyone knew who she was; she is Alisha Wilson, the daughter of one of the board members of the school and the second richest person in Falcon University

Lyon raised his head to confirm if what he thought was right. It can’t be her, she wouldn’t insult him, and he was her boyfriend so it is normal that she supports him. He desperately wanted to believe that the voice he just heard wasn’t Alisha’s Voice, his girlfriend.

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