After gathering so much courage Lyon raised his head to look at the person who just spoke and as he suspected it was Alisha his girlfriend.

He looked at her in shock, maybe he didn’t hear what she said correctly, and maybe he was just hearing things. But Ethan didn’t give him enough time to doubt as his next line of action rendered him speechless.

He walked towards Alisha holding her waist and kissing her on her forehead “Hey babe, didn’t expect you to come”

“Babe! Did he just call you babe?” Lyon asked Alisha as he tried to put himself together

“Oh! So you’re not just poor but also deaf?” Alisha said mocking him while everyone laughed at him

“Did you really think I would date someone like you? A scumbag who can’t even afford to get me a decent gift! You must really dream big Lyon” She added disgustfully

Lyon smirked as everything became clear to him. What was he expecting? That the richest girl in school would fall in love with a wretched guy like him? He thought she loved him; he sacrificed his entire savings just to get her a birthday gift. Though it wasn’t exactly expensive but she acted as if she appreciated it so much. Was she doing it to mock him?

“S…So I...I mean nothing to you? Alisha I came clean and told you just how I felt about you, you accepted and we went out for a date even if I didn’t eat but I allowed you to choose any food of your choice and you stand here and call me a Scumbag?” Lyon fired at her angrily

Ethan frowned and stepped in laughing at how Lyon felt broken “You need to see your face right now, you look like a sheet.” Ethan said and walked closer to him “Don’t you dare act like the victim here Lyon, you wrote her a love letter confessing your feelings, you weren’t even man enough to tell her to the face and you stand here and spill trash! You must be insane”

Alisha walked closer and asked the crowd “How could I turn down a man who is desperately in need of love because it felt like the world hated him? Wouldn’t I be termed wicked?”

“She has a point, he should even be lucky that he got an opportunity to date her”

“He is such an ungrateful fool! How dare he play the victim?” Some people in the crowd said, loud enough for anyone to hear.

Alisha smiled as she knew her plan to make Lyon feel worthless was working. “Now Lyon let me ask you a question, did I ever respond to your advances toward me? Did I ever say I accepted you as my boyfriend? You’re just a delusional guy who lives in a fantasy of what he wants to be true, unable to face the harsh reality. And I’m a girl who simply helped you live in your delusions”

“Fuck you, Alisha! You and the douchebag you call a boyfriend!” Lyon fired

Ethan frowned and kicked Lyon on the leg causing him to kneel as he gnashed his teeth in pain. Tears ran down his eyes as he stood up and dashed towards Ethan but before he could get to him three men stood in front of him and pushed him to the floor, they were Ethan’s bodyguards “If you want to get to him you have to pass through us”

Lyon scoffed frustrated “If you’re man enough Ethan why don’t you meet me heads-on instead of covering up with your men!”

“I don’t need to do that Lyon. I’m not like you who have to do everything on his own, I have men who are ready to work for me but you have no one and that makes us not on the same level” Ethan spat out scornfully

Lyon dashed forward towards his men and before he could make a move two of his men rushed towards him and gave him two slaps simultaneously pushing him to the floor. They moved and kicked him hard in the stomach making him spit out blood.

They didn’t stop there as they kept on punching his face inflicting different injuries on his face and also breaking his nose.

Lyon struggled to breathe as he couldn’t catch his breath, the pain he felt all over his body was nothing compared to the pain he felt in his heart. The humiliation and pain Ethan and Alisha caused him won’t be forgiving.

Deep down he still believed Alisha didn’t mean anything she said. Maybe she was being manipulated to do what she did; he didn’t want to believe that all they shared meant nothing to her.

He spat out blood vigorously from his mouth as Ethan walked up to him with a smirk on his face “How do you feel Lyon? I guess you feel pain and anguish, I bet you wish you could seize me by the throat and watch me beg you for mercy but don’t be too dreamy, you should know your place by now” Ethan blurted at him

“You fool!” Lyon said rushing towards him despite the pain he felt on his body as he released a punch on Ethan’s face causing blood to come out of his nose.

Ethan smiled as he cleaned the blood on his face giving Lyon a deadly glare “Anger is a normal emotion for everyone, I feel angry too you know” He said and walked towards Lyon looking at the blood on his hand “But you should know the kind of people you vent your anger on because you don’t know how deadly there’s would be”

Everyone among the crowd pitied Lyon but there was nothing they could do, everyone was very much aware of Ethan’s capability and it was foolish of Lyon to confront him even as wretched as he was

Tears fell from his eyes as everyone looked at him with pity but he knew behind their pity was mockery and blame. The fact that he couldn’t do anything was more painful. “Just watch Ethan, I will make you pay just wait”

Ethan laughed at Lyon’s remark “Is that a threat, Lyon? How dare you threaten me?” He said slapping Lyon hard on the face “This is just the beginning of your pain, if I ever see you with Alisha again I will make sure I wipe out your whole family in front of you and you won’t be able to do anything” Ethan said and held Alisha as they walked away while the crowd gave way for them to pass threw

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