Lyon winced in pain as Mr. Bails cleaned the injuries on his face and placed a bandage on his nose “You really need to go to the hospital Lyon, you don’t seem well and your nose needs proper treatment so it can get back in shape”

Lyon shivered as the pain in his body became even more severe “That would cost a lot, Mr. Bails, I would just do some massage but for now I have to meet with Alisha”

Mr. Bails frowned “After all she did to you; you still want to foolishly meet with her?”

Lyon bent his head in shame, he knew he was making a foolish decision but he also wanted to be sure if all she did to him was intentional or if she was ashamed to be seen with him in public.

Like every normal relationship, they didn’t even have a proper breakup, he wanted to know what she thought about him, he wanted to know if he did something wrong that made her so angry so he could apologize.

He provided everything she asked for even if he delayed but he made sure she got it. She had the money yet she asked for extravagant things from him. He thought he could keep her by giving her everything she wanted but turns out he was mistaken after all.

He stood from the chair and bowed to Mr. Bails respectfully “I would be fine, I just want to confirm something” He said and walked away


Lyon stood in front of the school gate as he waited patiently for                Alisha to come, she was two hours behind time yet he stood ignoring the pain all over his body

Just then a BMW 2019 model packed in front of him as a beautiful figure came out of the car; it was no other person than Alisha.

She looked at Lyon in disgust “You have five minutes”

“Alisha?” He gave her a questioning look

“Two minutes gone,” She said in anger ignoring the pathetic look he gave to her

Lyon looked at her in pain as he could see the hatred and disgust in her eyes. Even without asking anything, he had gotten his answer already “So it is really true? You chose Ethan over me!” He said angrily

“I never chose you, Lyon, did you really think I would stoop so low to fall in love with a pauper like you?” She scoffed “You can’t even afford my toiletries” She added bitterly

“But I gave you everything you wanted, I never complained that it was too expensive or that I couldn’t afford it, I made sure that you got it anyways,” He said looking at her with a pleading expression on his face.

“And that was your foolishness Lyon; you’re too blind to see the truth. I hate you, you reek of poverty, you smell like a gutter, you’re a disgrace to all Falcon University stands for, and in case you think of me as your girlfriend quit thinking about that from today, you don’t matter to me, and you never will” She spat out furiously

“What did I ever do wrong Alisha? What did I miss in the whole equation? I thought we were getting along really great” He said and walked to her holding her hands with tears in his eyes “Don’t leave me, Alisha, you matter to me. Ethan doesn’t care about you, he just wants you in his bed, you know that don’t you? He is a playboy and h...” He was not allowed to complete his statement when she slapped him hard on his face.

“Enough Lyon! I won’t stand here and watch you insult my boyfriend. Are you any different? Do you think you’re better than him?” She said pushing him furiously away from her as she walked towards him and whispered in his ears “I prefer to end up in his bed than to be caught with a human being as irritating as you” She added and walked away entering her car and zooming off.

He stood there completely paralyzed. Who would have thought that his three-week relationship would end up like this? He used up his life savings to buy her a mini cake on her birthday and he hasn’t even completed the payments, yet she had the guts to insult him and call him a scumbag like he wasn’t good enough for her.

Maybe he wasn’t, he was blinded by the illusion that she felt the same way he felt, that he finally had someone who appreciated him despite his background but turns out he was mistaken

 He walked along the road completely lost and frustrated. All his life he has been looked down on, no one ever took him seriously. Why do people have to prey on the weakness of the lower class in society? Why do they have to be the ones blamed, tortured, and insulted even when they are not at fault?

Just then, rain began to pour down heavily, he didn’t bother to run or find a place to hide. He was so frustrated that he wished the rain could wash out his anger; he wanted everything to go away.

The rain became even heavier but he strolled along the road like it was a sunny day. His entire body was pleading for a rest but his heart was pleading to be healed, can that even be possible?

He continued walking along the road until his phone started ringing. He ignored the call and continued walking but the caller was not giving up as the call persisted and he ransacked his pocket to get the phone out, he picked up the call and placed it on his ear not bothering to check who the caller was

“Lyon Nathaniel on the phone,” He said, uninterested in what the caller had to say

“So you had the guts to meet with my girlfriend even when I warned you not to do so, you really have no fear, Lyon?” The caller said coldly.

Lyon’s eyes widened in shock when he heard the voice of the person who was at the other end of the phone, it was no other person than Ethan. How did he know that he met with Alisha? Did she tell him? Was that how she despised him?

He inhaled and exhaled bitterly before speaking “Does that matter anymore? What would you do to me? Haven’t you done enough already?”

Ethan laughed psychopathically at the other end “Oh, so you want to know what I would do for disobeying me?” Ethan asked with a smirk on his face “I think there is someone who would like to say her last words to you, maybe this would make you understand that I’m just starting with you, Lyon Nathaniel”

Lyon became curious and anxious. Who was he referring to? Did he somehow find his family? He stood on the road as rain poured on him yet he wasn’t conscious of anything anymore all he cared about was to know who the person was.

And just like he had feared the voice of a female interrupted his thoughts “Brother! Please save me, brother! Please help me, this is too much for me to bear” She said crying

Lyon immediately recognized the voice to be his sister’s voice “Annabel, are you okay?” He asked panicking

Ethan dragged the phone from her hands before she could respond to him “Did you hear that Lyon? Your sister is suffering because of your stupidity!” Ethan said laughing. He was obviously enjoying the whole situation

“What! Don’t you dare do anything to her!” He fired at Ethan

“And what would you do when I do? Your sister is actually very sweet, she has a seductive body and she is satisfying my men so well, wait till I enter your mother” Ethan said laughing

Lyon fell on his knees as tears poured from his eyes when he held Ethan’s words. He clenched his fist in anger, his family meant the whole world to him, and the reason he was working so hard was because of them. He didn’t want to lose anyone of them.

“I would do anything you want me to do, just let my family go” Lyon pleaded crying like a baby. Who would have thought trying to confirm if Alisha loved him could bring about this much pain to him and his family

“You have just five minutes to save your family, Lyon, the time is ticking. It is either you come home to save them, or they die” Ethan said and hung up

Lyon stood up on his feet and began running. Though it was raining heavily, his body was getting weaker every minute he spent in the rain yet he didn’t care. He would not forgive himself if his family died because of him.

He didn’t have any cash on him to take a taxi so he kept on running, he pushed himself to continue. All that mattered was that he could see his family again.

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