The Useless Son-In-law is a God of War

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The Useless Son-In-law is a God of War

By: Manuel Sterling Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 49 views: 174

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“I don’t even know why you're still here, the only reason why my daughter married you was so she could claim her grandfather's wealth,” his mother-in-law smirked. For 2 years, the God of war faced maltreatment in his in-law’s mansion. He was thrown divorce papers on a sunny day and with the divorce finalized. It was time to return to the billionaire life and revenge on those who wronged him but with dual identities. Two different men, different personalities and identities but one body and one face. He will make his mother in law beg at his feet

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49 chapters
Chapter 1
Tom wiped the sweat from his brow as he swept the kitchen floor. Sunlight pierced through the window, casting a warm glow on the worn wood. He had grown used to these quiet mornings. The door creaked open, and his mother-in-law walked in. She glanced at Tom with a look of disdain. "Still at it, I see," she said with her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I guess you missed a spot there. Typical."Tom didn't respond. He had learned that silence was often the best way to deal with her. He kept his head down, focusing on the task at hand.She moved closer, peering over his shoulder. "You call this cleaning? I don't know why Malia even bothers with you. She must be out of her mind, letting herself be tied to someone like you. Out of pity, no less."Tom's jaw tightened, but he kept his focus on the broom. "I'm doing my best, Mother-in-law.""Your best?" She laughed, "Your best was never good enough. After 2 years, you're still in the same pathetic state. You have refused to elevate, you have r
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Chapter 2
Tom’s Mother-in-law pointed a shaky finger at him. “You pushed me, Tom! I saw you!”Tom’s jaw dropped. “What? No, I didn’t! I wasn’t even near you!”His father-in-law stormed into the room, eyes blazing. “What’s this nonsense, Tom?” he roared. Without warning, he slapped Tom hard across the face.Malia, Tom’s wife, rushed in behind her father. “Dad, stop!” she cried, but then turned to Tom with tears in her eyes. “Tom, did you... did you really push her?”Tom looked at her, hurt and confused. “Malia, you know me! I’d never do that!”Paul, Malia’s brother, entered the room, glaring at Tom. “So now you’re calling our mother a liar?”A woman who seemed to be the head maid rushed out to help her up, “Are you okay Madame,” “I’m not calling anyone a liar. I’m just saying I didn’t push her,” Tom said as he waved his head trying to calm himself down.His eyes quickly caught the surveillance camera’s, “The camera’s, yes! Let’s check the cameras. They’ll show the truth.”Mrs. Evelyn cried out,
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Chapter 3
For two years, Zen had played the role of a dutiful husband, all while secretly working to change his brother’s biometrics to his own. The real Tom had died 2 years ago, and the current Tom is his twin brother, Zen Diel. Tom showed so much promise as the legitimate son but ended up amounting to nothing, his brother, Zen, was thrown to the battlefield at a young age and the only name he knew from then on was his status as God of War, the name that traumatized soldiers on the battlefield, “The Monarch of Death.”2 years ago, Zen was called back from the battlefield by his grandfather in order to save the name of their family by taking the place of his twin brother who was murdered on his way to visit the Diel manor.It was a long, risky game, but it had given him access to all the information he needed and the identity of Tom. He also saw 2 years of what his brother faced for so many years. Now, with the divorce finalized, Zen felt a sense of relief. He was free to start his real missi
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Chapter 4
Zen remained silent, his expression unchanged.Celeste turned her gaze to Keisha. “And you, Why would a security personnel be taking a beggar upstairs? Did the executives request to speak with the leaders of the beggars?,” Celeste laughed.Keisha didn't respond, simply pressing the button for their floor.As the elevator ascended, Celeste continued, “It’s a shame, really. You two look like you’re headed to a costume party. The theme must be 'downtrodden and desperate.'”“I don’t think it’s a good idea to attack these people who did nothing to you,” Anna said behind the big pile of files. “You! Shutup!,” Celeste roared.“How dare you talk back? Your on coffee duty for a week,” Celeste continued.The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. Celeste strutted out, still smirking. “Good luck with your errands. Try not to embarrass yourselves too much.”As Celeste walked out, Anna slowed her pace right behind and turned with the pile of files , “I would bow right now but these files are t
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Chapter 5
The grand ballroom was alive with music and laughter. People danced under glittering chandeliers.Zen stood quietly in the party that Keisha convinced him to attend. He watched the scene with a calm expression. Nearby, a group of people were deep in discussion about recent changes in the city.“Have you heard?” a tall man with a beard leaned in, his voice excited. “The owner of mega has finally shown up in Mega.”A woman in a green dress raised her eyebrow. “I thought Willow was the owner.”“That’s not possible,” another man, younger and dressed in a sharp tuxedo, shook his head. “She never said she owned Mega. In fact, she’s always been clear that she’s just a spokesperson.”“In her words, the ‘CEO’ of mega” another voice added.A woman with red hair swirled her champagne. “Maybe she’s just the face. The real power might be someone we’ve never seen.”“Who could it be then?” the bearded man asked. “Who’s powerful enough to stay hidden all this time?”“I heard a rumor,” the younger ma
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Chapter 6
Zen woke up to the gentle warmth of the morning sun filtering through the sheer curtains of the elegant room. He stretched a bit as he got up."It was so dark last night I didn’t notice how nice this place was," he murmured to himself, running a hand over the plush bedding.“When was the last time I slept so comfortably?” He thought to himself.Just then, a soft knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. "Come in," Zen called, straightening up.Keisha stepped in, "Good morning, Zen. I hope you slept well."Zen nodded. "Better than I have in a while. This place is... different."Keisha smiled slightly, “it’s called luxury chief,” she said as she walked towards the table to take a sit.“Very funny,” Zen replied sarcastically as he dived into the bed more."I need to ask you something,” Keisha said.“Last night, at the party, why did you heal that man? It’s unlike you to step in like that."Zen shrugged, leaning back against the headboard. "I don’t know. I just felt like it."“Let’s
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Chapter 7
The woman didn’t respond immediately, but her eyes locked onto his with a calculating gaze. "Tom, I presume," she finally said, her voice smooth and deadly.Zen nodded. "And you are?""It’s not something you need to know when your on death’s door," she replied, drawing a knife from her belt. Zen sighed. "Why does it always have to be when I’m tired? Oh well, I was a bit bored anyway."The woman lunged at him, her movements were very precise and swift. Zen blocked her initial strike, countering with a quick jab to her wrist. The knife clattered to the ground, but she was unfazed, immediately launching a series of kicks aimed at his stomach.Zen blocked each one, his eyes never leaving hers. "You’re good," he said as he held her hand and twisted it.He cracked his neck and folded his arm in a boxing pose without moving an inch. “But I don’t have all day to play cat and dog,” He added.She grunted in pain but twisted free, spinning to face him again. "You’re not bad your—“Before she co
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Chapter 8
Cyrus and Zen arrived at Robert Leon’s house. The front door was opened by a lady.“Robert’s eldest daughter, Nia.” Cyrus informed Zen.“Mr. Cyrus, who’s this?” Nia asked, her eyes flicking over to Zen, who came with no briefcase or medical tools.“This is Tom, the practitioner I mentioned,” Cyrus replied, his tone respectful. “He’s the one who helped me with my issue.”Nia’s gaze softened slightly, but there was still a hint of skepticism. “Please come in. My father is in his room, but be warned, we have a team of doctors here who have been treating him.”As they entered, Cyrus led the way and they found Robert lying on a bed, looking pale and weary. Two doctors were scattered around the room, discussing treatment options.“Dr. Lee, Dr. Morris,” Cyrus greeted the doctors with a nod. “This is Tom. He’s here to see if he can help Robert.”Dr. Lee, a middle-aged man with a stern demeanor, raised an eyebrow as he noticed Zen pull an acupuncture kit out of his pocket. “I see we have a new
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Chapter 9
As Zen and Cyrus walked toward the door, the tension from the room lingered. Nia approached them suddenly.“Mr. Zen, wait,” Nia called out. “I want to apologize for Jane’s behavior. She was out of line. I’m grateful for what you did for my father.”“Can I get your contact, so I can call you to check on my dad once in a while?” Nia added.Zen paused, his expression still guarded. “Thank you, Nia. I understand the stress you’re under. However, I don’t think it’s wise for me to leave my contact information.”Nia looked taken aback. “Why not?”Zen glanced at Cyrus before responding. “I’d prefer not to be involved in situations where I’m met with hostility. Perhaps it’s best if we keep our interactions to a minimum.”Cyrus gave Nia a reassuring look. “I’m sorry for the trouble, Nia. I understand Tom’s point of view.”“Your keys,” Zen turned to Cyrus.Cyrus immediately puts his hands into his pockets, retrieving the key for Zen.With that, Zen walked out of the house, leaving Nia and Cyrus
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Chapter 10
Zen’s eyes were locked on the photograph of Silas and Malia. Rosalia watched, beside him, her own face mirroring concern.“Why are they holding hands here? Did she betray him?” Zen muttered, his fingers tracing the edges of the photograph.“What was that?” Rosalia asked as her gaze shifted to the photo. Zen pretended like he didn’t hear her. “Silas was known for his cruelty. If he had a personal vendetta, he didn’t hold back. You said he wasn’t a friend?”Zen scoffed. “Friend? No, definitely not. He never had a friend, only toys and people he saw equal to him,” Zen said, as he made things up.“Why would my late brother's wife be holding this Silas guy’s hand in a photo?” Zen thought to himself.Rosalia fingers drummed lightly on the table as she rummaged through old files. “I wonder why a tough guy like that would be holding a pretty lady’s hand for a photo.”Zen’s eyes were fixed on the particular photo of Silas and Malia. “This is the most crucial lead yet.”“I’m confused tho, you
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