Chapter 10

Zen’s eyes were locked on the photograph of Silas and Malia. Rosalia watched, beside him, her own face mirroring concern.

“Why are they holding hands here? Did she betray him?” Zen muttered, his fingers tracing the edges of the photograph.

“What was that?” Rosalia asked as her gaze shifted to the photo. Zen pretended like he didn’t hear her.

“Silas was known for his cruelty. If he had a personal vendetta, he didn’t hold back. You said he wasn’t a friend?”

Zen scoffed. “Friend? No, definitely not. He never had a friend, only toys and people he saw equal to him,” Zen said, as he made things up.

“Why would my late brother's wife be holding this Silas guy’s hand in a photo?” Zen thought to himself.

Rosalia fingers drummed lightly on the table as she rummaged through old files. “I wonder why a tough guy like that would be holding a pretty lady’s hand for a photo.”

Zen’s eyes were fixed on the particular photo of Silas and Malia. “This is the most crucial lead yet.”

“I’m confused tho, you said he had mischievous behavior? Then why would he bother you? You don’t even have as much money as he does.”

“Well, this was my ex-wife and this man is the only suspect who could have killed her.” Zen said as he stood up.

Rosalia looked up from her files. “That’s a bold accusation. You and Silas didn’t seem to get along, I guess.”

“I thought you were going to respond differently,” Zen said, looking at her.

“Well, i’m already aware that your the so called, trash husband but I don’t really believe in rumors anymore,” Rosalia said as she focused on scanning through files.

Zen stood abruptly and walked towards the window. “Thanks for your help.”

As Rosalia continued her search through the archives, the door creaked open. A middle-aged woman with glasses perched on the edge of her nose, entered the room.

“What’s going on here? You’re making quite a mess with these yearbooks.”

Rosalia glanced up, trying to mask her surprise. “Miss. Librarian, We’re investigating Silas Wales. Do you know anything about him?”

Zen turned instantly, giving her a weird look, “You exposed us just like that?” He said.

Rosalia smiled, “She’s cool.”

“Is this girl crazy?” Zen thought to himself.

The librarian’s face softened. “Oh, Silas. I remember him well. I was quite happy when he and his friends graduated. He used to e quite the pest.”

“But don’t tell anyone I said that,” she giggled.

“He also made a ruckus chasing that Rossi girl,” she added as he started putting the yearbooks back in their places.

Rosalia turns to Zen and then back to the librarian. “Malia Rossi? Wasn’t she with someone at that time?”

The librarian nodded. “Yes, she was. Her boyfriend was Tom. Tom... what was his last name? Oh yes, Tom Diel.”

Zen kept his composure as he assessed what she had said. He turned to Rosalia, his voice low and intense. “If she was dating me, what was she doing with Silas?”

Rosalia’s expression shifted from curiosity to shock. “I heard rumors that you were married to Malia Rossi and you both had been going strong since college, but I thought they were just malicious gossip. They also said you were useless, but like I said earlier it’s clearly not the case.”

The librarian continued, oblivious to the whispered conversation. “They used to bully Tom relentlessly. There was an incident where they even submerged him in the school pool before the school’s photoshoot.”

Rosalia’s brow furrowed. “Why didn’t you report this? You were aware of what happened.”

The librarian sighed, shaking her head. “What could I have done? Everyone who knew would have lost their jobs, and potentially their families. It was a dangerous situation.”

Zen’s gaze hardened. “So, Silas was a monster, and no one dared to speak out because of fear. Do you know where Silas is now?”

The librarian nodded, her voice lowering. “He’s often at the Golden Palace Lounge. That’s where he hangs out.”

Zen’s eyes narrowed, “thank you for your time miss, I have some important work to attend to.”

“Oh no problem, it’s always nice having one or two conversations with random people who come here,” the librarian said with a smile.

Zen turned to Rosalia. “Thank you for your help, I’ll be leaving now.” Zen immediately stood up and left the university archives.

Rosalia watched him walk through the walkway, till he was out of sight.

She sighed, “I hope he doesn’t do anything stupid.”


Zen made his way to the Golden Palace Lounge, a dimly lit establishment filled with the hum of conversations and laughter. The air was thick with the scent of cigars and expensive cologne. Silas sat in a corner booth, surrounded by a few glamorous women.

Zen strode in and identified Silas immediately, he walked over, his presence commanding attention. Silas looked up, with a smirk on his face.

“Hey, I don’t help beggars, get out of my way while I’m being merciful,” Silas said as he stretched his glass for one of the ladies to pour a drink in.

“Silas Wales. Do you remember me?” Zen asked.

“Who the hell are you?” Silas asked, as he stretched a hand to shield the blinding lights.

“Where do I know you from? You seem awfully familiar,” Silas said.

Zen’s face was a mask of cold rage. “I’m here to settle a score. You think you can get away with everything, huh?”

Silas’s smirk faltered completely as he stood up, trying to appear nonchalant. “You’re making a mistake. Do you know who you are dealing with?”

Zen smirked. “Oh, I know exactly who I’m dealing with. And I’m not here for a chat.”

The lounge fell silent as Zen smashed a stripper pole and dragged it off its hinges. He advanced toward Silas. The women around Silas scrambled to get out of the way. Silas’s bravado evaporated, replaced by fear. He tried to swing at Zen, but Zen was obviously faster, deflecting the blow effortlessly.

“Get him out of here!” Silas shouted to his bodyguards.

Two men, built like tanks, moved to intercept Zen.

“We are sorry for leaving you unattended Mr. Silas, we had no idea that some hooligan will decide to court death today,” one of the men said.

“Back off, kid. You’re out of your league,” Another chimed in.

Zen turned to both of them, “Weak stance, weak body movements, subpar strength, is this the level of security that the big 4 families can only afford?”

The men exchanged a glance, then lunged at Zen. The first one threw a punch, but Zen dodged with ease, countering with a swift kick to the his ribs. The second one tried to grab Zen from behind, but Zen spun around, landing a powerful elbow strike that sent him crashing into a nearby table.

Zen’s movements were fluid and precise, the officers struggled to keep up, their attempts to overpower him proving futile.

Zen grabbed the first man, slamming him into the floor with a forceful thud. The officer groaned, barely conscious. Zen turned to the second one, who was struggling to get back on his feet.

“I thought I could enjoy a lil practice spar but you both have already broken? Couldn’t even last for 2 minutes,” Zen said as he picked up the stripper pole he had removed earlier.

The security guards, eyes wide with fear, tried to back away,

“Mr. Silas, run!” One screamed.

but Zen was unfazed. He swung the pole and striked it directly at the collar bone of the first guard. He walked towards the second guard and lifted him off the ground, slamming him down once more. The guard finally crumpled, clearly defeated.

Zen’s gaze shifted to Silas, who was now trembling, his bravado shattered. He walked towards Silas, his expression cold and unyielding.

“Who—who are you? What problem do you have with me?” Silas asked, nearly brought to tears.

Zen’s voice was icy, each word dripping with menace. “You’ve caused a lot of pain, Silas. It’s time you faced the consequences.”

Silas’s eyes widened in terror as Zen stepped closer, his presence overwhelming. The fight had ended, but the battle had just begun.

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