Chapter 6

Zen woke up to the gentle warmth of the morning sun filtering through the sheer curtains of the elegant room. He stretched a bit as he got up.

"It was so dark last night I didn’t notice how nice this place was," he murmured to himself, running a hand over the plush bedding.

“When was the last time I slept so comfortably?” He thought to himself.

Just then, a soft knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. "Come in," Zen called, straightening up.

Keisha stepped in, "Good morning, Zen. I hope you slept well."

Zen nodded. "Better than I have in a while. This place is... different."

Keisha smiled slightly, “it’s called luxury chief,” she said as she walked towards the table to take a sit.

“Very funny,” Zen replied sarcastically as he dived into the bed more.

"I need to ask you something,” Keisha said.

“Last night, at the party, why did you heal that man? It’s unlike you to step in like that."

Zen shrugged, leaning back against the headboard. "I don’t know. I just felt like it."

“Let’s call it intuition,” Zen continued.

Keisha moved closer, "You know, you never mentioned you had healing skills. Where did you learn that chief?"

Zen's eyes drifted to the window, "Well, before I ever picked up a gun, I spent four years in the medical field. It was a different life back then, one I rarely talk about."

Keisha's curiosity deepened. "What happened to make you change paths?" 

Zen sighed, "There was an event that changed everything for me. I was stationed with my squad, doing routine patrols. Our commander was ambushed and attacked with a poisoned blade. He was on the brink of death. In a moment of desperation, I used acupuncture to stabilize him."

Zen paused and glanced towards Keisha. "I managed to save him. But that wasn’t all. There were reminants from the ambush, they went for the commander’s head and I took my out my needles.”

Zen stood up from the bed slowly, “i paralyzed them before they knew what hit them. The commander was amazed by my skills when I never had prior military training. He was also impressed by my loyalty to the military by not running away.”

“Long story cut short, I didn’t run because I would have never made it out. I took those needles out to save myself,” Zen said as he took out a biscuit from a bowl by the side of his bed.

Keisha was silent for a moment, absorbing the story. "You’ve been through so much. I can see why you don’t talk about it often."

Zen took something else from the bowl that he couldn’t recognize. "It’s not something I like to dwell on. But sometimes, it’s good to remember where I came from,” he said as he raised it above his head trying to figure out what it was.

Keisha looked at him, "Well, I’m glad you’re here now. And speaking of here, you should know that we’re in Bell Haven, the most expensive estate in the city. This villa was bought while you were still away in the military."

Zen raised an eyebrow. "Bell Haven? I never heard of it before I got into the military."

Keisha handed him a new phone. "Here, this is for you. It’ll make communication easier. There’s a lot you need to catch up on."

Zen took the phone, feeling its weight in his hand. "Good."

She stood up, smoothing out her dress. "I should let you get ready. There’s a lot to do today."

Zen watched her leave, before dropping the strange item back on the table, “I forgot to ask her what this was.”

Suddenly, his new phone buzzed with a call from Willow. "Hey Chief, are you free?"

"Yes," he replied, still adjusting to the sleek device.

"Great, I’m outside waiting, sir. Let’s go shopping. You need new clothes worthy of you," Willow said with excitement in her voice.

Zen headed outside, where Willow was leaning against a black car. "Morning, Chief," she greeted him with a warm smile. "Ready to hit the mall?"

"Lead the way," Zen replied, climbing into the passenger seat.

They drove to a sprawling mall. Willow seemed to know the place well, navigating through the stores with ease. "This place has everything you need.”

“I almost forgot, this is also one of Mega’s properties,” Willow said with a bright smile.

Zen looked around as he walked. Willow’s phone rang. She glanced at the screen and ignored the call. Zen noticed but said nothing. When the phone rang again, he gently nudged her. "You should take your call. I’m not going anywhere."

Willow hesitated but then nodded. "Okay, I’ll be right back." She stepped away to take the call, leaving Zen to explore on his own.

As Zen wandered through the mall, he rounded a corner and found himself face to face with Chanel, Malia's best friend.

Chanel’s eyes widened in recognition before narrowing into a scornful gaze. "Well, well, look who it is. Have you gotten a new job cleaning the mall, Tom?"

The man next to her chimed in. "I saw him walk in with a woman earlier.”

“You don’t mean it Steve,” Chanel said covering her mouth dramatically.

“Look at him, always following women for money, just like when he was married to Malia,” Chanel continued

Chanel crossed her arms, her voice dripping with disdain. "Some things never change, do they? Still the same lowlife, chasing after women for a handout."

Zen’s expression remained calm, "Believe what you want. I’m not here to argue with you."

Steve stepped closer, his smirk growing. "What’s the matter? Can’t handle the truth? Looks to me like you’ve always been a loser. How dare you talk to my woman like that."

“And you even have the guts to look at me in the eye,” Steve said as he clenched his fists,

“Do you know who I am? I am Steve Calman and this mall is just one of the numerous malls my dad runs,” Steve said with a smirk,

“First, you're going to lose your job and you can forget working in any other mall in the city. Secondly, I’m going to have to reconstruct your face so that the next time you see me, you're going to remember to talk to Chanel with respect,” Steve said, looking at Chanel to know if she heard him boast.

“Oh my love, that’s so sweet,” Chanel said.

Chanel laughed, a harsh sound that grated on Zen’s nerves. "I can’t believe Malia ever wasted her time on you. You’re pathetic."

Just then, Willow returned, her presence drawing immediate attention. Steve’s eyes widened in appreciation. "Hey there, gorgeous. What’s a beauty like you doing with this loser?"

Chanel’s eyes widened, “Steve!”

Zen smirked. "It’s good you’re here, Willow. Do you know this rascal?"

Willow looked at Steve and then back at Zen. "Not really, is he worth knowing?”

“Worth knowing? Oh beautiful flower, I’ll have you know that I am Steve Calman, the son o—“

Before he could continue, he was interrupted by willow, “Oh, that Calman.

Steve puffed up his chest, trying to impress. "Oh, you know my father? He’s quite influential."

Zen cut him off. "What’s his father’s job, Willow?"

Willow replied, "They made him manager of a chain of their malls."

Zen’s eyes glinted with amusement, "Call up Calman now and relieve him of his duties."

“Oi, what are you blabbing about?” Steve laughed.

Willow didn’t hesitate. She dialed a number.

“Hello, Calman. Please clear your office, from today you are no longer—“

“Don’t interrupt me while I speak and also, in your next life, please discipline your son. You have 2 hours to clear your things from that office,” Willow hanged up.

“Who do you think you are? Are you trying to mock me,” Steve said as he clenched his fists. 

Suddenly, Steve's phone rang. He answered, his face contorting in shock as his father’s voice thundered through the line. "You’ve destroyed our family, you idiot!"

“What did you do to the CEO of Mega! You insolent boy!”

Steve’s face remained in shock as he glanced at willow, “C-C-CEO of—” 

“What have I done,” Steve said, his hands shaking.

He turned to Chanel and slapped her. "This is all your fault!"

Willow finished her call and turned to Zen. "I just called the security, they’ll clear him out 8f he doesn’t leave the premises in 2 hours.”

Zen nodded. "Good. Now, let’s continue our shopping."


After an eventful day of shopping, Zen and Willow stood outside the mall, bags of new clothes in hand. Willow looked at Zen, "People usually say, thanks for today, I appreciate you helping me get settled."

Zen looked at her,

She continued, “And then I reply with, It was my pleasure."

“Aren’t you scared of me?” Zen asked as he threw the things into the car.

Willow patted his shoulder as she smiled, "Of course. But I also feel like you wouldn’t want people that are scared of you around you."

They walked to the waiting car, and Willow gave the driver instructions to take Zen back to his estate. As the car pulled away, Zen leaned back against the seat, letting out a deep breath “What a troublesome woman.” 

The drive back was smooth as Zen relaxed in the backseat. However, his peace was short-lived. 

“Stop the car,” Zen said and the driver stopped the car instantly without a word.

“I see you can sense it too,” Zen said as he looked at the hands of the driver shaking.

“Good, I like people with sharp instincts,” Zen said as he opened the door.

"Stay here," he instructed the driver, his voice calm but firm.

Zen stepped out of the car, scanning the surroundings. The street was eerily quiet. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a woman, her face covered with a mask.

"Nice night for a stroll, isn’t it?" Zen remarked, keeping his tone light.

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