Chapter 3

For two years, Zen had played the role of a dutiful husband, all while secretly working to change his brother’s biometrics to his own. The real Tom had died 2 years ago, and the current Tom is his twin brother, Zen Diel. Tom showed so much promise as the legitimate son but ended up amounting to nothing, his brother, Zen, was thrown to the battlefield at a young age and the only name he knew from then on was his status as God of War, the name that traumatized soldiers on the battlefield, “The Monarch of Death.”

2 years ago, Zen was called back from the battlefield by his grandfather in order to save the name of their family by taking the place of his twin brother who was murdered on his way to visit the Diel manor.

It was a long, risky game, but it had given him access to all the information he needed and the identity of Tom. He also saw 2 years of what his brother faced for so many years. 

Now, with the divorce finalized, Zen felt a sense of relief. He was free to start his real mission: finding who killed his brother and also free to take revenge on the ones who mistreated his brother.

Zen looked out the window as the car sped away, the city lights blurring into streaks. 

“The man who scares the battlefield with just the mention of his nickname, the monarch of Death,” His assistant uttered, breaking the long silence.

“A master tactician, his strategies were studied in military academies around the world. Soldiers spoke of his legendary precision in combat, his ability to turn the tide of battle with a single command. His skills in hand-to-hand combat were unmatched, and he had a keen eye for reading enemy movements, always several steps ahead,” she continued,

“He had led countless missions, each more dangerous than the last, emerging victorious against overwhelming odds. His loyal men, known as the death squad, would follow him into the depths of hell. To them, he was not just a leader but a symbol of invincibility and strength,” She added and turned to look at him,

“That’s the man you are, Chief,” she said.

She continued, “But that same man was convinced by his grandfather and made to take his murdered brother’s place. He was maltreated and made to clean and wash for 2 year—“ 

“Keisha, what are you to me?” Zen interrupted her,

“Your assistant, sir,” Keisha replied.

“Don’t you have things to assist me with? Why are you narrating my life story,” Zen said,

“It hurts me that you had to endure all of that torture for so long, sir,” Keisha said.

Zen rubbed his nose with two fingers as he turned to her, “It was nothing compared to a month of what I faced in the military,” he added.

“That was what your late brother passed through for many years before he died,” Keisha added.

“Enough of that, update me,” Zen said.

“Yes, sir,” Keisha replied,

“While you spent your years in the military, we had established many companies as per your commands. Putting everything together to form something bigger, Mega was formed” Keisha said.

“Mega dominates the city's business world, rooted in real estate with luxurious high-rises and urban condos. We own Starship Productions, an indie film and music powerhouse, and UrbanEats, the go-to for trendy eateries and gourmet food trucks,” Keisha added,

“Mega shapes the city’s skyline, culture, and culinary scene, making us an unstoppable force in urban life,” Keisha continued.

“I see that you took ‘Take control of the city’ a little too serious,” Zen said, looking out the window. 

“I’m more interested in the real estate side of Mega,” Zen said.

“Our estates are no doubt the best in the country and absolute best in the city,” Keisha replied,

“If Mega owns several companies, why is—“ Zen paused to look at the two men sitting opposite him in the limo,

“And why are they silent?” Zen asked,

Keisha closed her eyes and softly bowed, “Because you haven’t given them the permission to,” Keisha replied.

Zen turns to look out the window and Keisha stares at him for a bit before Zen eventually breaks the silence,

“Who are they?” Zen asked,

“The first one is the Managing Director of one of your numerous companies and the second is my personal assistant,” Keisha replied, with a calm gesture as she closed her eyes and bowed. 

Zen looked towards the first man and noticed how hard he was trying to hold himself from talking, “Speak,” Zen uttered, in a soft commanding voice.

“Yes sir! ..I am a very big fan of your exploits chief, I have followed each and every one of your achievements. My son is also a big fan. My son joined the military just to be like you and it is God’s blessing to my life that after so many years, I finally get to breathe the same air as you,” the first man finished and gasped for air.

The car was silent, with no reply from Zen.

Zen looked at him with no emotion on his face, before finally letting out a soft unnoticeable smile as they continued the long drive 

“Looks like those 2 years in the Rossi’s mansion has made the monarch of death soft,” Keisha thought to herself as she stared at him. 

As the car reached a complete stop, the two men were signaled to get down from the car and as they did, just before the door was shut from outside, Zen called out, “I’m just getting back into society and I’ll definitely need some people to run around for me.”

“Send details about your son to Keisha,” Zen said and the security shut the door immediately.

The Man’s face lit up and he fell to his knees, “Thank you so much chief!!” He screamed as the fleet of cars zoomed off.


The cars parked in front of a tall building standing magnificently,

“Welcome to Mega, sir,” Keisha said. The doors were opened immediately and Zen stepped out, taking in the cool breeze.

“Uhm, Chief— your clothes,” Keisha managed to talk,

“Oh,” Zen finally noticed that he was still in the cheap clothes he used to clean back at the Rossi mansion.

“Get me some new clothes,” he ordered,

“Keisha, lead the way,” he added.

Keisha lead the way into the Mega’s Headquarters.

“They did a nice job with the interior,” Zen said as he looked around while they walked.

“You also own the company that was incharge of the designs,” Keisha mentioned,

“Is that so,” Zen said, still looking around as they made their way to the elevator.

“Well, they sh—“

“You know,“ Zen was interrupted by the sound of two females heading towards the elevator. “Make sure nothing falls, if even a single paper drops, I’m going to drop you just like the paper,” One of the females reached the front of the elevator, with the other barely holding a bunch of files as she followed the first woman.

“Madame Celeste, please could you walk a bit slower,” The woman carrying the files begged,

“Are you ordering your superior around? Seems to me like you're tired of your job,” Celeste said, bringing out a lipstick from her bag.

Zen and Keisha watched the little drama as they all stepped into the elevator immediately the door opened. As they all stepped into the elevator when the doors opened.

“Madame Celeste, are the files really necessary, I can wa—” The woman carrying the files tried to speak out but was interrupted by Celeste.

“Uhm. Ari— Alic— what was that your name again?” Celeste asked as she applied her makeup.

“Anna,” she replied,

“You're really getting on my ne—,” she paused as Zen entered her field of vision.

Celeste glanced at Zen’s clothes and spoke loudly, “When did Mega start letting the beggars inside?”

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