Lyon opened his eyes slowly surveying the whole environment as he realized that he was in the hospital and a drip was fixed in his hand. He saw his mother sitting by the side of the bed crying, completely unaware that he had woken up

His heart skipped a beat when he saw the tears rushing down her eyes “You don’t have to cry mum, I will make things right I promise” He said lifting his body from the bed as he attempted to remove the IV Cannula from his vain

“I’m glad you’re awake,” She said forcing a smile on her face

“The doctor said, you shouldn’t attempt stressing your lungs again or your asthma might migrate to chronic lung allograft dysfunction” She added sadly

He nodded his head in understanding “Mum, don’t worry about me. I had to do what I had to do to save you all”

“Yet your dad still died, you have to report to the police Lyon, that asshole has to go behind bars for what he did,” His mother said in bitterness

“Mum, some issues are better not reported, Ethan’s father has control over the media and the police as well, if we must win this going to the police should not be an option,” He said and stood up from the bed holding her hands and looking at her deep in the eyes “Don’t worry mother, I would bring Annabel back home and avenge father’s death”

“But you have to rest Lyon, you haven’t recovered yet”

“I know Mother, but there would be no time for that”

“Then at least take some money to get a taxi,” She said handing over $20 to him.

He smiled at her, took the money, and walked away. He hated the fact that he had to cause his family so many problems. His mother didn’t have enough money yet she had to take care of his hospital bills and even give him money for a taxi, he couldn’t let her down


Lyon came down from a taxi as he stood in front of Darlington’s family mansion. He clenched his fist and walked into the house but the gatekeeper stopped him

“Beggars are not allowed in here, this is not a charity home,” He said with a frown on his face

“I’m not a beggar; I’m here to see Ethan Darlington”

The gatekeeper x-rayed Lyon from his head to his toe, and he didn’t seem like someone Ethan would like to see “What makes you think young master Ethan would want to see someone as wretched as you?”

“You have so much guts for a gatekeeper” Lyon fired as he was starting to get angry that the gatekeeper was looking down on him.

“I’m just filling in for the gatekeeper, I’m a trained bodyguard, and I’m not on your level. Get out of here while I’m still being nice!”

Lyon scoffed in anger, “And what would you do if I refused?”

The gatekeeper frowned and was about to reach for him and punch him in his face when the voice of Ethan stopped him

“Oh Lyon what an unpleasant surprise. You must be board at home so you decided to come see me”

Lyon rushed to him and dragged him roughly on his collar “Where is my sister?”

Ethan smirked lightly “This is not how you treat a friend who decided to keep your sister for a while; you never know you might not see her again”

“Is this a joke to you Ethan? Aren’t you afraid that I might call the police?”

“Yet you haven’t done that because you seem to know that my family has control over the police” Ethan spat out. He seemed to be having fun with all that was happening

“Why are you doing this Ethan? Let her go and I would do anything”

“That might be a good idea, from now on; you would walk in this mansion as a servant. You would wash my clothes and that of Alisha whenever she comes for a sleepover, you would cook and do the dishes and if anything goes wrong your sister is dead”

“Do I get a pay?”

Ethan laughed “Do you? If you want I can keep your sister and pay you”

“You would get started today, my clothes are dirty and so is the house and the dishes, I want everywhere sparkling by the time I get back and I will be throwing a party today so I want you to ask the gatekeeper how I run my parties so you can make preparations, I want everything perfect”

“But that would stop me from coming to class early,” Lyon said with a frown

“Should I be concerned? Then work faster” Ethan said and walked into the house while Lyon followed from behind.

He walked upstairs to his room and came back with a pile of clothes as he threw them at Lyon “They are all expensive, wash them carefully” He said walking out of the house entering his car, and then zooming off.

Lyon clutched his fist boiling in anger. He didn’t for once think he would stoop so low to work for Ethan but here he was doing that. No one was at home so he had no distractions; he decided to start with the dishes.

It was about 2:00 pm when he finished everything; he exhaled in tiredness as he knew he wouldn’t be able to go to school again because lectures were already over

“I can’t believe he made me miss classes today,” He said loud enough for anyone to hear.

The gatekeeper walked up to him with a frown on his face “The boss said you should prepare Italian cosines, his Italian friend would be coming for the boy’s hangout today. You should get started” He said and walked away

He walked into the kitchen and googled some nice and traditional Italian food so he settled for Lasagne alla Bolognese. It is an Italian dish that comprises beef, tomato, and onion Bolognese sauce, and other special ingredients

He got to work, as he skillfully added the ingredients while he followed the videos and articles he could get about the dish. He was able to finish everything at exactly 7:00 pm

At this time, he had dished out and prepared the dining table. The sound of people entering the house attracted him and he figured that Ethan and his friends had arrived. He picked up an expensive campaign and turned into some glass cups and then walked out of the kitchen unknown to him that his inhaler fell from his pocket. He served the Champaign to some of Ethan’s friends

“Oh, it’s the loser, Lyon, what is he doing here?” One of the boys asked with a frown on his face

“Well, I decided to do one good thing in the world by allowing him to be my servant, he is still the loser you know him as” Ethan mocked as Lyon dared not give anyone eye contact because he was too ashamed to see their reactions

He attempted to avoid the situation by walking away but Ethan stopped him “Where do you think you’re going to? You don’t get to make a choice; until I say you can go you don’t make a move. Got it?”

He nodded as he stood there with his head bowed while one of Ethan’s friends took his wine and emptied the content on his whole body “I figured you might not be able to drink the wine so how about drinking it this way?” He said with a smirk on his face

The whole boys laughed mockingly.

“Bring her” Ethan instructed one of his men. They nodded and brought his sister naked as she tried covering up but a gun was pointed at her head

Lyon's eyes widened in shock as he attempted to rush to his sister but Ethan’s words stopped him “Take one more step close to her and I promise she won’t come out of here alive” He said, giving him a deadly glare

“I must say your sister might be wretched just like you, but her body costs a lot,” One of the boys said as he stood up and lustfully observed Annabel’s body licking his lips in hunger “How much would you go for a night darling?”

Lyon clenched, an air of helplessness engulfed him yet he could not do anything. And the next word of Ethan rendered him speechless

“Let’s take a bid for her body, whoever has the highest bid gets to spend a whole night with her,” He said smiling at looking at Lyon “This how I vent my anger”

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