“Please don’t do this Ethan” Lyon said pushing his pride aside as he knelt down holding Ethan’s leg as hot tears flowed from his eyes. Looking at him one would see the pain that danced deep in his eyes, the anger that came with the tears could burn down any building if it were to be fire

Ethan looked at him with a smile “Haven’t you heard Lyon? When you beg me it fuels my hunger to make you beg more and I know you don’t want that, do you?” He asked Lyon

“We are in Ethan, we should totally do a bid, and I need her in bed right now”

“I agree, I’m ready to bid any amount in as much I can have her for a night”

Annabel and Lyon listened as they deliberated on auctioning her body as if it were a commodity. Annabel was in her senior year in high school and she was fare skinned that men couldn’t help but look back when she was anywhere and here she was been auctioned like a slave.

Lyon had always protected every member of his family like a diamond because they meant the whole world to him but here he was unable to protect the one person who meant the whole world to him and it was even worse because she was going to be treated as a prostitute that she wasn’t

“Then let the auction begin” Ethan smiled wickedly as he seemed to be enjoying the whole display especially as he was able to break Lyon and make him know that he was nothing.

“$100,000 bid going one two...” Ethan said

“$200,000,” One of his friends said

“$250,000,” Another person said raising his hand

“$250,000 bid going one, two…”

“$1,000,000, bid.” A middle-aged man in his early 60s suddenly said interrupting Ethan making him raise his head only to be shocked at the person who made the bid; it was no other person than his father.


Lyon raised his head in bewilderment “Mr. Darlington please spare my sister I would do anything” He begged assuming Mr. Darlington wouldn’t be hard-hearted like his son

Mr. Darlington looked at him with a frown “Aren’t you the wretched and poor student who has been a huge problem to my son? How dare you stand here and beg me! Do you know that I can kill you with just the snap of my finger?”

Tears gushed out of his eyes as he heard those words; he knew that he didn’t have any hope. It felt so terrible to be so helpless, the feeling of not having any power to do anything yet the situation was happening right before him. He had promised his mother that he was going to bring his sister back but he didn’t know what he was going to do to keep his promise

“How about you bid an amount higher than a million dollars if you want your sister back?” Mr. Darlington said with an evil grin on his face

“But sir, I don’t have that kind of money,” Lyon said, giving him a pleading look

“You can’t even afford a decent cloth not to talk of providing a million dollars; you see how wretched you are? If your sister dies, you killed her, remember that” He yelled angrily “I gave you an opportunity, but you’re too poor to grab it”

“He so poor, he can’t even save his sister”

“How can someone not have up to a million dollars in the account?”

“If he can’t bail her out then Mr. Darlington won the bid,” Some of Ethan’s friends said glaring daggers at Lyon who just stood in front of them completely helpless

“You look pathetic Lyon, you need to look at yourself in the mirror” Ethan scoffed

Lyon frowned and reached for a glass of Champaign as he attempted to use it to attack Ethan but before he could do that a gunshot was heard causing the whole house to be in a state of quietness. Lyon raised his head to see who was just shot at and he was shocked to see his sister’s hand bleeding profusely

“Trust me I won’t miss next time Lyon, you should know your place and not make rash moves that can cost the lives of those you want to protect,” Ethan said in anger

“Take her to the guest room and get her ready for my dad,” Ethan said and walked away while Annabel was dragged out as she screamed in helplessness “Brother help me, I don’t want to do this” She cried out but Lyon just stood there unable to do anything. He was completely paralyzed

“He has completely ruined the party”

“He is such bad luck”

“He deserves something worse than death”

All of the boys said in anger as one of them took the bowl of Lasagne alla Bolognese and emptied it on his body “You’re too wretched to be my servant” He said as they all walked away leaving him in complete confusion.

He sat on the floor as he ran his hand on his hair in frustration. First Ethan killed his dad and now his sister was out with a blood-tasty man. Everyone knew how Mr. Darlington changes women like his cars, he was indeed a womanizer yet his sister was alone with such a man in a room. He knew she wouldn’t survive it

The reality of the situation hit him hard, it was clear to him that it was never Ethan’s plan to let his sister go, he just wanted to kill her in an epic way that would create an everlasting trauma for him. He was such a fool to believe Ethan.

He felt so helpless because he couldn’t run to anyone. The police would never believe or support him they were all under the control of Mr. Darlington; which meant that he had no way of escaping. He cried like a baby unable to think of any possible way to save his sister

“I won’t let this slide Ethan, everyone who looked down on me and caused me pain would one day kneel at my feet and beg for mercy, I promise you that” He said in complete grief. At that moment, life didn’t have much meaning to him and he didn’t mind ending it

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