The feeling of cold liquid flowing through his body woke him up as he opened his eyes with much difficulty trying to see the person who was pouring the liquid on him.

The sun shined its glory on his pale face as he saw Ethan looking at him irritated “You fool, you had the guts to sleep here” He said mockingly

Lyon cleaned his eyes still trying to stabilize his eyesight, which was when he saw an almost lifeless body in front of him; it was his sister’s body. He rushed to her as she struggled to raise her body but she was too weak

“Are you okay Annabel? I need to take you to the hospital” He asked in fear as he saw that she was almost lifeless

“You know I won’t let you do that right?” Ethan said crossing his hands in indifference

“But Ethan she is almost lifeless, you can see that yourself,” Lyon said in confusion

“And does it look like I care? You poor people think the rich are always obliged to help you” Ethan spat out in irritation

“Brother!” Annabel said in a cracked and pale voice drawing Lyon’s attention. It was then he noticed that her eyes were red and slowing which was evidence that she had been crying and her cracked voice was also evidence that she had been shouting

“You don’t have to say anything; I will find a way to take you to the hospital just hang in there,” He said in assurance

But she held his hands as tears flowed from her eyes “I haven’t been the best sister brother, I should have also tried to help you in making provision for the family, that would have made me more responsible”

“You don’t have to blame yourself Annabel; I wouldn’t have allowed you to do anything even If you decided to. All you have to do is focus on your studies” He said holding her hands affectionately

“You don’t understand brother, at least thinking of what I did for the family won’t make me too grieved to leave. I was raped brother, I was used by him, he didn’t allow me rest for a bit it hurts, and it really does hurt. Promise me that you won’t let them get away with it, that you’re going to make them suffer just as they have made me suffer today” She said coughing roughly

Lyon drew closer to her in confusion, he feared the worst yet he had to act brave “What are you saying sis, you would be fine”

“I would be fine only when you promise to avenge me, they might be rich but that doesn’t mean we are to be servants because we have nothing, so please promise me, brother”

“Fine, I promise, I promise to make each and every one pay”

She smiled and hugged him tight then fell back on his arms. Lyon opened in eyes in shock “Annabel! Annabel!” He called but there was no reply. He placed his hands close to her nose to see if she was breathing but she wasn’t

“No!” He shouted in pain

“She meant the word to me” He yelled as he stood up and reached for Ethan giving him multiple blows on his face yet Ethan didn’t retaliate this time, he even told his men not to come over.

Lyon punched his face with his whole strength as tears flowed from his eyes “You killed my sister! You killed my father! I will make sure you pay! You and your dad must pay!” He said as he continued feeding Ethan’s face with multiple punches

Ethan just smiled in pain as Lyon released all his frustration on him. “I didn’t kill your sister, you did. I didn’t kill your father, you did. You’re just too worthless to help anyone not even those who you claim to want to protect. What would mummy me do when she knows Annabel is dead?” He said pretending to put on a sad face “Should I help? I can send her pictures” He added laughing despite the blood flowing from his nose as a result of the series of blows he received from Lyon

“Does everything sound like a joke to you? What kind of a human are you? You’re just like your father” Lyon commented

Ethan rushed to him and held him by the collar “I’m nothing like my father! I’m worse than him, I’m more ruthless” He said pushing him backward angrily “Get prepared and watch your back, Lyon, these bruises you inflicted that my face won’t be forgiven. Who knows I might just consider your mother as a replacement for your sister” He said and walked away

“Take that body away and set it ablaze, I don’t want any dirt on me” He commanded his men and walked away

Lyon rushed to them furiously “No let my sister go, at least give me the opportunity for a funeral” He pleaded in tears

“You should have thought of that before insulting and challenging the boss, you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into. He won’t rest until he destroys you, he despises poor people and you’re an understatement when it comes to poverty” One of the men said and dragged Annabel’s body away despite Lyon’s pleading


Lyon meticulously dished a small amount of pasta for his mother to eat. It was already 8:00 pm and everywhere was dark as there was no electricity, he had no money to pay for the electricity bills.

He put on his phone torchlight and walked to the living room where his mother was seated sadly looking at a family picture where his father and sister were included. He didn’t break the news of his sister’s death to his mother nether did he tell her that her body was taken away even that of his father

He couldn’t bring himself to tell her anything, how could he? When he knew she was suffering constant heart attacks and this could stare it up again, he had to figure out what to do before Ethan played his constant tricks

He placed the food on the table drawing her attention “Mum, you should eat something, you need to take your drug. Please stop crying, I can’t bear seeing you like this”

His mother gave a faint smile as she dropped the picture and walked to the mahogany table and sat on the chair beside it, She took a spoon filled with pasta and placed it one her mouth “You’ve improved in your cooking Lyon” She complimented with a smile as she caressed his hair with a soft but pale smile on her face

Lyon knew she was so sad yet she didn’t want him to worry “I learned from the best,” He said returning her smile

The knock on the door interrupted their little talk “I should check who is at the door” He said to his mum and walked to the door but when he opened it to check, there was no one on the door. He was about to close the door when he saw a letter on the floor, he frowned in suspicion as he picked it up to read the content

“You won’t die, but she will, and you can’t protect her” He read every word of the letter as his heart raised in fear, he rushed to his mother but she was peacefully eating unbeknown of what was happening

“Who was at the door?” His mother asked when she noticed him walking back to the living room

“W…well…i…It…w…was…” He was still stammering when his mother started coughing. He rushed to her and held her “Are you okay mum? I will get water for you” He said and rushed to the kitchen that was when he noticed the kitchen was on fire and it was spreading so fast

He rushed to the living room to check on his mother but he noticed that the fire had also gotten to the living room. In no time he also started coughing. Smoke was not good for his asthma. He tried to look for his inhaler in his pocket that was when he remembered that he left it in the kitchen in Ethan’s house

“Fuck!” He shouted as he held his mother “We have to leave here Mum”

“We can’t the fire isn’t just coming from the kitchen, it is also coming from the entrance of the house. We’re stocked Lyon” She said hugging him as she kept on coughing

He knew this was the work of Ethan, did he hate him so much to want to get rid of everything that meant the world to him? Was he that heartless?

His asthma became even more severe as he became short of breath, and his view gradually became hazy yet he tried to stay awake for his mother but he could not. It isn’t like he had control over his disease. Every time Ethan kills any member of his family he always wants him to be helpless before them just like he is now

“I love you Mum” Was the last word he said before he fell unconscious. The fire didn’t have to consume him; he was already prone to die since he was suffering from asthma. If he ever survives the fire, he is likely to have a disease worse than asthma

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