From Servitude to Savvy; The Ex-husband's Revenge

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From Servitude to Savvy; The Ex-husband's Revenge

By: Kim Swan OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 22 views: 164

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“Aria, don't make me lose it. I’m talking about Ethan. Our three-year-old son who is living abroad.” Max reminded her. “Umm…Max, I get that your pocket is empty, but does your brain have to be empty, too? I mean, how could you believe in the existence of a child you’ve never seen? Like how?” Aria asked, seemingly stunned by Max’s dumbness. Max, still not able to comprehend the situation, asked, “So, are you saying our son is not abroad?” “Dumbass, she’s saying there is no son! There have never been! Gosh, how are you so slow?” Ava wondered, shaking her head in disbelief. ***** For three years, Maximilian Stratford, the CEO of PetroVista, a trillion dollar oil and gas group of companies, hid his identity to win a challenge against his grandpa's. For three years, he lived with his in-law, enduring insults and humiliation. For three years, he loved blindly believing in the existence of a son that doesn't exist. For three years, he worked hard to provide for the child, doing menial jobs he had no idea existed until now. Now he knows everything and is ready for revenge against his wife and her family …but they was a reason his grandpa gave him such a challenge, which he failed to realize in those years. What is the reason? Will he ever be able to find out and properly get his revenge?

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22 chapters
The Betrayal
A satisfying grin spread over Max’s lips as the neon light of the bar cast a glow on the beautiful piece of five-carat diamond ring cradled in his hands, causing it to reflect the diverse colors. “Aria and I have been married for three years, and I haven’t given her any precious gifts. This would be a perfect gift for our anniversary.” He mumbled to himself when a firm hand suddenly jabbed his shoulder, startling him into dropping the ring which landed with a soft thud on the bar counter. “What do we have here, Max?” muttered the snarky middle-aged, obese looking man, “Planning to pawn off some fake jewelry to pay your bills again?” Max always hated Manager Hollis because of his rude and demeaning way of speaking to him, so he wasn't surprised at his statement at all. Rather, he was ready to defend himself. “No sir, this is actually a real five-carat diamond ring.” He defended. “Something you’d never be able to afford.” He mumbled. “What did you just say?” Hollis scoffe
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The Bills
Max snapped his eyes open to a very unfamiliar ceiling. For the first few seconds, he couldn't tell where he was as he scanned his eyes around the room. “Hospital?” He wondered as he tried to sit up, but a sharp pain at the back of his head forced him to lay back down. “Mr. Stratford, you're finally up?” A nurse asked as she walked in and quickly checked his temperature, after which he helped Max sit up. He hissed in pain, asking, “How did I get here?” “The ambulance brought you in.” She replied “You look sturdy. Who would have thought you were so weak?” She mumbled to himself. Max, who heard her clearly, quickly defended himself, “Weak? I was hit from the back! That's one cheap move!” He looked through the window and noticed the sun was already up and remembering he was hit last night. He quickly asked, “How long have I been out?” “15 hours. You spent the night and a substantial part of the day here. You can leave now after paying your bills and getting your drug
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His Savior
"Manager Hollis?" Max mumbled to himself, surprised that he was actually being of help to him for the first time in his life. But Hollis didn't fail to disappoint him again as he went on to say, "So while you're at it, Don’t forget to pay for this too.” Manger Hollis jumped out of nowhere, throwing a bill of $9,750 at him. Max's eyes almost popped out of its socket as he looked through the bill. “$9,750?” He asked in disbelief, “You're supposed to be paying my weekly wages. What's the meaning of this?” He asked again, confused. “Your bill was originally $10,000, and after deducting this week's wages from it, we came up with that.” Hollis explained. Max was still confused as to why he had to pay such an amount of money, so he looked through the bill again, seeing where it was clearly stated he rented out club room 012. “Are you high or something? Why are you giving me this bill? That Tate f*cking Winslow, you should be suing him for harassing a staff member. Why am I be
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Max gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, his eyes burning with furry as he refused to show any sign of gratitude. Chief Rawlings gestured to the officer standing behind Max, and he quickly kicked the back of Max’s knee, forcing him to kneel against his will. Tate smirked and gestured to the officers to excuse them, which they did. Then he squatted to Max’s height, a smile of victory spreading across his lips. “You must be wondering why I released you, right?" He asked but didn't wait for a response before explaining, "Well, it's because I need you to sign the divorce papers so I can finally marry my woman.” Tate leaned closer to Max’s ear and whispered, “I heard the last time you touched her was on your wedding night. F*ck, you need to hear her screaming my name when I’m stroking deep inside of her. She's so f*cking tight!” Max’s anger exploded. He attempted to attack, but Tate, who already knew what was coming, quickly evaded it as he stood up to his feet. He ordered
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Max’s grip was firm but not too much that Tate easily pushed off as he was too weak from the beating. “Your wife? Your house?” Cynthia asked while the others laughed. “Max, don't you think you’ve become too entitled now? I thought Aria wanted a divorce? Why are you still calling her your wife, and when did MY House suddenly become yours?” She questioned. He ignored Cynthia and faced his wife, pulling her apart from Tate, “Aria, what's gotten into you? You knew I was injured, but you didn't even bother to come and check me. Why the f*ck did you take out all of my savings for Liam's trust fund?” Aria rolled her eyes in disgust, fanning her nose with her hand as if Max stinks. “You're complaining about a measly $5,000? In our three years of marriage, have you ever gifted me anything? I decided to buy myself a parting gift and you're complaining, how shameless!” She insulted and then called out to one of their domestic staff and ordered, “Get me those documents and the traveli
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The other side of 'Real Life'
"Sis, can you stop fooling around? He’s so anxious to finally meet his son, and you are…” “Hey, hey, you stupid little brat! Get into your room now before I slap those beefy cheeks of yours.” Aria threatened, forcing Arabella to keep shut. Max dropped his tension as he walked closer to Aria, demanding, “Can you be serious for once? Where is my son?” Aria shrugged, “How am I supposed to know if you have a son other than little Liam here?” She feigned ignorance. “Aria, don't make me lose it. I’m talking about Liam. Our three-year-old son who is living abroad.” Max reminded her. Aria was done playing this cat and rat game, so she decided to come clean. She dropped little ‘Liam’ and found herself a seat beside her mom. “Umm…Max, I get that your pocket is empty, but does your brain have to be empty, too? I mean, how could you believe in the existence of a child you’ve never seen? Like how?” Aria asked, seemingly stunned by Max’s dumbness. Max, still not able to comprehend the
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Going Home
Max shook his head vigorously for a few seconds to clear his eyes before he eventually signed the divorce papers. He looked at Aria, who was still trying to catch her breath, and said, “Aria, don't think you are the only one that had secrets. Just like you had plans of our divorce in your heart for our third year anniversary, I also had a special plan or rather a gift. One that could have turned this money-craze family into Wessixia’s envy. Unfortunately, you ruined it—just at the right time.” Tate grabbed the small traveling bag which the staff had brought earlier and threw it at Max. The zip was ruined, sending his things flying all over the place. “Stop talking big! Pick your trash and scram!” He bellowed furiously, hoping Max would flinch but Max didn't give him the slight fuck as he went on to talk. “I promise when I start with you, you will wish your mom had aborted you just like you did with my baby!” He threatened, his voice in echoing rumbles and his eyes bloodshot
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Stay With Me
“You’re right! He needs medical attention because he has totally lost it!” Cynthia agreed with Arabella for the first time as she believed Max was just being delusional. Arabella stood up and looked at Max with concern. “Brother-in-law, do you have someone that can come pick you up? You’ve never spoken of a family in three years.” She said, “Don't worry about me, Ara. You should go to bed now.” He said, gently patting her head. “But…” Max dialed Arabella’s number on his old phone and called it, causing her phone to ring and interrupt her statement. She attempted to bring down her bag and check it, but Max said, “That's me.” One of the security guards by the mansion gate ran into the living room and greeted everyone. Before he could say another word, Cynthia scolded, “What are you doing here?” “My Lady, someone is here to see Mr. Maximilian.” He explained. “Someone really came for him.” Ava whispered. “Should in case you fail to find yourself a wealthy dude and your mom deci
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Sham Marriage
Two days passed and Max remained unconscious. His family and friends took turns to visit him as he lay on the bed, neither eating or drinking. “How long is he going to remain like this? Do we need to transfer him to a better hospital?” Ryan questioned the doctor worriedly as he came for another full body checkup. “Sir, from today's report, it’s obvious he is doing better. Like I said before, he had lost too much blood before he was brought in. His sudden unconsciousness was as a result of a cardiac arrest.” He announced. Blake and Carl who were hearing of this report for the first time were shocked to their wits, exclaiming in sync, “What?” “Is it possible for a young, healthy and perfectly fit man like him to suffer a heart attack?” Blake asked curiously. “Max is the healthiest person I know. Always hitting the gym and eating right. How is that even possible?” Carl also wondered. “Yes. It is rare but highly possible. It can happen as a result of several factors but in his condi
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Enormous Plan
"Max, I can explain…” “Explain? Explain what? What the f*ck do you have to say when I gave a f*cking clear instructions? What part of ‘Don’t pry on my private life’ do you not understand?” Max bellowed furiously as he stormed into the hospital room once again. Most of his bruises had disappeared, but he still had a bandaid tied around his head. Until a few months back, the boys had hired a guy to seek employment in the Kingsley Mansion just so he could keep an eye on Max and report back to them. Just looking at all Their faces, Max could tell Ryan didn't do it alone. “We did it because we were worried, Max…” Blake was cut short by Max’s interruption. “I never asked you to worry about me!” “But that's what families are for. You always say we should drop social level and just be families, but you’re not even letting us do the slightest thing for you.” Miguel sensibly chimed in. And he was right. Max was the main reason the group chat was created. It was to deepen t
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