Vengeance Of The Lost Heir

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Vengeance Of The Lost Heir

By: Author Geto OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 167

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Miles Robson, a poor mechanic could never meet up with the demands of his lavish wife. One day, he catches her cheating on him.and he was ran over by her and her newfound boyfriend leaving him crippled. But Miles discovers his real identity and he is a Kenter! With the system that was inputted into his neck, Miles can never make a wrong financial decision and he is determined to bring an end to his Empire's adversaries and those who murdered his father!

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11 chapters
It was 10'oclock at night at the repair workshop in the 24-hour service station. The sound of clanking metal filled the air as the mechanics were finishing off some works for the day—two mechanics lay on creepers underneath some vehicles, focused on their work as closing hour drew nigh.A few others were discussing and cracking jokes like teenagers when they were actually grown up men. But one of them was at a corner, his mobile phone to his ear, hoping to get a response from who he was calling. This man was Miles Robson and he was trying to privatize his call away from his jeering colleagues. After a while and there was no response from the other end, Miles lowered the phone with a saddened face and tucked it into his overall pockets. His work mates had eager expressions, beckoning him to gist them on his conversation. But the look on Miles face could tell them that things wasn't going well.But Miles wasn't ready to give up. Today was the 2nd year anniversary of his marriage and h
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As their truck approached the vehicle, Miles could see its red sleek color shimmering under the moonlight and he was certain whoever had his this Rolls-Royce was someone of a high caliber.Their truck halted just behind the car and his colleagues pilled out, picking up their working tools and equipments. However, as usual, Miles's head mechanic sent him to greet the owner of the car. This was because Miles had a high charisma and they used this to their advantage in getting more money from their customers.Miles who was beaming with joy, buttoned all buttons of his overall and adjusted himself as he approached the window of the driver's seat. He bent down formally with a friendly approach and peered into the front seat of the vehicle through the window that was lowered.Miles couldn't believe his eyes!There in the front seat sat a man devouring the lips of a woman in the passenger seat across him. And that woman was no other person than his wife, Layla! He could easily recognize her
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Miles's Chief mechanic and the crew didn't hesitate to get to work and repair the quick issue with the car, leaving Miles to battle his problems."Layla, today is our 2nd year anniversary. And you're doing this to me?" Miles pleaded stepping forward to touch Layla's hand.Layla only drew away from Miles like he carried a virus. "2nd year what?!" Miles could hear ask irritatedly.Miles couldn't believe his wife didn't remember that two years ago today was when they became man and woman. He looked down at her fingers and noticed she didn't have her wedding ring on, she never did. It just occurred to Miles that Layla had already placed their marriage on the back burner and she was now throwing it at his face, expecting him to accept it.Miles put his hands into his overall and pulled out the $40 he had planned to buy a cake and a necklace with for what was meant to be their special night. "I was going to buy you a cake and a beautiful necklace, Layla," he said, displaying the $20 bills.
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Miles was taken to the hospital by the police and his work colleagues. There he was told that his legs were crushed and it will be impossible for him to walk again.Miles weeped endlessly as he lay on the hospital bed, his mind racing with thoughts. The day that was supposed to be a blissful 2nd year anniversary for him turned out to be the day he got crippled. Miles thought about the hospital bills that he would never be able to pay off and the money he owed his best friend too. When Miles thought things couldn't get worse, the door to his hospital room he was in opened.To his surprise, his visitors were his wife and mother-in-law."Layla?" Miles could only whisper her name as he pushed himself to sit up.Layla didn't reply him, her face and that of her mother's were stern and unfriendly. Miles frowned when Elsa gave him a disgusted look and his frown even deepened when he noticed his sister-in-law, Clara coming into the room with his bags and belongings."Layla? I don't understand
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Only a few minutes after the strange call, the door to his hospital room flung open. Miles looked at the door to see a group of men dressed in red suits and dark glasses pile into the room. Their faces were stark and serious as they alligned themselves to give way for a much older man in black suit. Miles's heart began to race as the troop of men filled the room with their domineering stature. He wanted to move away from them but his legs couldn't move, all he could do was stare.Miles thought that this was his end and Derek Ashton had sent his men to punish and kill him for fighting with the heir of the most reputable company in town. Miles could see their black pistols perfectly sheathed under the tailored suits.Miles expected the worse as the men moved their body, but instead, each of them dropped down to one knee in unison.Miles's eyes widened in surprise. What was happening? He had asked himself."Young Lord! The High Matron awaits your return," their voices spoke, reverberat
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Miles was carefully loaded out of the car and into his wheelchair that he started to feel guilty of giving these men the trouble of carrying him. But to Miles endless surprise, the men carried him like it was an honor to do so before placing him in the wheelchair.Miles looked up at the towering flight of stairs that led up to the doors of the mansion. Miles couldn't believe he was in a place like this! He had to bend his neck over the headrest of the wheelchair to be able to see the roof of the mansion. He even glared around the compound that was large enough to contain six more similar buildings. There were more men in black suits while some in white suits, all wearing shades despite it was night time and positioned at different places of the manor. There were series of cars! Not only those that escorted him, but there were more cars. Miles noticed the mansion was a mixture of historic construction and modern upgrade. Even the wheelchair he was provided made a humming sound and s
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The woman immediately cupped her mouth and burst into soft tears as she came close to Miles. Miles couldn't understand what was happening. He was taken to where he had no idea of and now, a woman old enough to be his mother was sobbing before him. The woman knelt down before Miles and places her hands on his cheek, slowly cuddling them. "It is really you! My son!" She proclaimed with tears in her eyes.Son? Her son? Miles couldn't phantom the absurdity he was hearing. He was an orphan and never grew with parents to the extent that he thought all orphans appeared on Earth without parents. But by looking into the woman's teary eyes as she caressed his face, Miles felt a deep sense of loss and bonding. "Mother?" He only whispered.The old woman with white hair nodded her head as she kept touching Miles all over his body. She held his hands, showing no regards for his dirty overall he was still wearing. Miles felt warmth in his heart as the woman embraced him. "Who did this to you?!" S
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Miles could only sit in the wheelchair as his mother ordered for everyone to walk with her.They left the majestic loungy office and before Miles knew it while he was busy admiring the heavenly place, he found himself going underground with his mother, Bertram and a few bouncers. "I want to make sure that the Kenter empire will rise to the top once again and remain there forever," Miles's mother spoke as they were being lifted down by an in-built escalator that went underground. "I'm glad we found you, son. Only God knows what would've happen to our empire in the coming years."Miles looked up at his mother and could see tears leaving her eyes again. "But, mother. You are the High Matron.""Yes, i am. But with my fatal health, i don't think i can continue, Miles."What?! Fatal health?! "Don't say that, mother. You are very healthy!"His mother only gave a slight chuckle as Miles's concern brought joy to her heart. "After my coma, I have never been the same. I have tried my best to ru
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Miles yawned just after waking up from a long and refreshing sleep. He had no idea what had happened, but he remembered being on the surgical table and dozing off. He looked around the majestic room he found herself in and the comfortable white Master size bed.The room was a bit dark so he decided that he will open the curtains and get some morning light in. That was when Miles got up from the bed and stood on his feet.For a second, it felt normal, but as he walked towards the curtains, Miles remembered that he was supposed to be crippled! Miles looked at his legs and they were fine and healthy! He couldn't believe it, he could walk again!He finally reached the windows and pulled the expensive, royal golden curtains and looked outside the window. It was a very bright morning.From the height of his window, Miles could now see the entirety of the Kenter manor and even beyond which were hands and more mansions owned by the Kenters. That was when Miles started to recollect everything
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Before the System could continue, it was interrupted by a calm knock on the door. "Come in," Miles said. Bertram revealed himself yo the room. He had changed his suit into a royal blue with a red tie, looking magnificent just as the day before with his golden monocle hung to the eye.On entering the room, Bertram gave a warm smile, noticing Miles could stand and the Business System had indeed binded with him. He gave a deep bowwoth his legs together."Good Morning, Young Lord. How do you do?" Bertram inquired politely and Miles answered positively.To Miles's surprise, as soon as Bertram stood erect, his system box surfaced itself to his view alone.:[Name= Bertram]::[Titles= Butler to the High Matron—Butler to the Master—Chief of the Kenter Empire staff]:[Net worth= Privately Fixed]::[Potential= Has Maxed Potential]:Wow! Miles exclaimed. Will this happen when he looked at anyone?"The High Matron has called for you, Young Lord," Bertram said with another bow.Miles looked at hi
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