Vengeance Of The Lost Heir
Vengeance Of The Lost Heir
Author: Author Geto

It was 10'oclock at night at the repair workshop in the 24-hour service station. The sound of clanking metal filled the air as the mechanics were finishing off some works for the day—two mechanics lay on creepers underneath some vehicles, focused on their work as closing hour drew nigh.

A few others were discussing and cracking jokes like teenagers when they were actually grown up men. But one of them was at a corner, his mobile phone to his ear, hoping to get a response from who he was calling. 

This man was Miles Robson and he was trying to privatize his call away from his jeering colleagues. After a while and there was no response from the other end, Miles lowered the phone with a saddened face and tucked it into his overall pockets. 

His work mates had eager expressions, beckoning him to gist them on his conversation. But the look on Miles face could tell them that things wasn't going well.

But Miles wasn't ready to give up. Today was the 2nd year anniversary of his marriage and he had two hours left to return home. 

Miles worked as a low-earning mechanic in this workshop to make ends meet and provide for his family—his wife, mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Although, his wife was financially stable enough to provide for everyone and everything, Miles still felt he needed to show his worth and bring something to the table, at least.

His mother-in-law had always called him a wash-out and a lowlife. Layla Robson, his wife would always get stern advise from her mother, Elson to dump and divorce him, urging her to marry a richer and more capable man that can afford her.

Before the day ends, Miles was determined to prove to Elson that he deserved Layla, his wife. This was their anniversary and he planned on buying a cake and a beautiful necklace while on his way home with the little money he had managed to save. 

Maybe by doing this, he could win his wife's heart which he felt was slowly fading away. Even when they married, Layla had and have still never slept on the same bed with him even when he insisted that they consummate their marriage. She had always been that way but now, it was getting worse and Miles feared about the continuation of his marriage.

Layla now leaves for work very much earlier than him and comes back much later that Miles was certain even by this time, he'll come back before her and surprise her with the cake. She hardly ever talked to him nor let him talk to her, squeezing her face in disgust whenever he does.

Elsa refused a maid in their home and forced Miles to perform all the house chores whenever he was back from his measly gig as she usually called it. And Layla would never object to this impassive treatment. She would only put on her make-up to match her red hair, dressed in a stylish work gown and catwalk out of the house.

At first, it was never like this for Miles. It all started when Layla's father, his father-in-law died out of a chronic disease. Miles loved his father-in-law dearly, he was the one who brought Miles and Layla together and now with him gone, everyone's true colors have been revealed.

Miles met Layla's father on a faithful day at a coffee shop. As Layla's father was leaving, the old man dropped to the ground wheezing for air as a result of the disease. Miles hurriedly jacked the man onto his shoulders and rushed him to the hospital, saving the old man's life.

As a gesture of gratitude, Layla's father offered his beautiful daughter his hand in marriage so that he could see his grandchildren before he dies. And luckily for Miles, Layla was aspiring for a job that needed marital status to secure and it was just perfect timing.

But right now, things weren't perfect.

Suddenly, the metal door to the main workshop barged open and an odd looking man stepped in. "Boys! Late job!" He proclaimed with a grin.

Miles and his colleagues beamed with joy at the utter of those words. Their Head Mechanic had just proclaimed that they had a call for a repair that a vehicle just broke down in the expressway not too far away from their workshop. And to make things better, he also piped in that the owner of the stranded car was very wealthy.

A smile spread across Miles's lips and happiness crept into his heart. This was certainly good news for him. He loved it when they worked on the vehicles of rich people, because they usually don't care about the amount being charged and additionally, they voluntarily give them tips. 

Miles was glad when their head mechanic assigned him to the four-man crew going. He was very skilled in his job and their head mechanic was keen not to make any mistakes with the vehicle of this wealthy person.

Miles was happy. At least, he could gather more money from this quick service and invest further into this anniversary night.

Miles and the three others hopped into their rusty truck and started down the road.

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