
As their truck approached the vehicle, Miles could see its red sleek color shimmering under the moonlight and he was certain whoever had his this Rolls-Royce was someone of a high caliber.

Their truck halted just behind the car and his colleagues pilled out, picking up their working tools and equipments. However, as usual, Miles's head mechanic sent him to greet the owner of the car. This was because Miles had a high charisma and they used this to their advantage in getting more money from their customers.

Miles who was beaming with joy, buttoned all buttons of his overall and adjusted himself as he approached the window of the driver's seat. He bent down formally with a friendly approach and peered into the front seat of the vehicle through the window that was lowered.

Miles couldn't believe his eyes!

There in the front seat sat a man devouring the lips of a woman in the passenger seat across him. And that woman was no other person than his wife, Layla! He could easily recognize her red hair and her curvy shape which the man was intensely fondling.

Miles was shocked as he felt his heart wrenching out watching his wife return the pleasure to the blonde man. 

He found himself unable to speak, the soft moans of his beloved danced into his ears as another man travelled down her neck. Layla's eyes opened for a moment in her ecstasy and they immediately widened when she saw someone staring at them from the window. It was none other than her husband, Miles!

"Holy crap!" She exclaimed and shuffled herself away from the man who had his hands in her dress. Layla's heart began to race. Why on Earth would her husband still be working at this time of the hour?! She asked herself. 

To Miles's surprise, the blonde man that she was fondling with moments ago had a look of disgust on his face when he found out that a measly mechanic had interrupted their sensual actions. 

Miles felt a lone tear escape his eyes as his breath started to shudder. He glared hard at his wife, hoping that she looked back at him but she only stared straight afar. "Layla? Why?" Miles only found himself able to utter two words alone.

The blonde man that Miles clearly recognized was Derek Ashton. He was the talk of the town and Miles felt foolish to not have guessed this car belonged to him. Derek was the heir to one of the biggest family names, the Ashtons. And Miles has heard his mother-in-law talk about him to Layla, but he never expected this.

Derek who sized Miles, looking at him from head to toe couldn't help but notice the cheapness this stranger emitted. He noticed Miles staring at Layla and he looked at both of them. "Darling, do you know this riffraff?" Derek asked.


Layla felt very embarrassed that her pestering husband had to show up and spoil everything for her in front of Derek Ashton of all people. Even if he had seen her with him, couldn't he just ignore and deal with it?!

Layla had already told Derek that she wasn't married and her ambition to secure a top million dollar paying job in the Ashton consortium could come crashing down with this her joke of a husband coming in the way. 

Layla had only married Miles partly because of her father's wishes and partly because she needed to be a wife to get her current job and maybe because Miles was quite a good looking and charismatic man. But with poverty swirling around him, Layla thought she needed better.

She was still a young good-looking woman and walking around with a lowlife like him who bears the last name of his wife would put a permanent stain on her reputation she planned on building.

"Sorry honey," Layla said, caressing the shoulder of Derek. "I don't know him."

The reality had just hit Miles and now he was completely certain that he had lost his wife. He could not cater for himself with the $30 salary he earned from his mechanic job not to talk of providing for a woman like her. He could barely feed himself, so how was he supposed to take care of her needs?

None of this mattered to Miles, what mattered was that Layla was legally his wife and what they were doing was wrong in all justifiable manner. "She's my wife!" Miles stood his ground with a quivering voice.

His Chief mechanic and the others started to approach, sensing that things weren't going well with the sudden intonation in Miles's voice.

Layla immediately opened her door and briskly stepped out of the car. She pointed her hands to the direction of the road where they had come from with that look on her face whenever her eyes settled on Miles. "Get out of here and get home, Miles," Layla ordered.

No, not today, Miles thought. He wasn't going to obey her like he usually does while he gets cuckolded. "Why do this to me?" Miles asked, moving forward to her.


The driver's door opened and a towering figure showcased himself. This was what Layla was leaving him for?! Because of his huge and chiseled stature? Or was it because of the fame and money that followed?

"You heard my lady, get out of here you peasant," Derek thundered.

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