
Before the System could continue, it was interrupted by a calm knock on the door. 

"Come in," Miles said. 

Bertram revealed himself yo the room. He had changed his suit into a royal blue with a red tie, looking magnificent just as the day before with his golden monocle hung to the eye.

On entering the room, Bertram gave a warm smile, noticing Miles could stand and the Business System had indeed binded with him. He gave a deep bowwoth his legs together.

"Good Morning, Young Lord. How do you do?" Bertram inquired politely and Miles answered positively.

To Miles's surprise, as soon as Bertram stood erect, his system box surfaced itself to his view alone.

:[Name= Bertram]:

:[Titles= Butler to the High Matron—Butler to the Master—Chief of the Kenter Empire staff]


:[Net worth= Privately Fixed]:

:[Potential= Has Maxed Potential]:

Wow! Miles exclaimed. Will this happen when he looked at anyone?

"The High Matron has called for you, Young Lord," Bertram said with another bow.

Miles looked at himself and finally came to notice he was in a majestic red night robe all this while. "Give me a minute, let me take a shower and I'll be there."

Bertram bowed once again.

Miles quickly rushed his shower and he wished that he didn't because the water was so soothing to his skin. The bathroom was esquisitively tiled with pink with a steam shower.

When Miles got out of the shower, he wiped himself dry with a towel and had to dress into his engineering overall again. He had no clothes, surprisingly.

Miles left the room and joined Bertram who was standing outside, beside the door. They started towards his mother's suite again and as Miles walked, anything he squinted to study will immediately get analyzed by his System.

Every chandelier, every painting on the wall, Miles could access their prices and origin. Their was really a Business System!

Miles joined his mother in her suite once again. She embraced him with tears in her eyes once she saw her son could walk again. Miles greeted her and she gave him a peck on his cheek.

After embracing him, she took a look at her son and noticed the Heir to the Kenter Empire was still dressed in ragged clothes. 

"You are the heir to the Kenter Empire, Miles. I want you to look like one so that your adversaries won't look down on you," she said, paused and smiled.

"I have transferred ownership of all the empire's assets, properties, consortiums, management, etcetera etcetera in your name. You are the Head of everything and I'm sure you can be able to monitor all these by yourself, right?"

Miles nodded slowly. He couldn't believe what his system was displaying while his mother spoke.

:[Host= Emma Kenter]:

:[Titles= Wife to the Late Head of the Kenter Empire—High Matron of the Kenter Empire, Womb of the Heir

:[Net worth= ∞ (Infinite) dollars]:

:[Potential= Dropping]:

According to the System, his mother was completely incapable of running the Empire.

Before Miles could speak, his mother walked to her desk and returned with a silver card. It was stylish and the letter 'K' was etched on it with the three lion heads. Miles knew those kind of cards, only a few people could own such. 

"I had prepared this card specifically made for you, Miles. It contains 15 billion dollars and replenishes when any money is being withdrawn. So, we can say you can use this card infinitely," Miles's mother dropped a bombshell.

$15 billion dollars! Replenish?! Miles took the card she handed to him with tremble as he looked up at her. "This is unbelievable..." He muttered. 

If the reality didn't hit Miles since, it just did now as he stared at his name inscribed on the card. He had a last name, he was a rich. Miles was rich. 'I'm rich?!" He thought to himself.

"Though I will to stay with you son for the day, I can't. I have to go the Old Mother Congregation and make it clear in their documents that this empire belongs to you and you alone," His mother said.

She gave him a peck again and walked out of the suite with the men behind her.

As Miles was still stunned, staring at the card, his system's voice stunned him. 

[First Mission!]

[Purchase your first asset]

What? Miles thought. This was his first day being a wealthy man and this system was giving him a job to do?! He wanted to relax and enjoy himself in this huge golden mansion he believed was heaven.

Miles even traced his thoughts to his ex-wife, Layla. He had become rich! He quickly looked around the room for a telephone to dial her number and announce the great news. 

He was rich! He was not crippled! He was more of a man!

:[Host will get an XP deduction from his already 000 balance if he makes that call]:

Miles stopped at the first button. The System was right. They were divorced and Layla was the one who had cheated on him and also crippled him.

[15Hrs left to Complete Mission]

:[Reward for Success: 4002th Asset owned, Additional fame........loading...... Summing up to 80EXP]:

"What if I don't want to do this?!" Mile asked.

[System will shut for 24hrs, rendering you crippled for 24hrs]

What?! Miles exclaimed. 'That's very harsh' he thought. He decided that he'll try and do as the system says and at the same time, get himself some clothes and accessories for himself.

Just as he was about leaving, he saw a small head poke out of the adjoining door.

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