
Miles yawned just after waking up from a long and refreshing sleep. He had no idea what had happened, but he remembered being on the surgical table and dozing off. He looked around the majestic room he found herself in and the comfortable white Master size bed.

The room was a bit dark so he decided that he will open the curtains and get some morning light in. That was when Miles got up from the bed and stood on his feet.

For a second, it felt normal, but as he walked towards the curtains, Miles remembered that he was supposed to be crippled! Miles looked at his legs and they were fine and healthy! He couldn't believe it, he could walk again!

He finally reached the windows and pulled the expensive, royal golden curtains and looked outside the window. It was a very bright morning.

From the height of his window, Miles could now see the entirety of the Kenter manor and even beyond which were hands and more mansions owned by the Kenters. 

That was when Miles started to recollect everything that had happened the night before. From working a measly $30 salary paying job to being the heir to one of the most powerful and wealthiest empires. It was incredible.

[Good Morning, Young Lord Miles]

Miles was still admiring the view of wealth when a sudden synthetic, automated voice spoke to him.

Miles quickly spun around in search of who begat the voice, but no one was in the room with him. "Who said that?" Miles asked.

[I did, Young Lord Miles]

[And I am sorry for startling you]

Miles heart began to race as he took careful calculated steps. What was this robotic feminine voice? Was this a prank?

Miles stopped in his tracks when his eyes caught his reflection in the full wall mirror. 

Wow! Miles couldn't help but explain to himself.

Was that him in the mirror?! 

[Yes, that is you] The voice in his head replied to his thoughts.

Miles was so confused and stunned that he has to take off his shirt and take a closer look at his newfound build. He was fit and had an attractive masculine figure! He looked very healthy and fit! Even his face had a perfect jawline!

"What is happening?" Miles muttered his question.

[Completing Bond with host....


                         [Bond Complete!]

Miles could only squeeze his face in utter confusion.

[We have completed our Bond, Young Lord]

[Would you like to view Details?]

Miles didn't know what to do, he only nodded his head, still astonished on his physicality.

Suddenly, a holographic screen that could only he seen by him appeared before his face. Miles almost found himself staggering backwards in surprise. 

He slowly reached for the screen but his hand only passed through it.

:[Host= Miles Kenter]:

:[Titles= Heir to the Kenter Empire

               Young Master

               Young Lord


:[Net worth= ∞ (Infinite) dollars]:

:[Potential= Extremely High]:

:[XP= 000]··/XP increases when host defeats a business adverssry/

:[TOD= 001] ·· /Top Over Defeat Points are granted occasionally to clear one stain of defeat on your name/

The screen disappeared and before Miles could fully wrap his head with what was going on, the voice came again.

[Welcome, host, Miles Kenter, Heir to the Kenter Empire]

[Welcome to the Ultimate Business System. This is the only system in the world, built by the Kenters. Once the host dies, this system ceases to exist]

[The Ultimate Business System is granted to you to be an unstoppable force in your business endeavour to take the Kenter Empire to great heights once again]

[The Ultimate Business System will grant you otherwordly knowledge making you unbeatable. And throw all your enemies to their knees]

[Points and Bonuses will be given to you after spending ruthlessly and making others jealous. This is what your Ultimate Business System is to help you accomplish]


[I have a list of your ally and a list of your adversaries]

[Chances are that we will crush them in our endeavour]

[The System advices that we get started]

Miles was still stunned. What the hell is going on? He asked himself. A system? Was this system responsible for his healed legs and his fit attractive body and face?

[Yes, I am responsible for that too, Young Lord]

Wow! Miles exclaimed. He cleared his throat while still looking at the mirror and decided to talk to the system.

"Hello," Miles said.

[Hello, Young Lord]

[Are you in dire need of any business or monetary information? Do ask]

Miles was astonished! What was this upgrade he just had in his life?! 

Miles decided to test the system. He spun around and faced the room, his eyes darting to the objects around. 

"System? What is the price of this Master bed?" Miles asked.


That same holographic screen appeared before his face again. 

:[King Size Bed= 76inches wide and 80 inches long]:

:[Brand= Hästens]:

:[Price= $510,000]:

Wow! Miles exclaimed. Five hundred and ten dollars for just a bed?! Isn't that too much?!

[System will advice host to change his Perception of money if he wants to be successful with this system]

:[The most expensive item in the room is the painting on the wall]:

:[20 inches wide and 24 inches long]:

:[Price= $110,000,000]:

Before Miles could react to that numerous figures that was in his view, the system spoke again.


[First Mission]

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