
Miles could only sit in the wheelchair as his mother ordered for everyone to walk with her.

They left the majestic loungy office and before Miles knew it while he was busy admiring the heavenly place, he found himself going underground with his mother, Bertram and a few bouncers. 

"I want to make sure that the Kenter empire will rise to the top once again and remain there forever," Miles's mother spoke as they were being lifted down by an in-built escalator that went underground. "I'm glad we found you, son. Only God knows what would've happen to our empire in the coming years."

Miles looked up at his mother and could see tears leaving her eyes again. "But, mother. You are the High Matron."

"Yes, i am. But with my fatal health, i don't think i can continue, Miles."

What?! Fatal health?! "Don't say that, mother. You are very healthy!"

His mother only gave a slight chuckle as Miles's concern brought joy to her heart. "After my coma, I have never been the same. I have tried my best to run the empire but my health keeps getting in the way. I have already issued the transfer of governorship of the Kenter empire to you. By tommorow, you'll be sure to own everything."

Miles was about to speak again but the dim light that was becoming brighter in the dark underground, dragged his attention. 

Finally, they arrived at an open space underground with white medical lights everywhere. Miles couldn't help but notice it looked like a medical laboratory built underground.

What sucked his attention the most was the surgical table beaming with white lights around and the robotic arms that we're hovering over the table.

Seeing this, Miles couldn't help but marvel. 

"Mother? What is the net worth of the Kenter empire?" Miles felt like he had to ask that question.

His mother who was speaking to the staff dressed in white, smiled before answering.

"The empire is not a single business entity, so it will be difficult if not impossible to calculate the net worth. But if you want to give an estimation, you can calculate 90% of income from all 402 companies with net worths above a billion dollars and add it up with 70% of income from all 551 companies with net worths below a billion dollars."

"Those are the companies and firms we hold shares in and don't forget to add up our investments, assets and bonds we hold with the government."

Miles couldn't believe his ears! Basically his mother was just saying it was useless to ask the net worth of the Kenter empire. Their wealth was literally unlimited.

Miles looked up at Bertram and Bertram only smiled and bowed deeply.

A few men in black suits holding briefcases, emerged into the underground. Miles's mother quickly attended to them and he could see her signing some papers.

It must be the handover of the empire to him! Miles thought. He couldn't believe how things had escalated.

When Miles's mother was done with the men, they left and she returned her attention to her son. She presented the surgical table and everything that was illuminated by the bright white lights.

"We the Kenters, your father and I were working on the most historic financial breakthrough before we were met with the accident and everything fell apart."

"Many of our rival empires were envious of the progress we were making and I strongly believe that one of our rival empires were responsible for the car accident."

"They didn't want the Kenters to own the Business System."

Miles furrowed his brows. "Business System? What is that?"

His mother smiled and continued. "That was what your father and I was working on. But after the fall of our empire, Bertram had no choice than to shut down the project."

Bertram bowed deeply with great honor.

"The Business System is a construction that will attach itself to a host and provide him/her with the best and logical business ideas, making whoever the host is an unbeatable business man or woman."

Wow! Miles thought.

"When I finally woke up from the coma, I ordered Bertram to relaunch the projects and now it is almost complete. But I can't wait, Miles."

Miles's heart started to race. He hoped that she didn't want him to be the host for whatever this Business System is.

"I want you to be the host, Miles."


Miles started to shake his head, but his mother was persistent. When Miles started to see tears form in her eyes again, he remained quiet.

What does she mean by host to a Business System?! In two hours, he had become Young Master, Young Lord, A Mother's Child, Heir to the Kenter Empire and now he's also about to be come the host to the Business System?!

"Do this for me, Miles. For our empire, for your father and for my husband."

Miles didn't know what to do, he only nodded and his nod was a sign to the men around him. The bowed and carefully walked to Miles.

Miles was lifted off the wheelchair and was placed on the surgical table He could see the bright white disk of life almost blinding him. He could also see the robotic arms hovering above about to get to work.

Miles's mother leaned on him and hugged her son and the both of them shared an emotional moment. She gave him soothing words and assured him he will walk again.

Miles only nodded and didn't want her to stop stroking his hair. He had longed for a mother and he finally found his.

Miles's mother gave a nod and then the staff in white hovered over Miles. They politely asked him to roll over and lie face first. Miles did as he was told.

Suddenly, he was injected with a syringe.

Miles expected something to happen, but nothing did. Finally, he realized the injection was to help make him feel no pain because the next thing he knew, the robotic arms were tampering with the back of his neck.

Miles felt sleepy during the procedure and dozed off.

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